What are the requirements for my mother to obtain a tourist visa to Thailand from the UK?

January 2, 2022
3 years ago
Espanola *******
My mother is coming to Thailand from the UK, what does she need to do to get a tourist visa? She will applying now for the first time.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To obtain a tourist visa to Thailand, your mother should check if she qualifies for visa exemption depending on her stay duration. If she stays for 30 days or less, she might enter visa-exempt with a qualifying passport. For longer stays, she needs to apply for an e-visa. Necessary documents include a passport, photographs, hotel confirmation, proof of health insurance with COVID-19 coverage, health declaration, and travel arrangements. Vaccination may affect quarantine duration but is required for certain entry conditions.
Brian ********
* Passport.

* Photographs. ...

* Hotel Confirmation. ...quarantine reservation/invitation

* Proof of Health Insurance. ...with covid cover

* Health Declaration. ...vaccination certificate

* Proof of Travel Arrangements.Flight confirmation
Ivan ***********
@Robert *********
I will ask your daughter for permission.
Robert **********
@Ivan **********
bro if you only knew
Espanola *******
the idiot you seriously need to go away, I’m sick in hospital with cancer, my mother needs to come here urgently, no one needs to hear your bullshit, go away and harass someone else, you’re a parasite and a complete moron!
Ivan ***********
@Espanola ******
Espanola *******
@Ivan **********
stay in Colombia and I’ll make some calls you idiot
Ivan ***********
@Espanola ******
🀠 😘
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
I'm not in a hurry to be back in Thailand. It's not a life when you need a Covid nonsense test just to eat in the restaurant. Colombia now, Mexico later. I have my own condo in Thailand, my own massage shop, but even if it's too beautiful, there is no life there now.
David *******
@Ivan **********
-My 2 cents:I’ve been here 3 weeks and am having a wonderful time.Except for mask requirements and temp checks it’s if the Pandemic is not existent.
David *******
Ivan ***********
@David ******
Like I don't know how it is. Last 12 year's spent in Thailand.
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
well you don’t need to be giving out negative advice and your options on vaccines just because your not coming
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
I'm giving only positive advice. Your advice about talking vaccine you can you know what.
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
positive advice πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it’s your opinion on been vaccinated 0 to do with entering Thailand like the op asked you just came on to push the anti vaccine opinion nobody gives a fuxk πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
Espanola *******
@Ivan **********
no one wants you here
Espanola *******
@Brian *******
thank you, much prefer your valuable answers than that idiot Ivan
Kev **********
@Espanola ******
I think he’s been drinking πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
Cheers! Unvaccinated welcome 🀠🍻
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
exactly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ stay of the sauce .

And don’t worry ther will still be plenty of lady boys here in 2027 when you can come without quarantine πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
At least I won't be on the right side, you will be on the right side πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
no vaccine in me
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
With that mask on, nothing good for you as well.
Kev **********
Ime not wearing a mask 😷 I just have an ugly face πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
Ivan ***********
@Panama ******
Probably soon.
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
probably not
Ivan ***********
@Espanola ******

The UK government admits that the vaccines damaged the natural immune system of the double vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that after a double vaccination one will never again be able to acquire complete natural immunity to variants of Covid - or possibly any other virus. So let's watch the "real" pandemic begin now! In its Week 42 COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report, the UK Health Authority admits on page 23 that "N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of vaccine". It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is basically permanent. What does that mean? We know that the vaccines do not prevent the infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now infected much more often than unvaccinated ones). The British are now finding that the vaccine affects the body's ability to make antibodies not only against the spike protein, but also against other parts of the virus after infection. In particular, vaccinated people do not seem to produce antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people. In the long term, those vaccinated are far more susceptible to possible mutations in the spike protein, even if they have already been infected and have been cured once or several times. Unvaccinated people, on the other hand, will gain permanent, if not permanent, immunity against all strains of the alleged virus after becoming naturally infected with it even once.

Source: https: //assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/

The first insurance companies are backing out because they are facing a huge wave of damage.
Espanola *******
@Ivan **********
ignored you’re pathetic
Ivan ***********
Ivan ***********
@Brian *******
Why vaccination certificate? Because you did it?
Kev **********
@Ivan **********
Thais are afraid of Covid like leprosy πŸ˜‚.

Vaccination definitely helps entry application come back quicker and you spend less time in quarantine πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ simple as that nobody forced anyone to have it governments just make life more difficult if u haven’t
Kool *******
@Ivan **********
having your vaccination certificate, or not, determines how long you stay in quarantine.
Ivan ***********
@Kool ******
I would stay 30 day's in quarantine just not getting vaccinated. The point was - do not advertising the poison!
Robert **********
@Ivan **********
you need to not come here
Kool *******
Ivan ***********
@Kool ******
You are the lady on the right side
Kool *******
Ivan ***********
Kool *******
@Ivan **********
natural selection is in the process of eliminating idiots like you.
Ivan ***********
Espanola *******
@Ivan **********
this is a serious question for intelligent people so butt out and stop bullying people with your unwarranted and unwanted pathetic anti vaccine answers
Kool *******
@Ivan **********
does your mommy know you are on the computer when you should be sleeping?
Ivan ***********
Kool *******
@Ivan **********
I am done with your idiocy
Ivan ***********
@Kool ******
How many?
Jordi ********
@Ivan **********
found a picture of you online mate
Ivan ***********
Jordi ********
you know a lot of people get influenza shots every year right? This will be something like that yes. But feel free to live your life the way you want it.
Brian ********
@Ivan **********
I put everything in and no doubt they will ask for more information
Ivan ***********
@Brian *******
Don't skip the main thing - vaccination. Don't push the other people to get into the same hole as you.
Lisa ********************
30 days visa exempt can be extended for 30 days more 1900bt, at any immigration office. Then she will only need flight, Phuket Sandbox Hotel & tests booked ( presuming she's vaccinated)or ASQ in BK, covid insurance cover for the duration of her stay or visa, Thailand pass, and pre flight negative test within 48 or 72 hours depending on airline. Further announcements 4th January

Nick *******
Depends how long she is going for. If only 30 days or less and has a qualifying passport, she will be stamped in visa exempt. If longer than 30 days then apply online for an evisa.
Chris ***********
Nikita ********
@Chris **********
any countries can apply for e-visa? Never heard about it in Russia
Brandon ************
She needs to go to the London embassy website and follow the instructions there.
Chris ***********
Evisa online
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