March 21, 2022
2 years ago
This question is being ask by a member wishing to post anonymously.
I just got my non-b visa with the school I am currently employed with. It is valid until 30 May, and they have started the process to apply for my work permit. I also got my re-entry permit because I am visiting home for the month of April. However, I want to relocate within Thailand and change schools/employers soon. Should I wait until I have my work permit? Or should I resign as soon as possible. Will they be able to cancel my non-b visa if I do quit? Or should I first find a new employer before quitting my current job?
TLDR : Answer Summary
A member is questioning whether to wait for their work permit before resigning from their current teaching position in Thailand. They have recently obtained a NON-B visa valid until May 30 and are in the process of securing a work permit. They also hold a re-entry permit for travel in April. Comments suggest that if they resign while still on the visa sticker, it remains valid for up to 90 days, but employment-related extensions and work permits may be canceled upon resigning.