Should I let my non-B visa and work permit expire or cancel them before leaving Thailand?

June 8, 2023
a year ago
AliJames *****

I used to work for a BOI company in 2019 and they issued me with a work permit and a non-b visa lasting until 2023. The company folded 2 years ago and was "shelved". They said I could still use my visa. My visa will expire in September and am wondering if I should just let the visa and work permit "run their course" or is it adviseable to cancel them. I have lost contact with my former employer. So this process will be quite challenging. So am hoping if it would be okay to just them expire? Would they flag me or question me about it? I intend to leave the country on the expiry date and get a spousal visa from Laos.

Note: work permit and visa expire the on same day
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is considering whether to let their non-B visa and work permit, which are set to expire in September, simply run out since they have lost contact with their former employer. A comment confirms that the user cannot cancel a visa and suggests it is acceptable to let it expire.
Brandon ************
Just to confirm. The non-B is a visa. Either a full page sticker or stamp that says non-B, and you don't have a stamp that says "extension of stay" in your passport?

If that's the case, you actually cannot cancel a visa so you're fine just letting it run out. It's extensions that must be cancelled.
Brandon ************
@Jin *******
I don't really know the differences just that there's different timelines, different extension durations, and BOI people get extra time to leave after they cancel their extension that regular ones do not get.
AliJames *****
@Brandon ***********
I wasn't so sure so I'll show you. But it actually does say extension of stay.
Brandon ************
@James ****
BOI extensions are a little outside of my area of experience. I know there are some differences between them and regular work permit and extensions. Normally you'd need to cancel the extension. But you need a letter from your company in order to do that. So I'm not really sure what the best course of action is. You may want to join the other Thai Visa Advice group and ask there. They have a lot more specific experience and may be able to advise on this special case.
AliJames *****
@Brandon ***********
surely I can let it run because the work permit has not been cancelled and they both expire on the same day ?
Jeffrey ************
@Brandon ***********
Surely, if he just goes to immigration they will advise him..
Brandon ************
@Jeffrey ***********
I wouldn't want to do that because if he hasn't actually been working then his extension has been invalid since the day he stopped working
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