Is it true that Hua Hin is set to reopen on October 1?

September 13, 2021
3 years ago
Michael **************
Hi all

Is the rumor true Hua Hin to open October 1
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post and comments discuss the rumors surrounding Hua Hin's planned reopening on October 1. Responses reflect a mix of skepticism, with some stating that Hua Hin has not met the necessary conditions or has backed out of the reopening. Various comments point to ongoing uncertainty and differing opinions about what 'open' means—many suggesting it could resemble a 'sandbox' model with restrictions in place. Additionally, there is a general distrust regarding the official communications from the Thai government and its tourism authorities, with participants advising caution until official announcements confirm the situation.
Janin ******
Rumour … can be, can be not ……
Steve **********
Pending, but doubtful.
Ian *********
As reported in BKK Post, yes. 5 Provinces including BKK to ‘open’ in October and November. I’ve also had that from an official contact. However, it remains to be seen what the definition of ‘open’ is. Perhaps a sandbox model with restrictions. Who knows?
Steve **********
@Ian ********
There is no ' official contact ' in a pandemic. Everything changes daily.
Ian *********
@Steve *********
then let me rephrase. A contact from a government department who is close to current announcements and plans. But yes, of course there are changes. That’s the current environment. Reactive
Steve **********
@Ian ********
"A nameless contact from a govt contact, who is close to ..."

Is certainly not an " official contact ".
Ian *********
@Steve *********
yeah, whatever. Am just sharing my own level of knowledge with the guy who asked for our take on things that’s all. I don’t really need your input on that thanks. If ya can’t help people in life, don’t hinder ‘em. That’s always been my philosophy as a long term expat
Steve **********
I noticed a lot of us long term expats vary in explanations.

'Official ' is a bit more than, heard a guy say '

Share knowledge, not

Stanley ********
Rumour Jesus walked in on water, Noah Ark, resurrected zombie rabbi. . rumour don't equal jack
Danger ******
I think rumors are always true;-)
Jeffrey *******
Lockdowns in the US did not work. It destroyed the economy and peoples livelihood.
Production **********
@Jeffrey ******
my business lost all its employees to Netflix bingeing and the universal basic incom- sorry I mean emergency unemployment benefits.
Michael **************
@Jeffrey ******
I would like to tell you you are right but people made more money staying home than working.

Unemployment 430$ federal chip in 600$

total weekly 1030$.

Would you go to work
Bal *********
Jay ********
Read open this november
Steve **********
@Jay *******
of 2022, or 3
Jay ********
Steve **********
@Jay *******
not a shot.

That's at the start of booster vaccines.

Whole new game
Matthew *******
Maybe but what year
Edd ********
If so.

Bye, bye Hua Hin.
David *********
Hua Hin Opens 1 st October , ZERO DOUBT , now will it be a big deal ? No ..

But were we ever closed ? No .

We open in similar form to Phuket , spoke to two guys who arrived here on Sandbox , now in Hua Hin .

So yep , without doubt we are open 1 st October , and not before time .

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , every business that can be saved must be ..

And it's certainly time ..

Again , we were never closed anyhow .
Cambodia **************
Peter *********
Yes October 2025 😆
Channel **********
Rumours are what they are ”Rumours”
Albert ********
I would stay away til the new year.
Steve **********
@Albert *******
That was advice I gave last year, am rerunning the tape.....sadly
Channel **********
@Albert *******
Unless you can afford to come now

Not everyone is poor and has no money 🤣
Andy ******
@Albert *******
more like 2024
Duncan *******
TAT is the clown show of Thailand. If the government was serious about fake news, they'd arrest the whole of TAT. Outright lies.
Peter *******
@Duncan ******
appropriate place for Clowns is in a Circus,we benefit every day watching from our front row seats for FREE,LOL,

that’s normal to LOL when your enjoying a Circus which runs
Garrett ***********
If that's not the truth then nothing is
Gopal *******
Thanks for the info.
Kent ***********
Open last time I checked
Bruce *****
That’s the official line
Bim *******
Believe nothing until officially denied. Welcome to Thailand
Vincent ********
Bob **********
You did say rumor 😎😎😎
Vasco ***********
Duncan *******
@Elisa ****************
TAT says Chiang Mai will fully reopen on Oct. 1 as well. Putting aside that CM was never meant to fully reopen anyway versus a limited program called Charming Chiang Mai, it's reliant on 70% fully vaccinated. It's not going to happen.
Henning *********
Hia Hin was never closed
Daniel ********

The live updates and info in the whatssup group:

David **********
I believe they have backed out
Darren *******
Pretty sure Hua Hin has already said they won't meet the conditions.
Brian ********
So they say maybe
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