Is it risky to re-enter Thailand on a tourist visa after traveling to Malaysia?

March 14, 2020
5 years ago
Tim ****
Hi guys!

I hope you can help me out.

I'm right now on a tourist visa which will expire on the 8th of April.

I'm a German passport holder (but haven't been in Germany since the breakout of the Corona virus) and am planning to go to Malaysia on the 23rd of March to apply for another tourist visa.

I'm aware that my old tourist visa is still valid until the 8th of April but right now, especially because of the Corona virus, I want to leave as soon as possible before they have some new restrictions and complete deny Germans.

On the 29th of March I'm planning to fly from Malaysia to Surat Thani.

So my question is if it's possible that they don't let me in anymore?

Would you recommend me to risk it or to just do a border run by bus?

Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate any advices! :)
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The poster, a German citizen on a tourist visa expiring April 8th, is concerned about returning to Thailand via Malaysia due to possible restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are unsure if they should proceed with applying for a new tourist visa and if there is a risk of being denied entry back into Thailand.
James ********
How many Thailand Tourist Visa's are in your passport for 2019+20 ?

Where did you get each of them?
Tim ****
@James *******
I got one tourist visa in 2019 from Germany and one in 2020 from Germany as well. But I also have some visa one arrival from 2018 and 2019. I'm basically here since April 2018 and spent 6 month of it in Germany.
Robert *******
it is all possible, what is your visa question?
Tim ****
@Robert ******
If it is possible to get a second tourist visa right after the first one expired and if it is better to maybe just do a border run by bus because of the whole situation right now.
Benjamin ******
>'m aware that my old tourist visa is still valid until the 8th of April

Assuming you have a single entry tourist visa, it is no longer valid. It is used when you entered Thailand.

>So my question is if it's possible that they don't let me in anymore?

Maybe, my crystal ball isn't working. Things are changing every day about visa exempts and nations.

>and am planning to go to Malaysia on the 23rd of March to apply for another tourist visa.

What's your prior history, and how long are you going to stay here? It is getting difficult to get back-to-back tourist visas regardless of nationality.
Benjamin ******
I'll be surprised if you can get another single entry tourist visa with your history in Malaysia. You can try though.

If you are rejected, you can still enter Thailand on a 30 day visa exampt by land, extendable by another 30 days at immigration. You can get two of these visa exampt in a calendar year.

My advice - make a plan B and don't expect to be able to stay until July. We have no idea what will happen with the COVID-19 virus.
Tim ****
@Benjamin *****
I know that my tourist visa won't be available anymore as soon as I leave Thailand, that's why I want to apply for a second one in Malaysia.

I want to stay until July before I keep moving. I'm here since April 2018 but have been in Germany for about 6 month in that time. I got a tourist visa in 2019 and one this year.
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