What are the best options for extending my stay in Thailand after a tourist visa?

March 31, 2023
a year ago
Mo ******
Need some advice please.

I stayed in Thailand for just over 6 months from the end January to the start of August last year with a couple of COVID extensions. I arrived back in Thailand this year in January on a 60 day tourist visa and I've already extended it once.

I want to spend another 3 months in Thailand after my tourist visa expires. I'm thinking of spending a week in Kuala Lumpur to get another 60 day tourist visa I can extend. However, I think I might get denied entry for spending too much time on a tourist visa in Thailand when I return.

My other option is to do a border run and enter on a visa exempt but that will only get me two months now that the 45 day visa exempt going away. I think this is less risky though.

When I entered Thailand last time I was only asked a few questions and let in pretty easy. They mentioned I stayed in Thailand a little long last time but I said I've come to see my girlfriend, which is true, and they just said okay.

What do you guys recommend I do?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user has previously spent over 6 months in Thailand and is currently on a 60-day tourist visa, which they want to extend. They are considering going to Kuala Lumpur to obtain another tourist visa or doing a border run. However, they are concerned about the risk of being denied entry into Thailand due to their extended stay on a tourist visa. Community suggestions include using an experienced border run agency, purchasing VIP guaranteed entry services, or obtaining a tourist visa from a more relaxed border crossing, along with being prepared with a local guarantor.
Nigel *********
Get yourself a tourist visa and the 3proofzz. When applying for the visa have your gf down as guarantor. Have her phone number to hand as you re enter.
Steve *******
Cant guarantee entry but I'd get a tourist visa at Savannakhet or Vientiane, they're pretty relaxed crossings.
Bob **********
It’s all up to the IO you get but I think I would buy a TV rather than enter with a free stamp
Brandon ************
Either do a border run with an experienced border run agency, or go do your visa run but purchase VIP guaranteed entry services from an agent to make sure you don't have any issues at the airport.
Mo ******
@Brandon ***********
can you recommend an agent for the VIP service and how much would it normally cost?
Brandon ************
@Mo *****
I think it's generally 3-5,000₿ but it will depend on your history. You have to give them your entire history in Thailand before they can give you a price because they need to know how "difficult" your situation is and how much grease is required.

The only one I know if is the owner of this group
@Thai *****************************
but I'm sure there are others.
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