Is it risky to re-enter Thailand on a multi-entry tourist visa with many stamps in my passport?

October 20, 2019
5 years ago
Bec *********
Seeking some advice with an existing multi entry tourist visa.

I've been in Thailand mostly back to back for two years, (left in April this year for 3 months) and re entered on a multi entry tourist visa which has its validity expiring on November 14.

(However my existing entry stamp is valid until November 27 and I can also extend this with an additional 30 days. I bordered crossed to Mae Sai on September 29).

My passport is an Australian passport and my existing visa was done in my home country after applying at the Thai embassy and passing certain requirements.

I am wanting to go visit some friends in Vietnam for perhaps ten days and re enter on the 13th to take the last leg of my visa. However I'm a little nervous about the possibility of not getting back in due to my passport being pretty much full of Thai stamps. My last year prior to this was some initial tourist visas, then I was on the education visa.

I discussed it yesterday with a friend who's been here for a few years, who was under the opinion that as long as I re enter on my existing visa, have a bank statement proving I have over a certain amount of money, an onwards ticket and return with 20,000 baht in my hand, that there should be no reason for me to be rejected.

I'd also be returning via CMX international, not Bangkok.

Can anyone shed any light if I return with all of these requirements, that there will be risk of rejection? The idea of being rejected makes me nervous and I feel like retreating to doing a typical Mae Sai border run, rather than leaving through an international airport.

(If I was to be rejected at Mae Sai I can still extend my existing visa which would take me through to December, as opposed to being stuck in an airport).

I'm aware that no one can give me an actual definitive answer, but would just appreciate any advice from someone who's more fluent in the Thai immigration law than myself.

Thank you for reading and appreciate your input and advice🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user seeks advice on returning to Thailand with a multi-entry tourist visa, expressing concern about potential rejection due to their passport being filled with Thai stamps from previous entries. They plan to visit Vietnam for ten days, re-entering Thailand shortly before their visa expires. Comments suggest that while entry is not guaranteed, meeting the standard requirements such as proof of funds (20,000 baht), an onward ticket, and accommodation booking can help mitigate the risk.
James ********
Further background...2018

Sorry if this has been asked a lot, but wondering where is generally the quickest and cheapest place to border bounce flying from chiang mai. Kop khun kah.. **EDIT: already exceeded my land crossings for the year

Tod *********
EDITED Sorry there were no perils involved. The O/P has not been living here on back-2-back vis exempt or tourist visa entries

Remember having a valid visa to thailand does NOT guarantee that you'll get back in, only that IF they let you in you get stamped in for the number of days the visa allows.

When you stamp in all you can do is hope for the best and have the 3 proof ofz

proof of 20K baht or the equivalent in CASH (not a bank account)

proof of onward travel <- OUT of thailand

proof of a hotel booking or confirmed lodging
James ********
We wish
@Bec ********
good luck ...she knows the living in Thailand scene well.....choose your next steps carefully.

Commenting closed.
Bec *********
@James *******
Everything I own is here in Thailand, so not getting in would be extremely stressful.
Tod *********
@Bec ********
CMX has the lowest denial of entry rate of all the international airports :O We hardly ever hear reports of people getting denied entry at that airport.

Be prepared, hope for the best ;
Bec *********
I would definitely have on my the 20k, onward flight, and I could make a booking for accommodation. Within having this, is there really any valid reason for me to be rejected, or it's purely at the peril of the officer?
Bec *********
@Tod ********
My last year has been on education visa, then re entry this year on the multi entry visa. Do you have much idea if the rejection rate at CMX is high right now? I know there was issues down at Bangkok but I've not ready heard too much about it in the last few months.
Robert *******
Advice based on the rest of your long post: Be prepared with the 3 well known proofs and keep your fingers crossed. The decision is made by the Immigration Officer and you know you have a long history.
Bec *********
@Tod ********
If I was to tell them that I am learning certain skills from Thai people and was in a relationship with a Thai person, would it be a fair enough reason to be staying for a long time? As long as I have the cash and a bank statement, to move I am not working here, it's really just purely based on the person at the counter. Unfortunately it's a nerving conversation without much clarity. Just wondering if there was any solid information about existing rejection rates, I seemed to be feeling as though those issues were passing..?
Bec *********
@Robert ******
Is there anything else that I should be bringing? I've heard before that a proof of stay somewhere? I currently rent a house on a month by month basis, but would I be better off booking a guesthouse for a few days?
Randy **********
There is no law regarding this issue, thats why it's a how longs a piece of string answer. Suck and see, but you should be OK on a METV
Randy **********
@Bec ********
there is no law regarding how many times you can enter on a tourist visa. There is a law about the maximum of 2 land crossings on visa exemption per calender year though.
Bec *********
@Henry **********
Oh, there is no law? I would have thought if I'm passing the requirements that there is some clarity, however I also know that it can just be up to the officer on the day.
Robert *******
I keep it short. You will not get denied entry at Mea Sai. They do not let you leave if you can not come back.
Bec *********
That's why I am reluctant to travel to Vietnam but I'm seeking advice based on the additional information in my post. However yes I'm aware that they won't let me leave at Mae Sai. If you re read the post it may provide additional clarity on my situation 🙂
Bec *********
I'm aware of that, but I also don't want to be limited in my life and travels based on fear.
Randy **********
@Robert ******
I think he's talking about the Vietnam return trip
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