Is an onward flight necessary for entry into Thailand?

Oct 5, 2024
12 days ago
Lara *******
Is an onward flight needed to enter Thailand?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
To enter Thailand, having an onward flight is technically required for tourists, especially when traveling on a tourist visa or visa exemption. In practice, many travelers report mixed experiences: some airlines may check for proof of onward travel at check-in, while immigration may or may not ask for it upon entry. It is advisable to have a ticket booked, as not having one could lead to denial of boarding by the airline, despite immigration officials often being lenient. In certain cases, proof of land travel to neighboring countries is acceptable. Thus, while it's not always enforced strictly, securing an onward ticket can provide peace of mind and prevent complications.
Clay *********
Just arrived in Thailand yesterday. Qatar girl asked me for my return ticket and I told her i was traveling one way and didn’t want a return ticket. She said it is alright and that was that.
Felipe *******
I wasn't asked
Jim ********
I’ve never ever been asked to show onward travel however the airline can ask at check in. I guess I’ve been lucky over the last 15 years
Mick ********
Usually more issues with the airline not immigration I flew KLM on a 90 non o visa with no issues and no onward ticket

Unfortunately there is not a right or wrong answer
Alan **********
My mate comes in on 1 way tickets all the time , never a problem.

They sometimes ask for proof of money 💰 to stay .

An open ticket these days can cost as much as buying a new ticket to change dates, and as my mate doesn't know when he will return he buys a single in and a single out .
Andrew *******
@Alan *********
I've also done that for many years ...recently was asked for proof of onward flight by vietjet from hcmc into Thailand tho . Annoying when it happens . Now I just book ticket quickly online if asked at check in
Anthony ******************
I have never had to show a onward flight.
Kevin **********
Ed ********
Airline will probably want to see an outward flight.
SJ *******
Malcolm *******
James ********
Just makes it easier.
Ian *****
Most airlines want to see or you won't get on the plane. Or immigration may also ask your plans to leave again $10 buys a onward ticket reservation
Ar *******
Flew from Scotland with Qatar, I had flexible return ticket initially for 6 months , the agent said she sees I have a return ticket booked but what were my plans as it’s 6 months away . I had booked a cheap flight to Cambodia after reading advice on here. I might still have got away with it but not entirely sure. At Bkk I was asked by immigration officer what my plans were in Thailand . I told her that travel in Thailand and to Cambodia and other Asian countries. Never asked for onward ticket but it was nerve wracking as the people I travelled with all had return tickets within 3 to 4 weeks and sailed through . This is my first time in 5 years coming back to Thailand. My flight landed early hours on a Sunday and although immigration busy it flowed ok. The main concern I think is the airline
Chris *********************
@Ar ******
yes airline
Chris *********************
Just buy cheap disposable onward ticket.

Google onward ticket.

Better safe than sorry.
Brian *********
Always had it when entering on a stamp but never asked.

Don’t play, departing airline can refuse you boarding.
Lara *******
Thanks everyone ☺️
Don **********
I was asked for one.
Dieter *******
Book for US$ 14 on

Then you have one
Leslie *******
Depends on officer and your country travel history. Better have it
Mike *******
Yes, no, it depends … on what type of visa (or exemption) you are entering by.
Bart **************
As a tourist, yes.
Dale *******
Read the rules on entry
Derek ***********
Not needed but it's good to have
Marky *******
Been 15 times over last ten years never got asked once. 4 times in the last 18 months
Billy ******
@Marky ******
I got asked by Emirates and by Thai Immigration last year year, and my friends got asked by Qatar. On my too many to count travels into Thailand, I’ve been asked 3 times, it’s hit or miss.
Marky *******
@Billy *****
I'm glad u said that.. I'll be sure to have onwards travel ticket next time.. but in the past I had no clue as to how long I was staying.. too many variables
Billy ******
@Marky ******
I’m back next month and have purchased a ticket to travel out within 60 days (which I won’t use) from Don Muang to KL, it cost me 1100 THB, or in the past I’ve used to buy a dummy ticket for around 500THB.
Jo **********
@Marky ******
same here
Javier ***********
Thai authorities formally require tourists to have a return or onward ticket from Thailand in order to enter the country by air. Although proof of this ticket is not usually requested at the immigration control of entry to Thailand, it is recommended that you comply with this requirement in any case.

Not as strict as in Malaysia, for example, where a return or onward ticket is a must. All airlines bound for Malaysia will request this requirement when checking in. No return or onward ticket you will be denied check in.
Maksym ***********
@Javier **********
and no. We boarded on flight to Malaysia without onward ticket.
Javier ***********
@Maksym **********
In February I was denied check in to KUL from BCN with Qatar Airways for not having outbound ticket from KUL . I purchased a ticket KUL - SIN on the spot and they allowed me to checked in with no worries. Qatar said this was a requirement from Malaysian authorities.
Andrew *******
Scooter *****
Just say you are doing a land border crossing and going to Cambodia
Billy ******
@Scooter ****
it’s called POOT, Proof Of Onward Travel, the key word is Proof, they won’t simply accept your word.
Scooter *****
@Billy *****
that’s proof
Billy ******
@Scooter ****
your word is not proof to anyone but yourself 🙄
Scooter *****
@Billy *****
I have done it at the check out counter in Australia ?
Billy ******
@Scooter ****
as pointed out by many on this forum, it’s hit or miss whether the airline or immigration ask, but if they do you have to purchase POOT on the spot, if you don’t have evidence, before either gaining entrance aboard a flight or through customs, is happened to thousands of people, I have probably only been asked 10% of the times I’ve traveled to Thailand
Scooter *****
@Billy *****
immigration has never asked. ?????? You are a sheep and that is your life, poot get used to it I feel for you. It’s not the airlines business and I will never let them control my travelers you go to good thing bahhh bahhhh
Billy ******
Scooter *****
@Billy *****
can’t argue so send an insult well done Billy you will go far bud
Billy ******
@Scooter ****
the moderators and other contributors on this forum give reasoned and knowledgeable advice, then the occasional one turns up, gives opposite advice from the moderators which confuses genuine questions , you appear to be one of those people.
Andrew *****
Lee *********
No and if it did come down to them telling you that you must have one then you just have to book one and show them and pay the boss some money so he can fulfil his destiny of getting free money from tourist. He will be happy and you’ll be allowed in. That’s the worst so don’t worry about it.
Bennito *********
Scott *********
You do not need a flight to exit thailand as you can exit via land to it's neighbouring countries. Just tell them you are going to cambodia, laos, or Malaysia by vehicle.
Chris *********************
@Scott ********
done wash with some airlines, they want to see proof.
David ********
@Chris ********************
so you purchase a one way ticket online or wherever. Then you go to the airport and they ask you for your onward ticket. That's bizarre where are you from Russia ?
Chris *********************
@David *******
do some research, if you don't have a onward ticket leaving Thailand in the time permitted, whether it be visa exempt, or visa. You could be stopped boarding by your airline, so if you don't have a return ticket, a simple onward disposable cheap ticket will do,some people get asked some don't depend on your airline.
David ********
@Chris ********************
just sounds strange to me l always buy a one way never been questioned in 20 years but l have lived here the last five things have probably changed as they do over time 👍
Chris *********************
@David *******
iv been here 14 mate but when I travel back to uk for a couple of months as I will be next month, when I come back even with a visa I always but a cheap £10 disposable onward flight.

Iv been asked twice in the last few years ,emirate airlines. for a tenner not worth the hassle.
Craig **********
@Chris ********************
a 10 pound ticket to were ...
Maksym ***********
@David *******
that rule was always. But not all airlines or stuff check onward tickets.
Andrew *******
Maksym Koretski. true
Jan ******************
@David *******
It’s still a formal requirement, unless you’re on a Non Immigrant visa or extension of stay. (Ministry of foreign affairs official cite).
Chris *********************
@Jan *****************
I have a Non o visa but still opt for a onward ticket cheap as chips and peace of mind
Jan ******************
@Chris ********************
Ok, I understand but it shouldn’t be required if the staff knew the formal requirements. But I know people have to demand to see a supervisor to solve this with the airline.
Chris *********************
@Jan *****************
but the airline is required to fly you back to you country of departure, if imagration refused you entry based on not having proof of leaving Thailand within you permitted stay.
Jan ******************
@Chris ********************
Yes but Non Immigrant visas are excused from onward ticket requirements. Only applies to short-term stays on tourist solutions.
Chris *********************
@Jan *****************
yes with imagration, but it's up to your airline if you have not got a return flight, within you alocated visa term,I get non o visa based on marriage,

You know with extension leaving Thailand and returning obtaining another visa elsewhere or doing the 12 months extension, you can't prove to the airline when you coming back, all I was saying is for a tenner a onward ticket, solves the problem and hassle if you get it,
David ********
@Scott ********
you right it's not a requirement. Airlines sell one way tickets if you had ti have a return flight they would stop the one way. You get a visa to stay in the country you need to leave prior to that visa ending or get an extension that's the immagration policy. If you are a tourist you are free to come and go as you please hoe and when you please.
Jan ******************
@Scott ********
Formal requirements from Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still an air ticket.
Maksym ***********
@Jan *****************
no. Thai embassy in Warsaw for example wrote that it can be any paid ticket. Bus, train, boat. but still paid, not promise 😅
Jan ******************
@Maksym **********
I know same at the website to the Thai Embassy in London and Oslo it’s stated that an air, train, bus or boat ticket out within 60 days is sufficient. However the formal requirements from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Thai immigration is “an air ticket paid in full”. Based on feedbacks we know that some are allowed boarding with a bus ticket without any issues, some are allowed boarding after some discussion but some also have been denied as the airline required an air ticket.
Lee *********
@Scott ********
yea exactly the worst that can happen is you have to book a flight in front of them
Graham ******
@Lee ********
good luck with getting a connection and finding a "cheap" flight while you hold the queue up
Lee *********
@Graham *****
you won’t be in the que you’ll be past immigration by the office to the right..
Graham ******
@Scott ********
and what happens if they ask for a flight ticket as proof as many airlines will?
Scott *********
@Graham *****
tell them you are leaving by land
Scott *********
It's not rocket science
Brandon ************
@Scott ********
You're right, it's not rocket science. You'll just be sent back home without being able to get on your flight since you didn't provide them with the REQUIRED proof of a ticket out of Thailand.
Andrew *******
@Brandon ***********
stupid regulation in the first place ...many just buy the cheap $12 throwaway flight tickets ..
Scott *********
@Brandon ***********
do what you want mate. Im just telling you the answer. When you enter thailand via a land border do you need to show them an airfare to exit? NO! wake up and smell the roses. Don't be so negative.
Nigel *********
@Scott ********
need to correct you there Scot, some land borders (Ranong for example) will want to see all 3 proof ofs. It's the way it is.
Brandon ************
@Scott ********
trying to protect people and giving them the best advice is not negative
Daisy *****
It's very hit and miss - I've been asked several times for my outbound flight at passport control. Other times, they stamp you right in. I'd personally have an outbound flight booked within the required time frame, even if it's a cheap flight to somewhere nearby like Vietnam. Nothing is guaranteed - but I'd recommend to err on the side of caution.
Brandon ************
If you are traveling as a tourist (tourist visa or visa exempt) then legally you are required to have proof of onward travel within the number of days you will receive upon arrival (60 days). Realistically, immigration only asks for this when they are looking for a reason to deny you entry, so it's very rare.

But it's very common for your airline to ask you for this, and if they ask you cannot provide it, they will not let you board your flight. You will need to contact your airline and ask them about their policy.
Andrew *******
@Brandon ***********
some airlines ask others don't ...even the ones that normally ask sometimes don't...
Graham ******
@Andrew ******
so why risk it for the sake of about $15?
Andrew *******
@Graham *****
if I'm asked I just book a ticket at the check in counter 9 out of ten times never asked
Boran *****
@Brandon ***********
Very much this but sone airlines on embarkation will deny boarding but it is u usual. Garuda is an example that denies boarding.
Dominique *********
@Brandon ***********
Bonjour à Vous. This is something that I find absurd, this round trip ticket from Thailand within two months, while it offers a visa extension for an additional month upon emigration, finally!!! The good Tourist always pays for the bad Tourist.
Ruth *******
Phil ******
Usually required for the airline to board
Marc ********
Rob *******
It is possible to enter without one.

It is possible to get refused boarding without one.
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