How can I renew my Non O retirement visa in Thailand, and do I need insurance?

September 2, 2021
3 years ago
Richard ***********
Hi, has anyone recently renewed there Non O, retirement visa. I am looking to use the LMG insurance as its cheap, has anyone else used them?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquires about renewing their Non-O retirement visa and using LMG insurance, seeking feedback from others who have done the same. Comments clarify that while insurance is not required for a Non-O visa renewal, it is advisable to have it, especially if holding a Non-OA visa.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Richard ***********
many thanks
Terry ********
@Richard **********
You dont need it.
Tod *********
If you're really on an O-A visa entry (because an O visa doesn't require the insurance) you could use the LMG 200K baht deductible policy to meet the proof of 40k/400k out/in-patient health insurance.
Christian **********
@Tod ********
Age limit?
Andy ********
@Christian *********
up to 100 years old.
Tod *********
@Andy *******
you have to get the policy BEFORE you're 75 I believe, then you can continue to renew it until you're 100 😉
Frédéric ******************
@Tod ********
If there is a deductible, how does it comply with the 400k minimum requirement?
Tod *********
@Frédéric ****************
you pay the first 7000 USD (200K baht) of any claim, it totally meets the requirements.
Frédéric ******************
@Tod ********
The immigration requirement is that the insurance shall pay up to 400,000 bahts (to avoid unpaid hospital bills was the aim of the law). If you pay 200,000 from your pocket, the insurance will cover only 200,000 which is below the requirement, wouldn't it?
Tod *********
@Frédéric ****************
, nope, totally fine to have that high of a deductible.

There is a HUGE difference between what the policy will cover (40k/400k out/in-patient treatment) and what the deductible ON that policy is. Totally allowable. I know 30-40 people who hold that LMG policy that has a 200K baht deductible and there is no problem showing it as proof of insurance
Frédéric ******************
@Tod ********
I never said that it won't work. I know it does. I am just trying to understand how and why the immigration accepted it. What will happen if you can't afford to pay the first 200,000 of the bill?
Andy ********
@Frédéric ****************
this policy has been developed for the for the O-A (and O-X) visa extension. Don't expect it to be much good when itt comes to covering for hospital expenses. The large excess, the low sum insured and not covering any pre existing conditions means most things won't be covered. The few things that are covered will be to a maximum of 200,000 Baht.
Frédéric ******************
@Andy *******
I was more wondering how the immigration accepted such insurance as the 400k expenses are not fully covered.
Andy ********
@Frédéric ****************
this fits firmly into the This Is Thailand camp. Makes little sense but if you do it this way it works. 😂
Peter *********
Thinking he got visa from UK 🇬🇧 ? So means non OA
Richard ***********
Not Oa as got in thailand
Peter *********
@Richard **********
so you not need insurance to renew ?
Stuart *********
Non O or Non OA? If the former there is no requirement for insurance for extensions. Probably best to have but not required.
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