I have a question concerning Work Permit and Extension of stay Cancelation.
I'm leaving my current school, and after talking to my employer, she's agreed to give me the required documents to cancel both the Visa and Work Permit stating the 9th of May, as my last day of work which is also the date my contract, work permit and visa (Extension of stay) would expire.
On the other hand, my new employer would hire me starting on the 10th of May so it wouldn't affect my current school in anyway and also to avoid overlap or overstay.
Now these are my concerns:
1. My current employer is ready to prepare the documents for the cancelation ASAP, but how soon can I cancel both the work permit and extension of stay - Keeping in mind that the last day of work is May 9th?
For example, can I cancel a month to the last day of work which is May 9th, or something like that?
2. Also, my new employer has started preparing my documents already, thus I'd like to know how soon can I apply for a new work permit and Visa (Extension of Stay) after canceling the current ones.
Thanks for your help. ๐