How can I contact my landlord directly if the agent is blocking communication?

October 20, 2020
4 years ago
Chris *****
I’m nearing the end of my lease and wanting to speak with the landlord directly, however the agent is refusing this. I think she’s just trying to move me for more commission. There’s nothing but his name on the contract and can’t find him via social media. Is there anyway around this?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A tenant is seeking to communicate directly with their landlord regarding the end of their lease but is facing resistance from the real estate agent, who seems to be prioritizing her commission. The conversation reveals that the tenant has a right to contact the landlord unless explicitly restricted by the rental contract. Various suggestions include asking the Juristic Officer for the landlord's contact details, considering the legal aspects of the rental agreement, and recognizing that the agent's role may complicate direct communication.
Addy ***********
Look around for other deals thousand apartment s and houses for very low prices now because total resorts empty but understand that agents do a job and the have costs and make adverts not think the make a fortune now.
Terary **********
Could set the place on fire see who complains the loudest.
Chris *****
Viewing 3 units at the price I want in the same building. Landlord will be losing out here, not me. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Jane ***********
Landlords (I'm one) often have agreements with agents that prohibit that. Also, the landlord may not want direct contact with tenant, which is why they are using an agent in the first place.
Steven ***************
@Jane **********
. Personally, I would refuse to sign a legally binding rental contract, and pay money to , a person who refuses to at least give me their contact details. But hey.. that's just me..
Jane ***********
@Steven **************
Well you have their name (and often their address too). But I can see your point of view. However, as a landlord, I employ an agent specifically because I don’t want tenants contacting me, so giving them your details kinda defeats the purpose.
David *********
You can reach out to the owner. If you were my tenant and you bypassed my agent I would tell you to vacate by the end of the lease term if you didn't want to deal with the agent.

Be prepared for backlash.
Chris *****
@David ********
lol. Yes as all agents have the clients best interests at heart in an ideal world. Truth is they don’t. They want to move you on to earn more comm’s.
David *********
@Chris ****
and maybe the owner doesn't want to talk or deal with clients. Hence why they hired an agent.
Chris *****
@David ********
he needed an agent, it’s difficult to organise tenancy when you live in another country. The point is I’m paying the most for the size of unit in the building. Ones listed now are 25% less. I’m happy to stay on but he needs to align with the current prices. If not I move to another floor and he’s left with an empty condo for 1 year+ like the rest of them. If he’s not willing to have a brief conversation with a good tenant that’s caused no issues then it’s him to suffer more than me.
PK ********
Are you renting condo? Basically, agent will get one month commission if tenant signs up for one year lease. After one year lease, if tenant wants to renew the lease, agent will only get half month commission. Therefore, some agent will find the new place for tenant in the same place to get more commission.
Steve **********
Get a copy of your "landlord's" house book and ID card with signature. You probably don't have a valid contract if this can't be supplied.
Steve **********
Paul ********
Go Land Office pay small money
Pensom ******
It’s more likely that she is just doing her job. The landlord pays her commission and this includes her role as intermediary between landlord and tenant so that the landlord doesn’t have to deal with tenants directly. However, you may request a meeting with the landlord if you feel the need to, tho the landlord may decline. Usually the agent will try to convince you to sign the contact through her so she can get a commission. If you go to the landlord directly, the agent won’t get paid. Some landlords might also like to deal directly with their tenants as it means they don’t have to pay agents and can save money.
Jane ***********
I guess it depends on the country but in the UK you're not able to sign a new contract directly with the tenant once you've engaged an agent. You'd have to find a new tenant yourself.
Steve *******
The jurisdic office always has the owners contact info, if the owner is in Thailand.
Don *********
Do note that depending on the agreement between the landlord and the agent, the landlord might not be able to help you. Again, this depends on their agreement. For example, if I am an agent I would have made a contract that prohibits the landlord from being in contact or dealing with the tenants that I found for them directly otherwise it defeats the purpose of having agents.

However, if the agreement between them was just for the agent to find the tenant and then transfer all the responsibility over to the landlord once the client agreed to rent then it's a bit of a wonder why you do not have the landlord's contact details.

In any case, if you'd like to get in touch with the landlord, try the juristic person first. They usually have the contact details.
Chris *******
If you used agent to find the room.. and you are happy about the service ...

Would be fair to deal with him ..

Really not fair to try to contact the landlord. .

Also, again .. if agent doing a good job ...

It's a warranty for you to continue to use his services ..

And if landlord also respect the work of his agent ..

He should never contact you or let him deal with you directly ..

Real estate agent get commission for the work they are doing .. and his duty is to follow up his clients and protect you
Steve **********
In Thailand today..just say your'e moving. Quote the legal article re: security deposit return. ...The owner will be their next day begging you to stay with a reduction in your rent.,
Patrick ************
The landlord hire a agent to not got headache from the people she or he not want to deal with . From day 1 u accept this rental contract u accept also to deal issues with the agent
Dianne *****
Perhaps the owner speaks no English so has used an agent to negotiate the rental of the property with a foreigner, deal with repairs and the minutiae involved in renting out a property. The landlord in all likelihood trusts the agent and might not feel comfortable negotiating a contract with a foreigner
Ahkim ********
No, he doesn't. The agent is there to smooth things, not to complicate them
Patrick ************
@Ahkim *******
the landlord have the right to let deal all the issues with an agent that’s totaly normal and there is no law who say Its wrong
Ahkim ********
No, he doesn't, unless the contract is made with the agent's name as owner, which it isn't.
Patrick ************
@Ahkim *******
it seems u not working in property busines
Ahkim ********
Do you know what the word intermediary means?

It refers to the presence of a third party between the two primary parties. The function of an intermediary is to be of some benefit to the contact between the primary parties. If either party has reason to doubt this, they may contact each other.

What don't you understand? Say if he has a complaint, or suspects the agent of foul play?
Steven ***************
@Ahkim *******
. You are right. Unless the agents name is on the rental contract and it states no contact with owner, there is nothing stopping you contacting the owner. It's a legal contract between owner and renter, agent is an optional 3rd party and renter has no obligation to them.
Ahkim ********
Carsten ************
If the landlord hires an agent, he's probably not interested to deal with you.
Steven ***************
So does mine. Been here 3 years. Used agent with first issue (plumbing) and agent stuffed us around. I contacted owner and agent hasnt been used since. Since then every issue solved within 24 hours by contacting owner direct.

Agents normally get equivalent to one month rent for finding a tenant. Once they are paid that, they normally do fuck all until the lease renewal is up.

Always deal with owner if possible.
Chris *****
Ideally I hope to and will moving forward. She could be right and he’s just a tight git. Gave me a staggering 1k Covid discount when the average here is 5-10k.
Frank ******
@Chris ****
go to owner direct and negotiate, oversupply of condos she wants you to stay
Steven ***************
@Frank *****
. I last spoke to my owner for renewal in March. He declined an inspection, dropped the rent and said he was just happy to have a good tenant as half the condos in Bkk are empty , according to him.
Rob ******
@Carsten ***********
gotta disagree. There have been far too many "agents" running rental scams that renting a place through an agent with no direct line to the owner is a bad move on anyone's part.
Chris *****
@Carsten ***********
Na lad, he’s lives in HK, hence the need of an agent.
Bruce *****
Hold out on the renewal she is after.commission
Steven ***************
If you're in a condo complex, ask the Juristic Officer for his contact number. You have the right to it.
Chris *****
So many errors i do not know where to start, so I won’t.
Chris *****
I’ve played it well by forwarding many reduced price units. Many down 10k in the past year. If he’s oblivious to reality that’s his issue. Take the guaranteed income rather than the mystery box.
Alan *******
Troy Martin you clearly live in never-never land
Alan *******
Troy Martin are you serious? If so, never heard of market rates?
Chris *****
Troy Martin how could it possibly come to bite me? The ball is in my court and his options are to negotiate in alignment with current market conditions or make 0 for 1 year+. He’s a idiot if choosing the latter.
Alan *******
1. Absolutely agree to renegotiate. Whatever you paid 12 months ago should be far less now

2. Not sure about sidestepping the agent. They're very useful when probs arise and anyway owner might not be able to speak English or be a hassle to deal with.
Steven ***************
Most owners have agents so they dont need to deal with details, that's what their agents commission pays for.

Your contract is with the owner though and you have every legal right to make contact with them regarding it. Agent is just doing their job, but you can override them if not happy with their conduct.
Frank ******
Chris *****
She’s a nice girl but been discussing options since last month. I know she had to leave Bangkok, likely from lack of work, so is desperate for something.
Chris *****
@Steven **************
brill, was thinking that. Hoping to stay on but in light of the situation I want to renegotiate terms.
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