Do I still have to quarantine for 14 days upon arriving in Bangkok with a work permit?

June 21, 2020
4 years ago
Alice ********

Approved to come in with a work permit 3 July with Covid insurance & health certificate.

Still 14 day quarantine in bkk at their designated place?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Yes, if you are entering Thailand with a work permit, you are still required to undergo a 14-day quarantine at a designated facility in Bangkok, regardless of having a Covid insurance and health certificate. Quarantine costs can vary, starting from about 35,000 baht for the entire duration, which includes accommodation and meals. It is recommended to book a hotel from the approved list before your arrival.
John *******
I think this answers who will be let in.
Bobby ********
I'm a bit confused. If you or anyone you know is already in the country, why do you need quarantine?
Alice ********
@Bobby *******
Dude, read better.
Bobby ********
@Alice ********
. You're saying your friend has lived here for six years, and then you're saying she can't afford the quarantine?
Liv ********
When do you think the 14day ASQ will be lifted (can’t afford it).. I need to get back there to teach but need to get my visa and permit before I do go of course..

Waiting for my local embassy to open on 1st July
Liv ********
It’s just a big waiting game! Thanks for your advice
Ivan ************
No one knows right now, but a lot of teachers will be in exactly the same situation, so hopefully they will sort something out for them soon. If they don't, there will be a massive shortage of teachers.
Tom *******
@Ivan ***********
True enough plus teachers going the other way e.g. teachers who want to go home to their own country. I predict a shortage of teachers one way or another.
Ivan ************
that article is about regular normal schedule flights restarting. There are still flights coming in to Thailand every day, just they can only carry Thai nationals or foreigners with work permit and pre-approved for entry.
John *******
@Ivan ***********
I agree. But thais are limited and taken to quarantine. The foreigners will be not what you know but who you know. Very few. And not the 100,000 people with retirement, marriage, teachers, etc that are queuing up..
John *******
To say the question is about teachers on here. Can no one read?
Daniel ******
Wow. This page seems to have gathered similar unhappy assholes to the ThaiVisa website.
Gene **********
@Daniel *****
truth! Good grief!
Dan ********
@Daniel *****
I don’t see any arseholes actually. This is quite pleasant.
Alice ********
@Daniel *****
simple question and assholes can’t just scroll.
Yujin *************
May I know the lists od accredited hotels? Or can I just have a home quarantine instead?
Ivan ************
Bangkok Post reprinted a list from the Sydney consulate.

Yujin *************
@Ivan ***********
sadly I am not a thai national.
Ivan ************
they are the same for foreigners. Thai nationals have the choice of "state quarantine" somewhere like a military base, paid for by the Thai government. Basic, sharing a room, but OK. Or if they want something more comfortable, they can pay for "alternative state quarantine" in the hotels above. Foreigners only have the ASQ paid option.
Ron *******
@Yujin ************
You apply through the Embassy from the country your flying from.

They have the list.

And no, you cannot quarantine at home
Yujin *************
@Ron ******
thanks ron. I am waiting for my student visa from Mahidol. I hope they can send me the required documents for my student visa.
Ron *******
@Yujin ************
You cannot enter on an ED visa at this time
Yujin *************
@Ron ******
do you have a lead on when will the kingdom will allow us to enter there?
Ron *******
@Yujin ************
No idea. The UK are not issuing visas at this time
Yujin *************
@Ron ******
i hope they can give us a chance this July.
Ron *******
She books and pays for her quarantine before she even gets on the plane and arrives.
Alice ********
She checked. 35k was the cheapest they told her.
Ivan ************
The cheapest one IIRC is 32k, Qiu Hotel Sukhumvit.

John *******
@Ivan ***********
plus food and drink at hotel prices. I have already enquired while there.
Ivan ************
it's inclusive of 3 meals a day. Additional food you get 20% discount.
Cerminara **************
@Ivan ***********
what is a deluxe mirror exactly?
Alice ********
Hey, can I get a list of the places?
Ron *******
@Alice ********
not that I am aware of.

The Embassy has them.
Alice ********
@Ron ******
yeah, I told her all this. Thank you for being so helpful!
Ron *******
@Alice ********
no problem.
Alice ********
@Ron ******
didn’t know that.
Ron *******
@Alice ********
Here is what she needs.

Watch the video from the CCSA

Alice ********
@Ron ******
Ron *******
@Alice ********
she needs a Covid test, fit to fly certificate and an entry certificate issued by the embassy.

You say she is flying 3rd July. How has she got the entry certificate without all of this plus paying for quaratine?

I have a feeling she thinks she can just fly out here.

Unfortunately, she can't
Alice ********
@Ron ******
Maybe I missed something. She lives with me so I am confused.
Ron *******
@Alice ********
she needs to apply via the Embassy with the listed documents.
Alice ********
@Ron ******
Yeah, she did.
Ron *******
@Alice ********
and she has the entry certificate?
Alice ********
@Ron ******
applied. I guess we will see. I asked like she had one to see what would happen when she actually got here about the quarantine regulations.
Ron *******
@Alice ********
until she gets the entry certificate, she cannot do anything.

What is 100% certain is that she MUST go into quarantine and PAY for it.

Depending where she stays, its between 45,000 baht and upwards of 100,000 baht for 14 days.

Nothing is free.

They test twice during the period of stay.

If she proved positive, on the final test of the 12th day, her period in quarantine is extended.
Alice ********
@Ron ******
Wow, I better save some ฿ for her.
Rob ******
@Alice ********
has your friend had the Certificate of Entry issued already? Where will she travel from?
Alice ********
Rob ******
@Alice ********
thanks, and did she get the Certificate of Entry from her Thai embassy? You can’t enter without that document.
Alice ********
OMG, the reason asking is I have a friend who is a teacher coming in with WP and Visa and I needed to know. 35,000 ฿ she can’t afford that.
Alice ********
John Swift you need chocolate, a drink, or get laid because you are a grumpy old man who wants so suck the life out of ppl
Jon ********
@Alice ********
wait till end of July. It may well be a different story.
Alice ********
Alice ********
I guess I live in smaller town so it isn’t like what you are saying.
Alice ********
Mogens Nygaard John has no clue what he is talking about and is just stirring stuff up.
Dan ********
@Alice ********
But she got a letter of acceptance from the embassy for being a TEACHER ? I thought it just key/essential workers ? And yes, which teachers can pay the 35,000 ? And of those which will. But please confirm she has applied and been accepted based on her job here, and she’s not just turning up with an ‘existing WP and visa’. Thank you
John *******
@Dan *******
You correct but the schools are not open at present and children are all at home. There is no teachers in employment at the moment except admin.
Tom *******
@John ******
re “There is no teachers in employment at the moment except admin.” Actually teachers at my wife’s posh school started teaching on campus again last week.
Alan *******
@Tom ******
ignore him, he's clearly an idiot!
Rob **********
@John ******
- All schools are open for teachers. Just the kids aren't back yet. Most teachers have been back at school for 5 or 6 weeks, some for longer.
Alice ********
@John ******
I am a teacher and I go to work everyday and teach online in a classroom. I also get paid, have insurance and pay taxes. This is our last week of online teaching. We start campus teaching next week.
Ivan ************
@Alice ********
unfortunately that's the only option right now. Possibly will change in the coming months, they can't keep it up forever. Most foreign teachers aren't going to be able to afford that, so they are going to have to choose between having any English teachers outside international schools, or arranging something for them.
Tom *******
@Ivan ***********
Re, “Most foreign teachers aren't going to be able to afford that, so they are going to have to choose between having any English teachers outside international schools, or arranging something for them.” Yes, either that or actually upping the very low average salaries they pay for teachers. I doubt they’ve factored this into their thinking e.g. sucking what’s left of out the life of already struggling teachers working for peanuts in Thailand. I suspect they’ll have to re-evaluate their hope of milking rich tourists in their new “tourism reset”.
Alice ********
@Tom ******
I was shocked to find out one of teachers moving to China was starting out at $55k USD a year with bonuses and housing allowance, insurance and meals at school.

Tom *******
@Alice ********
Are you saying $55K is good or bad? I think it’s a bit on the low end myself. I was getting on average $100K a year as teacher abroad before retiring in 2018.
Alice ********
@Tom ******
damn, where were you teaching? I need to move my ass!
Tom *******
@Alice ********
I was teaching in Saudi and Bahrain mostly. Of course I was lucky because the oil prices were still quite high then which was reflected in the salary.
Alice ********
@Tom ******
god for you.
Alice ********
@Ivan ***********
you would think since she already has a house and a hospital here plus a place of employment and lived here already for years, they would let her quarantine at home. But I understand why they don’t.
John *******
@Ivan ***********
I have just come back and the online teachers for all pupils were actually very good. Maybe they will have found a way around having to employ foreign teachers. In the uk we do not employ many teach from outside the country to do foreign languages.
Ivan ************
"In the uk we do not employ many teach from outside the country to do foreign languages." that might explain this
John *******
@Ivan ***********
These are what I think are the key workers in UK. Not once does it say teachers. Thailand normally follow same as UK in most things "List of persons and occupations exempt from 14-day covid-19 self-isolation period

The following persons and occupations will be exempt from the requirement to spend 14 days in self-isolation on arrival in the UK:

road haulage workers and road passenger transport workers;

transit passengers, an individual transiting to a country outside of the Common Travel Area, who remains airside and does not pass border control;

individuals arriving to attend pre-arranged healthcare treatment, when receiving that treatment in the UK (Healthcare means all forms of healthcare including mental and physical health. There are also exemptions for live donors and those accompanying the individual, for example a carer or a child);

registered health or care professionals travelling to the UK to provide essential healthcare, including where this is not related to coronavirus;

persons who have travelled to the UK for the purpose of transporting, to a healthcare provider in the UK, material which consists of, or includes, human cells or blood which are to be used for the purpose of providing healthcare;

qualified persons and responsible persons for human medicines, clinical trials and pharmacovigilance;

quality assurance inspectors for human medicines;

sponsors and essential persons needed for clinical trials or studies;

civil aviation inspectors engaged on inspection duties;

Eurotunnel train drivers and crew, Eurotunnel Shuttle drivers, freight train drivers, crew and essential cross-border rail freight workers operating through the Channel Tunnel;

Euratom inspectors;

workers engaged in essential or emergency works, related to water supplies and sewerage services;

workers engaged in essential or emergency works related to a generating system, an electricity interconnector, a district heat network, communal heating, automated ballast cleaning and track re-laying systems or network;

workers undertaking activities in offshore installations, upstream petroleum infrastructure, critical safety work on offshore installations and wells that are being decommissioned or which are being preserved pending demolition or reuse or activities for the provision of workers, goods, materials or equipment or in the provision of other essential services required to support the safe operation of activities;

workers engaged in essential or emergency works, including those carried out by specialist rail maintenance technicians employed on the national rail infrastructure as part of a specialist team with Network Rail;

drivers and crew of trains operated by Eurostar International Limited, essential cross-border workers working for Eurostar International Limited;

operational, rail maintenance, security and safety workers working on the Channel Tunnel system;

workers with specialist technical skills, where those specialist technical skills are required for essential or emergency works or services (including commissioning, maintenance, and repairs and safety checks) to ensure the continued production, supply, movement, manufacture, storage or preservation of goods;

workers with specialist technical skills, where those specialist technical skills are required for essential or emergency works (including commissioning, maintenance, repairs and safety checks) or to fulfil contractual obligations or warranty specifications in, or in connection with, waste management facilities used for the management, sorting, treatment, recovery, or disposal of waste (including energy from waste);

workers with specialist technical skills, where those specialist technical skills are required for essential or emergency works to ensure the continued safe and secure operations of the following infrastructure:

gas and electricity transmission and distribution networks and system operators

gas terminals

space infrastructure

seamen and masters;

pilots, as defined in paragraph 22(1) of Schedule 3A to the Merchant Shipping Act;

inspectors and surveyors of ships

crew, as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to the Air Navigation Order 2016(h), where such crew have travelled to the UK in the course of their work;

nuclear personnel who are essential to the safe and secure operations of a licensed nuclear site;

nuclear emergency responders;

agency inspectors;

inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, specialist aerospace engineers, or specialist aerospace workers;

persons engaged in operational, maintenance or safety activities of a downstream oil facility that has a capacity in excess of 20,000 tonnes;

postal workers involved in the transport of mail into and out of the UK;

persons involved in essential maintenance and repair of data infrastructure required to reduce and resolve outages, or in the provision of goods and services to support these activities;

information technology or telecommunications professionals whose expertise is required to provide an essential or emergency response to threats and incidents relating to the security of any network and information system and ensure the continued operation of any network and information system;

persons who are engaged in urgent or essential work on electronic communications networks;

persons who are engaged in urgent or essential work for the BBC’s broadcasting transmission network and services;

seasonal agricultural workers who have an offer of employment for seasonal work to carry out specific activities in edible horticulture on a named farm (You can start work immediately but you must self-isolate on the farm. However, you may mix with fellow workers);

members of diplomatic missions and consular posts in the United Kingdom, officers, servants or representatives of international organisations where their head of mission or equivalent has certified that their work is essential to the functioning of the mission and cannot be undertaken whilst the person is complying with the requirements of self-isolation;

crown servants or government contractors returning to the United Kingdom who are either:

required to undertake policing or essential government work in the United Kingdom within 14 days of their arrival;

have been undertaking policing or essential government work outside of the United Kingdom but are required to return temporarily, after which they will depart to conduct policing or essential government work outside the United Kingdom (Essential government work includes, in particular, work related to national security and immigration, the coronavirus disease and any other crisis response, and international negotiations);

international prison escorts – persons designated by the relevant Minister under section 5(3) of the Repatriation of Prisoners Act 1984(a);

persons responsible for escorting a person sought for extradition pursuant to a warrant issued under Part 3 of the Extradition Act 2003 or sought for extradition pursuant to any other extradition arrangements;

defence personnel and contractors doing work necessary for the delivery of essential Defence activities, including Visiting Forces and NATO;

officials required to work on essential border security duties;

persons who reside in the UK and who pursue an activity as an employed or self-employed person in another country to which they usually go at least once a week"
Tom *******
@John ******
was it necessary to post all of that? Perhaps some discernment might be in order.
John *******
@Tom ******
I think the best people to ask this question to are the thai people. It will be them to decide in the end. And I see them not wanting the borders to reopen until there is a cure or no risk
Tom *******
@John ******
sorry but I didn’t mention anything about reopening the Thai borders. I think you’re confusing me with someone who else.
Lyndon ************
@Tom ******
I think he can do copy and paste but hasn't worked out how to post a link
John *******
@Tom ******
sorry. I was just trying to make a point. I normally travel 1 month on and one month UK. Just come back after more than 3 months after flights were all being cancelled.
Alice ********
@John ******
she does. She has insurance from her job AND covid insurance
Alice ********
@John ******
what are you talking about? People they have to support? She has been gainfully employed as a well qualified teacher for years. What’s your problem?
John *******
@Alice ********
If she cannot afford that then she should not be in Thailand.
Bobby ****
@John ******
not everyone has your luxurious lifestyle my man. Be respectful or go away.
Alice ********
@John ******
oh, shut it. Teachers only make that much in a month. She’s been on ‘vacation’ without pay since March.
John *******
@Alice ********
eventually she will not have a job. Thailand do not need people that eventually they will have to support.
John *******
De Mace True has no answer. I bet she has not even got good insurance.
Alan *******
@Canice *****
well said, what a ghastly bloke
Alice ********
She has lived here for years!!
Alex ********
@Alice ********
did your friend get the certificate of entry already?
Geoffrey ****************************
Wait them out dont fall for this
Rob **********
Yep, you must quarantine and be tested here. The good news is that the hotels look quite nice. The bad news is they're quite expensive. Start at 35,000 baht a week, as I understand.
Charles ****************
@Rob *********
That's robbery.

They supply long time babe and food?
Bobby ********
@Charles ***************
. I think that's the
baht hotel 🤣🤣🤣
Andrew *********
@Bobby *******
Don't t want just any old pro...only the best please for this price.
Bobby ********
@Andrew ********
. Once you're in quarantine send me a message. I'll take care of things. 🤣🤣🤣
Andrew *********
@Bobby *******
😂😂😂 Can't wait !
Bobby ********
@Rob *********
. It's
total for the 14 days. That's the cheapest.
Jon ********
is that including meals?
Bobby ********
@Jon *******
. Yes three meals a day
Rob **********
J ******************
User pays of course
Jane ***********
As things currently stand - yes you still do quarantine
Darren *******
You choose your hotel from list of available options
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