After 5 years on the DTV visa... Can you apply for a new 5year DTV? Ore how does it work..?
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The conversation discusses whether it's possible to apply for a new 5-year DTV visa after the current one expires. There is uncertainty about future immigration policies, and while some comments suggest that there is currently no written rule preventing reapplication, others emphasize the unpredictable nature of Thai immigration laws, which tend to change frequently. Overall, it's highlighted that no definitive answers are available, and one should take the current situation into account.
in that case no questions in this group..? You dont know what tomorrow brings..
As it is right now you can renew a Elite Visa also in 5 years.. Can they change it? Yes.. but there is clear guidlines in place.. and since no one could answer my question, as there are clearly no official guidelines, maybe my question wasn't as bad as a lot of people sitting around bored apparently thinks.
James ********
Oliver Hansen I'm sorry but I answered you with the best advice possible today.
You don't want to accept that and it's fine with me.
The rules of Thai Immigration are subject to change . Period 🩸
The Expats who have chosen to live in Thailand, have faith in the future.
In the past, Thailand has provided grandfathering - whenever significant change is made in immigration rules... such as the financial requirement needed for retirement
Hopefully you will be satisfied with your decisions.
I wish you success in whatever you choose to do with your family.
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James ********
Wannikea *********
Honestly nobody knows, but I'd say if it's still here, which I'd say it will be, of course you can apply for it, though the application requirement landscape might be altered. Keep in mind immigration had 170 days to prepare for extension applications and they couldn't even get that together in a timely coherent manner. Only time will tell what the future holds, but I think the MFA is happy with the reception of this visa.
แดนนี่ ***********
Admin try to prevent dumb questions
Oliver ********
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Oliver ********
Wesley ********
There is nothing currently written that if you have had one before, you can’t apply for another. But there is also nothing guaranteed either
Wannikea *********
It's like we've been invaded by a bot farm of artificial neural network Darwin award winners
Keep in mind the DTV is a glorified tourist visa. If you're setting up home on a tourist visa, expect to be bitten badly. Perhaps you need to look at more solid solutions
unless you are a millionaire affording a Thai Elite visa or LTR etc, previous to the DTV you only had yearly visas. So you can sweat the small stuff later in 5 years. Nothing farang is forever in Thailand except the uncertainty.
I see. When you compare the prices of an Elite Visa, which is valid for +5 years, with the price of international schools in BKK which is per year. Then the Elite Visa price is not even that bad.
But it is nice to know that you have that option if you cannot extend your DTV after 5 years..
James ********
Oliver Hansen and how do you know that the Elite Visa will be available to you in 5 years ?
James ********
There's More options, but I will leave them to others to share with you. Good Luck with your decisions.
yes because you have nothing better to do than hang around in these groups waiting to pounce. Try to be a bit more helpful and don’t judge people that have less knowledge and come to an advice group for advice. You will feel better for it
says the guy trolling apparent trolls. Honestly Nick 80% of my posts are helpful and to the point. The other 20% I use to feed your insatiable desire to find fault in me. What's judgemental about "obviously an urgent matter?" I'm sure the OP has his big boy pants on, and he explained his reasoning and I replied with some data, which was relevant. Please please don't twy shame me publicly, I might accidentally convulse and burp.
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Wannikea *********
Greg ********
Nobody knows.
James ********
Geesh 🫣... Nobody knows. IT depends on the Thai Immigration laws in future years.
If you are age 50+, the retirement Visa is available to you. Along with other Visas for living in Thailand.