Can I extend my tourist visa in Thailand if my passport is expiring soon?

March 16, 2021
4 years ago
Jason ****************
Sorry to ask a stupid question. My passport is expiring in mid November and my embassy said they won't renew it for me here because I hold a tourist visa and have been staying here since March last year for no special purposes...I have been extending 60 days in MTT and do you know will they still give me the stamp if the government allows stay say till this year end? Million thanks.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is concerned about extending their tourist visa in Thailand as their passport is set to expire in mid-November, and the embassy has advised against renewal due to their tourist status. Comments from others clarify that extensions are typically granted only until the passport's expiration date and suggest that the user should seek advice from different embassy representatives. There's also a discussion about the varying policies of different embassies regarding passport issuance and renewal while abroad.
Bob **********
The Trendy building in Bangkok handles most countries new passports
Bobby ********
Bob D'Andrea. Trendy building is VFS Global office in Bangkok, but they only handle about 60 countries visa/passports. Most countries are handled directly by their own embassy, and some (and this may be one of them) passports are only issued in the home country and will not be delivered overseas for security reasons. However, any embassy can issue an emergency travel document to enable to applicant to return directly to their own country.
Bob **********
@Bobby *******
thanks I think the OP will only get an extension for the validity of his current passport then, do you have a link that shows what countries you can get a new passport there TIA
Bobby ********
Bob D'Andrea. No sorry I don't. I just had a Google and came up with their global home page which states they have 65 government clients, but doesn't actually break down if these handle passports or just visas. Suggest go to the Thailand site and look at the drop down box to see which countries are in there

John-Paul ******
What passport do you hold? Inconceivable that your embassy will not renew your passport. They may not be able to get you a new one in time.... but rejecting your renewal is something I would scream at them for.
Bobby ********
John-Paul Riva. Some countries only issue passports within the country. However, they can provide an emergency travel document which will enable the holder to return to their home country.
Tod *********
You ONLY need to have a passport valid for the length of time you're getting an extension for <- meaning IF you're milking 60 day covid extensions you at least need 60 days left on your passport :P

I'd say IF you're still here in Oct later this year I'd start to worry about what you'll do
Jason ****************
thank you all... so i may be able to stay till Nov if the government allows... my embassy TOLD me to GO HOME. asked me WHAT the xxxx am i doing in Thailand with a tourist visa..... i am SOOO disheartened...
Steven ***************
@Jason ***************
. If possible, try speaking to a different person at your embassy, preferably the boss. Sounds like bullshit to me. If that doesn't work , talk to the relevant dept office in your home country. Ombudsman if you have one there.
Jason ****************
agreed wholeheartedly...
Andrew *********
@Jason ***************
Curious as to why you do not want to go home
Jason ****************
@Andrew ********
i love Thai... hahahaha
Andrew *********
What's your rate ? My Line ID is

desperatefarangcheap !
Andrew *********
@Jason ***************
People pay good money for you!
Jason ****************
and i am pimping myself out here..... good money!!!!
Jason ****************
@Steven **************
thank you very much for your kind advice!
Steven ***************
@Jason ***************
. Issuing passports and protecting/assisting their citizens is their JOB buddy. Don't take that crap from them. Your reason for being here is none of their business provided you are here legally,,which you are.
Greg ********
@Steven **************
Not all Embassies issue passports. UK being a key example but you can apply here through VFS. However, some countries do not even have that and you must apply in your home country. Pretty sure Romania is one as my old boss had to go back.
Jason ****************
@Greg *******
Malaysia embassy here does issue...But will take three months as it sends back to the country to process.however the service is for long term pass holders such as work permit only.Tourism people like us are asked to go home to contribute to the country's economy...
Steven ***************
Immigration will only grant you an extension up to the expiry date of your passport, regardless of length of extension.

I know this by personal experience.

I was given 11 months instead of 12 months on a spouse extension because my passport was expiring in 11 months time.
John *********
Key visa pattaya .
John *********
@Bobby *******
ok thanks
Bobby ********
John Cameron. Do agents issue passports now? 🤣🤣🤣
John *********
@Bobby *******
erase my last answer .i misred it . My mate got his last year .heard nochange .may be e mail him
Greg ********
@John ********
I used him in Pattaya to renew UK passport. Hood service.
Lyndon ************
What would happen if you lost your passport and applied for a replacement? Ie what would the embassy issue then?
Greg ********
@Lyndon ***********
ETD. Emergency Travel Document to get you home to apply
Ekkehard *******
@Lyndon ***********
Of course, the Embassy of your home country will issue a replacement passport after your requesting one.
Greg ********
@Ekkehard ******
Not every Embassy does that. Some you have to go through another service like VFS for UK. Then there are some you can only apply from in home country, Romania is one I think.
Bobby ********
Lyndon Cunningham. In cases like this they would issue an emergency passport which would allow the holder to return to their home country.
Bobby ********
You won't get an extension stamp in an expired passport, if that's what you're asking. If you can't get a new passport you will have to look at returning to your home country. With an expired passport you could get arrested and deported
Marguyvin **********
I don't see any reason why they(Thai Immig) would not allow you to extend. Your passport is still valid until Nov. Just apply.
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