Can I extend my 30-day visa exemption in Thailand by 60 days or apply for a COVID extension?

July 3, 2022
2 years ago
Ryan ********

I am Australian and understand that I get a 30 day visa exemption when i fly in 2 days, 5th July.

Can I extend my stay for another 60 days?

Or apply for this covid extension thing that ends in July?

Or any extension?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
As an Australian arriving in Thailand, you will receive a 30-day visa exemption. You can extend this visa exempt entry for an additional 30 days at an immigration office. To apply for the COVID extension, you must first complete the regular 30-day extension. Note that the COVID extension will not add days to your initial allowance; it will start from the application date. The availability of the COVID extension may depend on the immigration office's discretion and any ongoing changes in policies.
Stuart *********
You can extend a visa exempt entry once for 30 days. They add it to your existing stamp so no downside to applying early.

To get a Covid extension you’ll need to have to done the regular 30 day extension first.

Usually they won’t add on days for your first covid extension it’ll be dated from the day you apply.

Whether the immigration office you use will let you get a Covid extension or whether the covid extension end date will change is unknown.
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