I have a non-b visa (90 days) via my present employer. I am hearing nothing but conflicting information about how to eventually change jobs. I'm not sure if my visa is "tied" to my employer and how this might in any way influence what options I have. I'm effectively operating in the dark here and would love to find work in Bangkok but am not sure about what to do or how to proceed. I'd appreciate as much detailed info/discussion as possible regarding this matter. I look forward to talking to anyone and everyone that has reliable and solid advice-knowledge. Thank you!
TLDR : Answer Summary
A 90-day Non-B visa obtained through an employer is typically tied to that employer. If you haven't extended your visa yet, you cannot change jobs while remaining in the country. You need to wait until your 90 days are up, leave Thailand, and return on a visa exemption to apply for a new Non-B visa with your new employer's documentation. However, if you've already extended your Non-B for a year, you can change jobs by coordinating with both your current and new employers to cancel your existing extension and apply for a new one simultaneously at the immigration office.