Can I apply for a DTV visa in a country other than the US while in Thailand?

Oct 12, 2024
4 days ago
Abbey ******
I’ve been scrolling through this group and learning a lot! There’s something I wanted to confirm. I have a USA passport. Currently in Thailand on visa exemption and have been planning to go back to the US to apply for DTV visa in a couple weeks.

I’m seeing that people are applying in countries other than their home country. I was under the impression that I had to be in the US to apply. But does this mean I can go to Vietnam for example and apply there?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
You do not need to apply for a DTV visa from your home country (the USA). Many expats have successfully applied for the DTV visa while in neighboring countries such as Laos, Malaysia, and Singapore, as these locations have Thai embassies. As long as you are not applying from within Thailand, you can choose to apply from other countries, provided they have a Thai embassy that accepts USA passport applications.
Cliff *********
You can go to any country that has a Thai embassy and accepts USA passport.

You can’t do it from Thailand.
마리오 ***
Ah, I applied for the DTV online through the LA consulate while I was in Singapore and was approved. You just need to show proof of residence in the US, not actually physically be there.
Kaung **********
Yes, as long as you aren't in Thailand.
Katy *******
I'm American, applied and received in Vientiane. No need to be in your home country.
Katy *******
In Person, and it was Soft Power
Abbey ******
@Katy ******
last question, how long ago was this and how long did it take to get approved?
Katy *******
@Abbey *****
September 10th. Picked up on September 12th. With Vientiane you need to plan ahead because they require an appointment.
Abbey ******
@Katy ******
this is great to know thank you! Did you do evisa or in person there? And soft power or remote work?
Yiba *******
My friends went to malaysia, one went to Laos, other did it in Myanmar. They are chinese, American and Spanish citizens
Abbey ******
@Yiba ******
that’s awesome! Do you mind me asking which route they took- soft power/remote work? I work remotely but also get treated for lupus already so I’m kinda thinking medical papers are easier to get together.
Yiba *******
@Abbey *****
they are both freelancers so it was east for them to gather all documents and their bank accounts have enough funds.
Jared *********
I'm from USA and took a trip from Thailand to Taipei to get my DTV. Jakarta is another good choice. Note: requirements, rules for residency, how long it takes to get approval, etc
Abbey ******
Thank you! Do you mind sharing if you went the soft power or remote work route? I work remotely but seems like a headache getting my boss to get all the paperwork together and I already get treated here medically for lupus anyway so I’m thinking I might go medical route… just not sure if they will then question, where is my money coming from?
Jeiz ***************
You don't have to apply in your home country. You should be able to apply in neigboring countries. I have a PH passport. I applied and got approved in Laos. Suggesting that you have to go back to the US can cost both a lot of time, money and effort which in my opinion is not worth it.
Abbey ******
@Jeiz **************
great to know thank you! Yes flying to the US is very expensive. And I wasn’t exactly looking forward to seeing my in-laws either hahaha😅
Jeiz ***************
@Abbey *****
yeah, pick a consulate nearby. Good luck!
Henrik *****
Always best to apply in your homecountry, where the Embassy is used to seeing the kind document, the application is based on.

And you avoid problems about residence.
Abbey ******
@Henrik ****
see this was my understanding of it originally, but I’m seeing more success stories with less wait times from Americans who are applying outside of the US.