document upload

Showing 6 questions

This page displays all the results for the Document Upload tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 6 questions that have been tagged with Document Upload. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Nov 18, 2024
16 days ago
Klaus ***********
Quick questions.

Can I upload multiple documents on one request and how?

It seems only the last upload will show if I use the yellow pen box.

Indication of current location will be the entry stamp not the hotel booking?
Nov 17, 2024
16 days ago
Georgina *********
Can somone please help.. I'm filling out the form and I have a few documents to upload .. contracts etc.. but it will only let me upload one file!! So frustrating
Dec 23, 2023
a year ago
Rob *******
I’m trying to upload my documents from dropbox to fill out my visa extension online, all the pictures i’ve taken are above 1mb, how can i get them to 1mb ? Thanks
Nov 12, 2021
3 years ago
Jaren ******
Hi all, has anyone in the US successfully filled out a tourist visa online? I am confused by the last 4 questions requiring documents uploaded. I have tried contacting embassy for clarification but no reply.

7 . "Confirmation of legal residence in a country in which you are applying for the visa. (In case that you are not a national of the country in which you are applying for the visa.)"

I have already uploaded my passport and filled out my address in previous sections. Is this question referring non US citizens only?

8. "Applicant is required to upload his/her passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 12 months (1 year) since the last international trip."

I have not done any international travel in the last 12 months. Do I just not upload anything?

9. Applicant must apply for e-Visa via specific Embassy/Consulate conforming with his/her consular jurisdiction and residency. Applicant is required to upload document that can verify his/her current residency.

What did you all use for this? I was thinking a photo of my drivers license?

10. "Please upload your picture holding the photo and information page of the passport."

Are they asking for me to take a picture of myself holding the passport bio page up?

Sorry if this seems kind of dumb but I am finding the wording of these questions confusing.
Sep 19, 2021
3 years ago
Anyone know what's up with the site. I had account set up, had uploaded all but one document. Today, had planned on uploading final document and paying for visas... but can't sign in. It keeps saying I was idle for over 20 minutes. Tried password recovery, but get same message. If I try to set up a new account, it says that email already has an account. What do I do?
Jul 11, 2020
4 years ago
Jonathan ************
I am trying to fill out the e-visa form for non o from London Embassy site. Everytime I attach passport and photo it says file too big and kicks me out. Anybody had same issue and does anyone know the solution
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