
Showing 6 questions

This page displays all the results for the Phetchaburi tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 6 questions that have been tagged with Phetchaburi. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jan 6, 2023
2 years ago
Carrie **********
To those who have done border-runs into Penang, Malaysia or through Ranong into Burma (which I hear involves a ferry?) please share your experiences .

I’m a snowbird from Minnesota who built a house in Phetchaburi. Need to do my first border-run in many years around mid-February. (Used to be a teacher so never had to worry about border runs!) Trying to do this as cheaply as possible.

From Phetchaburi province my guess is that these are the two easiest options. Penang sounds simpler as I can take a train there and back from here. Ranong sounds harder but maybe more scenic or exciting…?

Please help me decide.
Dec 30, 2021
3 years ago
Carrie **********
Just in case there are any other marine-biology-dorks out there:

I stay in Phetchaburi province, where the beach is either flat sand or mud, but I love exploring tide pools! Where is the closest place to Phetchaburi where I could find some tide pools? Obviously I will have to take a road trip!

Apr 30, 2020
5 years ago
Kevin *********
I need to get from Phetchaburi to Pattaya driving when is this possible please
Nov 5, 2019
5 years ago
Steve *********
I went to immigration office in tai yang phetchaburi. I have non o retirement Visa. I asked officer do I have to report at immigration office if I have stayed outside the province for a few days example bkk. He told me do not have to do. Only time to do is if I have returned from UK. Or if I have problems. He spoke excellent English and was so helpful
Jul 16, 2019
6 years ago
Steve *********
Hi. I have a retirement Visa ok. I stayed at a hotel in cha am. I live in a house which I rent in phetchaburi. I have yellow book to confirm my address. Do I have to report to police or immigration or tell my owner of house I'm back in house?
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