piggyback extension

Showing 3 questions

This page displays all the results for the piggyback extension tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 3 questions that have been tagged with piggyback extension. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jun 27, 2021
4 years ago
Gregor **********
If a foreign married couple wants to move to Thailand and the male part of them is over 50 and fulfills all requirements included the 800,000 THB deposit on a Thai bank account, applies for the Non-Imm-O visa based on being over 50/retirement in his home country, gets it issued, and the follow up yearly extension on Immigration in Thailand.

Can his partner apply for the “trailing spouse” ( “piggyback”) extension without showing proof of her own funds?

The reason I ask is, some people say that once the “piggyback spouse” turns 50 years, she must have her own 800,000 deposit in the bank account
Apr 17, 2020
5 years ago
Gregor **********
I have a question relating the „piggyback“ extension for a foreign married partner. Both are foreigner, the husband is 51 years old and the wife is 46 years old.

The husband meets the requirements for a “1-year Extension of stay based on retirement” (EOS) out of a 90-days Non-Imm-O visa based on being over 50.

After he gets the EOS granted, can his wife go “piggyback” on his extension? Or is there a requirement that the wife has to be over 50 years old as well?
Nov 13, 2017
7 years ago
My husband and I are about to renew our retirement visa.

I am going to request a consular letter from the British Embassy confirming our income. My question is, we have a joint account in the UK so proof of funds for us both will come from the same account. Last year we paid for 2 letters and the embassy questioned why we wanted two. I've just rang the consular dept of the embassy and this year they won't give me an answer whether i need to pay for 2 letters. Anyone know?
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