Will staying an extra day in Myanmar affect my reentry into Thailand with a 1-day border pass?

December 4, 2017
7 years ago
Marcus ********
When I go to Myanmar in a 1 day border pass, Myanmar stamps me in and out at the same time and I'm supposed to leave that day.

Do you think the reentry into Thailand would have problems if I stayed a extra day and there was a 1 day gap between my myanmar exit stamp and my proposed Thailand entry date?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The inquiry concerns potential complications with reentering Thailand after overstaying a 1-day border pass for Myanmar. Users clarify that when crossing at Mae Sai to Tachiliek, individuals are typically issued a 1-day pass which allows them to remain in Myanmar for the day, and they must present a clear exit plan. Comments indicate that narrows ways for longer stays are limited, and travelers cannot hold their passports while in Myanmar on a day pass. Furthermore, it is noted that if someone overstays this pass, they may face issues when reentering Thailand, particularly if there is a gap between the Myanmar exit date and the Thailand entry date.
Marcus ********

The border was as
@Tod ********
and the rest of you said, I stamped out of TL, walked across the bridge, asked for a 1 day pass and paid $10, they held my passport and got a receipt. Few hours later I came back and collected it, it had Myanmar stamps in and out.

Then stamped back into TL on 30 days exempt.
Terry **********
@Marcus *******
i hope there is but have not heard of any people getting more than 1 day,,i hope i am wrong,,,but cannot see them keeping your passport and only ID you have is a little handwritten piece of paper to travel about with,,,hotels ect,,
Marcus ********
They asked me when I want to leave so it sounds like there is a longer option.
Tod *********
Thanx :)
Marcus ********
It was not a pass, but a recipt to collect my passport and it just said single day journey.
Terry **********
@Tod ********
yep would like to know myself really
Tod *********

did you notice if the pass they gave you said how long it was good for? people are still saying it is good for 14 days and you can travel only to specific places around the border.
Terry **********
good easy going border,,,
Marcus ********
Btw can anyone reccomend a safe place to park a motorbike at the border?
Ivan ************
I always took mine with me, although it's a push bike. There are lots of people crossing with motorbikes, but IDK if you need more documentation, I would expect you would normally but maybe not on the special entry you get there where they know you have to go back.
Terry **********
its called Mae Sai Complex i think
Terry **********
Marcus if you are going to Mae Sai,,you can park your bike,,if you arrive at Mae Sai just carry on to your left going down to the river and turn right at the bottom and just on your left hand side is a backpackers hotel with parking then 5 mins walk back to border control if this helps
Laurence **********
Just before the border keep left and left into the market slowly you will see a lane on your right. Good place, park my truck there many times. I've also parked on the street for a few days never had a problem. If it's just for the day park on the main road as close to the border as possible.
Tod *********
Seeing as people from Chiang Mai bounce at that border way more than people from Bangkok I just posted in a group of theirs. We will see what's what I guess.

I freely admit I could be wrong :)
Marcus ********
When I crossed at ranong I didn't get any physical pass or any proof, just the regular entry and exit stamps next to each other at the same time.
Ian ***************
For years they gave a 14-day pass and you could go as far north as Kengtung, but I haven't needed to cross there for the past few years. Would be good to get current firsthand knowledge (with photos or it didn't happen) ;-)
Ivan ************
They gave me a piece of paper last time but they didn't say anything about having to go back same day. It was different from the old permit though and IIRC my passport was already stamped when I picked it up while with that entry permit they would only stamp you out when you came back.
Terry **********
yep leo yai,this document at Tachiliek is no longer issued
Tod *********
I googled around but was unable to find anything later than 2016 (when they stopped all visa runs from the burma borders for a while) that said that pass you get is good for 14 days.

I still believe when you cross at the Mae Sai - Tachiliek into Burma it's just a day pass and you can't even leave Tachiliek (mostly because you have no visa to burma and you don't have your passport either).

Since they started visa runs and border bounces back up on Dec 31st, 2016 I believe you only get a day pass for there now.
Terry **********
also i remember previous to Dec 2016 when you went out at Mae Sai and went to Tachiliek immigration you were photographed and registered on computer and your details were printed out on a official looking document which was then stamped and you paid 500 baht, on returning document you got your passport back already stamped out, nowadays none of that only a green slip to recieve passport back, so my thinking is thats why the only do day passes nowadays
Terry **********
as i posted a while back last time i was at Mae/Sai Tachiliek doing a border bounce,,young couple was refused entry at the land crossing even though they had a Myamar visa and Tachiliek said no must fly in this border only for day pass,,,,,and those were there words
Terry **********
Marcus ********
Thanks for the responses!

I see, so they hold your passport..

My confusion was caused from my assumption that it would be like the procedure at the ranong/Myanmar border: where they just stamped me in and out of myanmar at the same time and handed back my passport and left it to me to make sure I leave.
Laurence **********
My experiences are you can stay for 14 days or you stay for the day or turn around and go straight back to Thailand. You tell them what you're doing. I've never had a problem doing any of those choices. So unless something has suddenly changed I don't understand the confusion.
Tod *********
they hold your passport and you can't stay in the border town past 6PM I think, NOW if you bought a visa for burma (which you can't do at the border) before you went to the border you could stay longer
Ivan ************
They always held your passport, even if you stayed there a week, Myanmar immigration kept your passport.
Terry **********
no if you go Mae Sai / Tachiliek they issue 1 day border pass if you tell them you are shopping which they will ask and must return to Thailand same day
Terry **********
its not read
@Tod ********
post below
Jeremy ********
once you stamp out of Thailand you are free to do whatever you want
Shayne **********
I think every night they destroy any passports they are holding.
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