Will I be fined for not registering TM30 while house sitting in Thailand?

October 11, 2018
6 years ago
Jenny *******
TM30 Re: private homes registration. I have been house/pet sitting in 2 private homes since June. I went to Vientiane Sept 2nd to get a second SETV. I moved from Bangkok to Chiang Dao mid Aug. Neither home owner has mentioned TM30 registration, so reckon it hasn't been done. Moving to Chiang Mai next week (The Chiang Mai apartment owner said he will register me online so that's good) and want to get a 30 day extension. Will I be fined? How much? Should I go to Chiang Dao police station and just register myself now?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about TM30 registration requirements while house sitting in Thailand, concerns about potential fines for late registration, and the process for obtaining a 30-day visa extension. They mention they were not registered by their previous landlords and are moving to a new rental in Chiang Mai where the owner will assist in registering them. Comments suggest that while TM30 registration is required within 24 hours of moving, there is a grace period and that Chiang Mai may not strictly enforce fines for tourists. The potential fine for not registering is indicated to be 1600 baht.
Jenny *******
Thanks everyone for your input. Very helpful
Robert *******
And this is the log in page:
Robert *******
This is how to register, if in Thai, right upper corner are two arrows click on their to change into English:
Tod *********
Don' worry about doing anything until you get to Chiang Mai (because that's the immigration office you're using for your extension)..
Jenny *******
Thank you very much. Great tip re screen shot. Much appreciated
Ադամ ********
Nobody in Chiang Dao will have any idea of what you are talking about re TM30. As long as you lodge a TM30 when you move to Chiang Mai you won’t be fined. It is required within 24 hours but there is a 7 day grace period. If they want to fine you they will and it is 1600 baht.
Ադամ ********
@Eddie *****
, sorry I don’t know anything about Chiangrai Immigration.
Eddie ******
Hi Adam. Is the 7 days grace period applicable to Chiangrai's immigration office? Jus got back from Vientiane and hitting 24hrs. Too exhausted to do a 60 mins drive and 3hrs wait within the 24hrs but will do it if the grace period ain't applicable for CNR. I am at Wiang. Small town just south of Mae Suai. Lol.
Stephen *******
I live in Mae Suai, Chiang Ra. It is a smaller town but the local police station know how to a TM.30. It saves me a 60 minute drive and up to 3 hour wait at CR Immigration. :)
Tod *********
If your land lord registered you online, have him do a print screen showing he submitted the information to the online program (there is no print function to get a confirmation :/)

I have heard that Chiang Mai isn't that hard core on tourists (people on 30 day visa exempt or tourist visa entries) about the TM.30 form when they get extensions.
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