Will extending my 90-day non-O visa invalidate my re-entry permit to Cambodia?

January 13, 2023
2 years ago
Jamie *******
Realize I may have done something foolish. I am here right now on m 90 day non O (retirement). I've just paid for a re-entry permit for a 4 day jaunt to Cambodia next month and realized that before that trip, it will be time for me to extend my 90 day to a year. Will doing that extension invalidate the re-entry permit I just had stamped in? Will I need to purchase another? Thanks all.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is currently on a 90-day NON-O visa (retirement) and has purchased a re-entry permit for a trip to Cambodia. They are concerned whether extending their visa to a year before the trip will invalidate the re-entry permit. Comments from the community suggest that the re-entry permit remains valid as long as the extension maintains it, but it will expire when the original visa expires, requiring a new permit to be purchased after the extension.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
John **********
You will need a new re-entry permit when you do your extension
Jamie *******
@John *********
really? Dammit. Thanks John!
John **********
@Jamie ******
re-entry permits expire at the same time as the visa or extension they are based on.
Steve ********
Like this one
Jamie *******
@Steve *******
got it! Thanks Steve!
Roy ***********
@Jamie ******
doesn't your reentry permit have a valid until date?
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
so yours is ok?
Jamie *******
@Todd ********
not sure, dont think so...apparently the reentry permits are tied to a visa and they expire when you extend (according to John below). In any case, I am not fussed....when I go to extend non-O in 2 weeks, I will ask and then get a new re-entry (maybe even a multiple entry permit) again if necessary.
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
if it turns out to be a legitimate error, would be interesting to ask at immigration and see if they will assist
Jamie *******
@Todd ********
yea, this is how we (well, at least I) learn best...by my mistakes.
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
always interesting. Optimally, we can all save some headaches and learn from each other
Steve ********
The re-entry permit will have a date stamped on it - "valid until" - near the top on the right hand side. After that date it's no longer valid and you will need to get a new one
Steve ********
@Nontiya **********
Re-entry Permit can be used right up to the expiry date, whether it's one day, or 364 days
Nontiya ***********
Steve Smythe who decides the expiry date please ?
Steve *******
@Nontiya **********
Your existing admitted to stay stamp decides the expiry date of the re-entry permit.
Nontiya ***********
Steve Smythe re-entry permit cannot be used later than 3 months ?
Jamie *******
ahhh yes, I see...thanks Steve!
Todd *********
I don’t think so Jamie. That re-entry is valid for whatever visa you happen to re-enter on. You will be on your one year extension then
Jamie *******
Thanks Todd! I didnt think so.
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
also each time you exit the country, your 90 day reporting requirement Re-starts the day you re-enter Thailand
Jamie *******
@Todd ********
swweeeeet, that's the plan then.....travel to another country every 90 days!
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
that was my thinking also really. If you do, then you never need to do the 90 day reporting
Jamie *******
@Todd ********
To you have a multi-entry permit or do you get re-entry permit as you go along....?
Todd *********
@Jamie ******
i have unlimited re-entry with the LTR visa. For yours, you can buy unlimited entry pass for 3800 baht/year
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