What should I do if my Thaipass application is still under review and I can't get any response from the authorities?

January 14, 2022
3 years ago
hi I apllied for thaipass on the 5th of January but didnt hear anything, i called all these numbers but all hang up when i reach them (after they say some bits in thai) i mailed them already but also no repsonse. when i look at my status on thaipass website it says reviewing, Any ideas ?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user expresses frustration regarding their Thaipass application, stating that they have not received a response since applying on January 5th. They mention difficulties in contacting support via phone and email. In the comments, other users suggest alternative approaches, such as emailing the embassy, reapplying with correct uploads, and the importance of QR codes for vaccines. Some share their own experiences and timelines regarding the Thaipass processing, indicating variability in response times.
Neville ********
If you want a quicker response crop your QR codes for your vaccines and upload in jpeg format and it will process automaticly within hours in some cases
John *****
If u have thai friends...maybe u can ask them to contact the call centre for u.
Chris *******
Out of curiosity, when is your flight scheduled? I tried my best to upload my QR codes but for some reason only one out of the three was recognized by their platform. I'm at day 6 myself.
Johan *****************
still have some time to go , the 26th
Chris *******
Got mine after 6 days and I'm arriving on the 24th
Johan *****************
Got it today after 11 days
Liz ********
@Johan ****************
I applied on the 10th and nothing as yet. Says 3-7 days on website so still hoping but disconcerting when people say they receive the pass within 2 hours! Keep thinking have I uploaded everything correctly including QR codes. Think I did but doesn’t stop me worrying. Will be so relieved to get it! Good luck👍
Johan *****************
@Liz *******
it might be it has something to do with the arrivaldate but im not sure, hopefully i hear something soon
Liz ********
@Johan ****************
I think so too but🤞
Chris *******
I just reapplied with a different email, I managed to upload all QR codes this time so hopefully it will speed things up. Arriving on the 24th myself.
Johan *****************
@Chris ******
I'm going to wait a little bit more, then probably try the same.
Alejandro ***************************
Send them message here or apply again uploading the correct files very carefully. And also with the QR for each vaccine.
Birdy ********
Try to email your embassy.
Johan *****************
did this, but they refer to the emailadres on the website of thaipass so no help there
Johan *****************
Thanks Birdy, will do
Adam ********
Yes don’t waste your time with any of them numbers or email, seems like they only answer/reply to 1 in a thousand if that
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