What should I do if I can't report TM30 within 24 hours of returning to Chiang Mai after a trip abroad?

January 24, 2019
6 years ago
Zed ********

I am planning a possible ride to Cambodia and on my return will be riding back through a few different provinces before returning to Chiang Mai.

I will be back in Chiang Mai approx 5 days or so after entering back into Thailand..which, takes me outside of the reporting period.

So, is there some way to not get penalised for not reporting within the designated time? I am not sure how to work that one out.

Any advice?

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is concerned about the requirement to report their address (TM30) within 24 hours after returning to Chiang Mai from a trip to Cambodia. They are unsure of how to manage this given their travel schedule. The community discusses the necessity of reporting within the designated timeframe and offers advice on how to navigate the rules and potential penalties for late reporting.
Tod *********
I lost the will to live reading the comments (and I deleted some that were just wrong). :O

You report to the immigration office where you got your extension and where you hold a "permanent address" within 24 hours of you getting back TO THAT ADDRESS from overseas.

So traveling around the country doesn't count only when you come back "home" BUT I'd have some pictures with the dates on them to show people that even though you entered thailand on xxx date you didn't actually get to your home until yyy date. OR be prepared to pay the failure to report fine :/
Sam *****
I didn't understand the post but again you need to report in CM immigration within 24 hours after coming back in Thailand. They rarely accept any excuse. TM30 is big deal for them. So if you don't want 1,600 baht fine better do it.
Paul *********
What visa will you enter on?

Because I read here yesterday that Chang Mai do not need TM30 for tourist visas or visa exempt.
Ivan ************
They need it for non immigrant extensions for sure. But you should be fine as long as you do the TM30 when you get back to Chiang Mai and before you need to deal with immigration for anything.
Zed ********
Robert *******
@Paul ********
By law you need be registered within 24 hours after arrival, this does not depend on Visa. That there is a difference in enforcement at Immigration Officers when you apply for documents like Extension of Stay, Certificate or Residence etc about this address registration makes it visa depending.
Paul *********
So should clarify what visa the OP has to give the best information right..
Robert *******
This is posted yesteday, it is not clear at the moment.
Robert *******
If you have a registered address in Chang Mai and go on a road trip inside Thailand, you don't have to report when coming home. If you go abroad, you go back to the Immigration Office within 24 hours after arrival home to update your address registration.
Robert *******
Zed Chiang Same as people buying fake tickets to proof onward travel, same as people buying fake hotel bookings, same as people sitting quiet at home, not telling they work inside Thailand. It all depends on enforcement of the rules, there will be a day, all rules are enforced the same and lying is not possible anymore.
Zed ********
In that case..what is stopping people from just lying if they report after the 24 hours. Lol. I mean, say you forget to do it, but you just tell them I wasn't back in CM. I suppose some proof required? Sorry just being an odd sort of Devils Advocate.
Robert *******
Stop with being late, you report within 24 hours after arriving at your home address. What you did between entering Thailand and coming to Chang Mai is not important or asked.
Zed ********
So I guess I just have to prove that I was riding the whole time and that's why reporting late.
Zed ********
So, out of country.
Zed ********
I'm riding into Cambodia and then after a few days riding back into Thailand
Diane ******
From what I have heard through friends having dome similar you must report once back at your usual address in CM.
Zed ********
Thank you Diane.
Jane ********
I thought if you leave the country before the 90-day report when you reenter it starts again. Ask an agent.
Robert *******
But about the 90 day report you are correct, if you leave Thailand you are not inside Thailand. The day you enter again, a new period of being 90 days inside Thailand starts again.
Álvaro **********
And she is asking about the TM30, not the 90-days report...
Robert *******
We prefer answer in this group without telling them to use agents,.
Robert *******
I not understand the question. But if this is about the registration of address the designated time is 24 hours AFTER arrival at the address. So I do not see any problem.
Zed ********
I am going out of the country though. My bike plus me will be entering Cambodia for a few days
Robert *******
Álvaro R. Royo It is not tricky. If you have a registered address in Chang Mai and go on a road trip inside Thailand, you don't have to report when coming home. If you go abroad, you go back to the Immigration Office within 24 hours after arrival home to update your address registration.
Zed ********
Tricky indeed :(
Zed ********
@Álvaro *********
well i will be remote hammock camping...so lol...
Álvaro **********
I think it's a bit tricky...

You should inforrm 24 hours after changing address/returning to country. If you stay in hotels, they should inform the TM30. And when you arrive at CM at your home, you update the last TM30 "to the same address".

But it's tricky because in the office they say "only when travelling abroad"...

I think the best is to go and ask. But not sure what will happen if any of the hotels in the way didn't report in time... :/
Robert *******
NO, it is 24 hours after arrival at the address, so for example you stay night 1 in a hotel, they report your address within 24 hours, you stay night 2 in a private address, they report your address within 24 hours etc.
Zed ********
Oh..! So it's after arrival at final destination? Sorry! I thought it was 24 hours after arriving in the country !
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