What is the cheapest price for a first retirement visa from an agency in Thailand?

October 18, 2023
a year ago
John *********
What is the cheapest price from a agency for the first retirement visa cheers 🤔
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The cheapest price for obtaining a first retirement visa in Thailand from a visa agency typically ranges from around 15,000 to 36,000 THB, depending on various factors such as initial visa type (tourist or visa-exempt) and additional services required. Many comments indicate prices around 25,000 to 30,000 THB as common rates. Some expats suggest doing the process themselves to save money, as the official immigration fee is only 1,900 THB, while others prefer using agencies for convenience. Users also noted the possibility of lower advertised prices, but those may not always cover the complete first-time visa process.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Stephen *********
Friend returned to Pattaya this week and got a retirement visa through an agent. Cost him £600 and took one hour to do!
Ken ******
if you are serious,you better do it asap, there has been talk or rumour in social media or internet about tightening visa application or raising the requirement. On the other hand: thailand will implement worldwide tax for long stayer starting JAN next year, impact on retirement demand to be assessed
Daniel ******
15,000 according to visa center Bkk on fb it says
Gianni **********
You can do all by yourself.
Nongnuch ********
@John ********
the agent's price depends if the applicant can fulfill the financial requirements with his own money, or if he needs the agent to front the money.

In the first case, everything is fully legal and only the basic service needs to be paid.

In the second case, it needs extra tea money to do get around
Gary ******
If your dealing with anything Thailand its nearly always a ripped off compared to Vietnam or laos
Steve **********
Do it yourself using checklist on Google, 1900 baht.
Phil ******
Gerhard ***********
why just go to immigration $2,000 baht agencies are a ripoff. $60 cheaper than $725
Kuan ******
About 25,000 plus add on if needed.

Benefits - no form filling, no photocopy docs, no queue. Can do multiple entry on same day…
Roberto *********
@Kuan *****
baht to fill in a form, get a bank statement and photocopies. That's about a thousand Australian dollars for an hour's work. You seriously think that's a good deal? 😂
Kuan ******
@Roberto ********
market rate whether it’s a good deal is personal but I see it’s not a good deal for u 🤣🤣👍👍

Btw I am not agent .. just replying to question of what is fee . 🤣🤣
Roberto *********
@Kuan *****
Not talking about market rate. Talking about throwing money into the wind. I don't do that. You think it's a good deal. Don't ever become a financial advisor! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Paul **********
Only mugs put 800k in a Thai bank the interest rate in the UK would cover the cost of an agent and make profit no brainer
Roberto *********
@Paul *********
The smart people use the 65k per month method. You need money to fund your new lifestyle. Absolute no brainer
James **************
I saw an add offering 16k a while ago. 25 is a good price can ne upto 35
Tim *********
I've seen basic 12,500 but with add-ons for eg multiple entry, opening bank account etc
THAI ******************************
If you're in search of a dependable agency that eliminates the need for travel, we're delighted to be your go-to choice. We offer round-the-clock support and specialize in retirement visa services. With a successful 17-year track record and thousands of positive reviews, we pride ourselves on our reliability.

While we might not be the most budget-friendly option, we excel in offering a secure and reliable service that ranks among best in Thailand.

Read our reviews here:


To get in touch with our
support team, you can reach us via LINE or email:

LINE: @ThaiVisaCentre (

David *********
It's going to be 3 and 12 for the first , 15 months total , take out multiple exit , expect to pay around 30k or close to it .
Andrew *******
@David ********
That's certainly nearer the mark
David *********
@Andrew ******
First time , I paid 33k for 15 months , but that was with multiple exit which was 4.3k from memory ..

A very reasonable agent , therefore for 15 months , bank account set , etc etc so that's around 29k with no exit , and that's a good deal , certainly in our local office .
Peter ******
@David ********
same price I got . But very good service .worth it
David *********
@Peter *****
my feelings too exactly Peter .
Norman **********
You probably don't want the cheapest price. You probably want the highest rated. That would be
@THAI *****************************
Todd *********
@THAI *****************************
about 35k or so. For 3 month O-visa and 12 month extension. But contact them with your specifics via FB or Line and they will give you precise cost. Each circumstance is different.
@John ********
Dennis *******
Cambodia Inter Tour in pattaya

23,900 baht for a non o visa and extension, using your Thai bank account.

Add 5,900 baht if you need them to get you an account.
Kev **********
Do it yourself
Richard ******
15k in Pattaya
Peter ******
@Richard *****
where is that ? I paid 25m
Todd *********
@Richard *****
not for O-visa and one year extension
Richard ******
@Todd ********
Do you know everything Todd?
Todd *********
@Richard *****
not even close. But enough to survive 😂
Richard ******
@Todd ********
So keep quiet then
Todd *********
@Richard *****
the problem is that you don’t anything.

So it’s preferable for all that you stfu and understand what you are talking about 🙏
Richard ******
@Todd ********
You stfu up you absolute tool! Butt into somebody else's comment, jog on you complete muppet.!
Todd *********
@Richard *****
is struggling to understand the question being asked lol. And apparently could use some anger management 😂👋
Richard ******
@Todd ********
It's you who needs anger management. Stfu???
Richard ******
@Peter *****
Not sure, a friend of mine got a one year from Pattaya paid 15, the one previous was 18.
Simon ******
why do many people say do it yourself with out any understanding of the person’s abilities or time frame or any other matter. I’ve spent my whole life getting confused with paper work and questions that confused me. My agent was great and my retirement visa was not stressful or confusing
Oleg ***********
, 3 months non o + 1 year extension
David *******
If you arrive on a Tourist Visa or Visa Exempt and don’t already have an account with Bangkok Bank then about
baht first time for Non O plus Extension, Multiple Reentry Permit and bank account.
Tim *********
@David ******
Shwmae 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😉
Roberto *********
Immigration Office will charge 1900 baht. You can save the other
baht and spend it on yourself. I do it every year with no problems.
Christopher *************
The Thai visa centre
M.J. *******
Thai visa Centre 18k do everything for you good service
Todd *********
@M.J. ******
you need O-visa and one year extension for first time. 16k+18k.
M.J. *******
@Todd ********
i am awear of that,
Bob ******
Call PDC Visa. They have offices around Thailand and they offer an excellent, speedy service at a very competitive price. +660850449518. Amy.
18. Amy.
Paul *********
It really isn't hard to do yourself.
Todd *********
@Paul ********
it’s dead easy! But if you value your time and money, you get someone to do it for you. I honestly avoid doing laundry and cleaning toilets. Easy to have someone do it for you and keep people employed
Paul *********
@Todd ********
fair call, I actually find the whole process entertaining. So many foreigners getting all bent out of shape. Just smile and wave 👋
Todd *********
@Paul ********
good perspective!
Paul *********
@Todd ********
I will say immigration is super easy and efficient. The DLT......thats a cracker
Todd *********
@Paul ********
DLT a total pain in some provinces
Paul *********
@Todd ********
yeh agree. Use agent get licence quick. Not use agent wait 2m in pattaya. In hindsight id use agent for licence......but at same time, watching frustrated foreigners getting angry always makes me laugh. Never never ever get agressive, 1st rule in thailand
Paul ********
What's wrong with doing it yourself fully?..Pretty straight forward if you follow the requirement?.1900 Baht....Why pay agents?.
John *********
@Paul *******
a lot of people do not want to keep 800,000 in a Thai bank with rubbish interest when you can get good interest in the UK banks 😃
Andy ********
@John ********
So the answer is not in the question. You want the cheapest under the table visa which is whole lot different.
John *********
@Andy *******
so the answer is in my question
Andy ********
@John ********
You missed the words "dodgy and visa" 🤣
Roberto *********
@John ********
So you use the 65k monthly transfer method like I've done for nine years. I'd never use an agent. If at any time you're asked to show your bankbook and there's no 800k it's instant overstay, arrest, deportation and five year ban
Andy ********
Roberto *********
@Andy *******
Totally true. Why would I lie? 😂
Andy ********
@Roberto ********
You don't need to keep 800k in your bank only 2 minths before and 3 months after. It must not fall below 400k outwith of these dates. Your brother must have been very unlucky or it was within these dates.
Roberto *********
@Andy *******
You didn't read my post. For a start it's my cousin. He had zero in the bank as he was using an agent to pay a bribe to an immigration officer to "look the other way". I don't keep any money in the bank. I simply transfer 65k each month to qualify for the visa extension. Totally legal
Andy ********
@Roberto ********
I did read your post. You said you need 800k in your bank all the time which is not true. I made a mistake regarding your cousin/brother 👍
Roberto *********
@Andy *******
Ok. I think you're being pedantic. But never mind
Andy ********
@Roberto ********
I've never seen anyone admit they are wrong in that way before. Thats a first for me, thank you 🤣
Michael *******
@Roberto ********
so you are saying you dont? Need the 800k in the bank if you do the 65k a month method. 🙏🏻 thanks
Roberto *********
@Michael ******
Correct. And it's yours to spend as soon as it hits the account. The thing is you need money to live on anyway. The 800k is no good for that.
Michael *******
@Roberto ********
so how many payments do they want to see in your thai bank account before you apply for retirement visa??
Roberto *********
@Michael ******
You need 12 monthly transfers, but some immigration offices will want the 800k lump sum to start with. I converted from two years on an OA visa so wasn't required for me at Bangkok
Michael *******
@Roberto ********
thanks for info👍
Andrew *******
@Roberto ********
Can you give an example of that happening to someone?
Roberto *********
@Andrew ******
Yes it happened to my cousin in Phuket. Immigration came knocking on his door at 9.30pm asked to see his bank book. Game over. He's on year four of his ban
Andrew *******
@Roberto ********
oh ok. thanks for the clarification. Why were they knocking on his door?
Roberto *********
@Andrew ******
He got caught up in an investigation on an immigration officer. Result of a complaint. Nothing to do directly with him, but he was one who was looked at to detect a pattern. It's easy for immigration. The bank book is the giveaway. He was arrested on the spot as he was technically on overstay, put into IDC which he says was the most humiliating 48 hours of his life, until he could arrange a flight out of the country. Also got a
baht fine. I'd never use an agent, you don't know what they're doing
Paul ********
@John ********
Or they don't have it to start with?.More to the point?.👍
Todd *********
@Paul *******
honestly… if you don’t have 800k, ur not retired. But people who are well retired do two things consistently. They don’t waste their time doing 💩 jobs. And they invest well. That… it why visa agents do great business. It’s the guys desperate to save a few baht thinking the 1900 baht visa makes sense
Andrew *******
Maneerat in Pattaya seem popular amongst local expats. They seem to have a well oiled machine.
Andrew *******
@Todd ********
I think I agree with you on this. So, your argument is that it's well worth using an agent?
Todd *********
@Andrew ******
I think the LTR is best. But not easy to qualify. The 65k monthly method is next, especially if your country issues a letter of affadavit.

But the agent literally handles it all for you. At a reasonable price for service. They do seem like a well oiled machine from references to them on here (I’m not in Pattaya) but ask around the expat community and quickly find out who is the most reputable agent around.
Johan ********
JJ ********
bahts if you come with tourism visa first time

if you come with visa O
Craig ********
It depends on what you need the agent to do.
John *********
@Craig *******
the answer is in the question 🤔
Noel ***********
@John ********
Without hesitation I

recommend Thai Visa Centre. The best- better than all the rest. A top

Professional service. Have used them for years. 
Daniel *******
@John ********
No it's not. There are a variety of visas used for "retirement"
John *********
@Daniel ******
the first retirement visa consists of a 3 months + 12 months = 15 months
Richard *********
@John ********

15 months

arrive with a visa exempt or tourist visa convert to non O _ 1 year extension: NOT pattaya

Need a thai bank account

Pattaya apx 26,000
Daniel *******
@John ********
In that case the question should have been 'what's the cheapest price an agent charges for a non-O visa based on retirement?' and the answers I'm seeing here are incorrect.
Christopher ***********
Lucky is the most experienced Visa Agent with the lowest prices.
Gordon *********
There's been a add on here
Daniel *******
@Gordon ********
that's an extension not a first visa
Mark *******
@Daniel ******
yes, correct
Gordon *********
@Daniel ******
sent a message
Tong *****
All around 25K although I see Mots are advertising lower prices just now but don't know what they are.
Simon *********
@Tong ****
Mots discount is for renewal not first visa
Tong *****
Andy *******
usually 26,000 thb
JC ***************************
@Andy *********
I was quoted 3500 USD per person!
Derek ***********
@JC **************************
that's their retirement program
JC ***************************
@Derek **********
don't know what you mean by retirement program, this original post says retirement visa and that was what an agent/lawyer quoted me to do my retirement visa
Andy *******
@JC **************************
too much ! around $900 1st year, $450 each additional year and depends on your location before a recommendation can be made.
JC ***************************
@Andy *********
yes I agree that's why I have not gone with this agent so I'm still looking, thank you
John *********
@JC **************************
it's Thai baht in Thailand 😃
JC ***************************
@John ********
I am no idiot I know that, but read again I was quoted 3500 USD per person in my family read properly before making asinine comments
Todd *********
@JC **************************
by who? That’s more than triple the going rate
JC ***************************
@Todd ********
by an immigration lawyer/agent
Todd *********
@JC **************************
whomever they are, I would steer MILES away. It’s triple the per person cost. They are playing you nicely
JC ***************************
@Todd ********
indeed I thought so and yes I have not used them
Archa ******
Pantiwa *********
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