What happens if you're late for the 90-day report in Thailand?

August 3, 2021
3 years ago
Sara *********
Hi, I'm looking for info about what happens if you're late for the 90 day report. On a non-B and my 90 day report is due on 10th Aug (it will be my 3rd one). I live in bkk but currently in Railay. I know I can get an expensive minivan to bkk if I have to, but just want to see what my options are, because I'd prefer not to go back there right now. Is it really serious if you're late for the report? If there's a fine, how much? I've tried the online thing, but having the usual issues. Reading all the tips on here, but still not working. Any advice appreciated
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TLDR : Answer Summary
If you're late for your 90-day report in Thailand, you can report up to 7 days late without a fine. After that period, the fine is 2,000 baht regardless of how long overdue your report is. Some users have noted that although online reporting has had issues, it can also be successful. You may consider mailing your report in the future, as it's viewed as a hassle-free option. It's essential to have a valid 90-day report for future visa extensions.
John-Paul ******
Bobby ********
John-Paul Riva. Yes. Thailand Post Office. 70 baht
Edna *******
I’m proud of everyone’s helpful and positive responses today, very refreshing. No trolls or nasty remarks, wonderful, thanks.
Anton **************
Besides the online version that’s a hit and miss you can send your report from any post office
Bobby ********
I'm surprised you just didn't do it by mail. Easiest way, no hassle, just a visit to your closest post office, and around 70 baht in photocopies and postage. I have to laugh when I hear people trekking out to MTT every 90 days for a 10-minute task. But each to their own I guess!
René *******
I did it by online. See ~>
Sara *********
Cheers guys. It's answered my question. 2000 baht is less than getting back to bkk now, it seems, so I'm fine with paying that if there are no other consequences. I fully intended to be back in bkk to do it, but then travel got difficult and restrictions extended etc. , so better off staying here!
Edna *******
@Sara ********
yes and to stay clear of double red areas for sure.
Steven ***************
@Sara ********
. The most important thing is to have a valid 90 day report when you apply for an extension in the future.. Won't get one without it.
Tod *********
You should have just gotten after this sooner and mailed it in like thousands of people do for their 90 day report. You have to have the envelop post marked 14 days before your due date (so you're too late to do it this time) BUT keep it in mind if you're ever out of town and have a 90 day report coming up. As long as you use the address you used to get your extension on the application AND on the return envelope they don't care where you mail it from.

As people said, just blow it off, DO NOT try to file a 90 day report where you're at because even if the office where you are now let you file, when you come back here you'll get a bunch of grief when you go to file the next one.

Face it it's 2000 baht whether you're 8 days late or 8 months late. Chalk it up to experience and move on. just go file a 90 day report when ever you DO get back into bangkok (and before you get your next extension ;) )
Sara *********
@Tod ********
yeah didn't know about mailing until now, but good to know for future, thanks!
Ken ********
Have you considered putting it in your calendar on your phone. You can set it for 2 weeks before, then try online. If it dont work go to immigration, when your ready
Ivan ************
Try online, you can do it online up to 7 days before (which means today if it's due on the 10th).



Online doesn't necessarily work for everyone but it's worth a try. I was able to get it working (after several failures) today.

If you don't do it, like others say it should just be a 2,000B fine with no other negative consequences. I wouldn't personally go back to Bangkok for it at the moment.
Tod *********
you are incorrect, you can apply online from two weeks before the due date right on down TO the actual due date (you've been able to do that since March 20, 2020) :P
Amy *********
Can't you do it online? My school helped me with it. 😊
George *************
If late 2000 fine, notation made in passport, no further consequences.
Lisa ********************
Do it online, if it's working. Not difficult but can be temperamental. Otherwise if you're late reporting it's a 2000bt fine
Sara *********
@Amy ********
yeah, been trying but not working so far! I'll keep trying though
Steven ***************
@Amy ********
. Hasn't been working properly for months. Your school may be doing them in person for you which is allowed.
Steven ***************
Yeah well tell that to the 100s of people who had their online reports " disappear " off the system and got fined anyway. Sometimes it works , sometimes it doesn't. I did 5 successful in a row. 6th one went through but "disappeared: and I got fined for their mistake. I printed the receipt and showed them but they said it wasn't in database.. fine.
Tod *********
@Steven **************
and you printed the next appointment due receipt? or the Pending receipt you get when you submit a report that hasn't been approved yet?

I have NEVER EVER heard of anyone being fined for having successfully submitted a 90 day report online that was approved and who then went back in and printed the "next appointment" receipt (the normal 90 day report receipt)
Steven ***************
@Tod ********
. Next appointment receipt.. I went in to the website while at MTT on my phone to show them and my whole history had been wiped. They entered my details into their system and it was the same and came up with a magic number of 64 days overdue and stamped my passport accordingly. I was a week away from a yearly extension application and didn't need the headache so I just accepted their face saving and paid the fine. No valid 90 day report= no visa extension.
Amy *********
@Steven **************
they used the website. It's definitely working. Mine was done last week Friday. 😊
Steven ***************
I was 64 days late. Just paid 2000b fine. Had no effect on me getting a yearly extension a week later.
Peter *********
@Steven **************
why 64 days late ?
Steven ***************
@Peter ********
. They conceded that it was a data error but still fined me...
Steven ***************
@Peter ********
. I thought it had been processed online like I had done the previous 5 times but the system crashed, deleting my record. Pointless arguing it with immigration.
Peter *********
@Steven **************
ok understand now 🍻
Darren *******
You can report up to 7 days late and not be fined. After that it's 2,000 baht whether you're 1 day over or 1 year over.
Phill ******
2000thb fine .
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