Can I obtain a Digital Nomad Visa for training in Muay Thai or culinary courses in Thailand?

Oct 4, 2024
12 days ago
Brian *********
Another silly question from me: has anyone gone the muy Thai or culinary soft power route? It seems odd to me that someone could book a month of courses and get a 5 year visa… I’m planning to do 3 months of muy Thai but want to be sure a DTV can be issued from this…
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the possibility of obtaining a Diverse Talent Visa (DTV) for participating in a 3-month Muay Thai training program in Thailand. Several comments indicate that others have successfully received DTVs for various lengths of soft power courses, including Muay Thai and culinary classes. Users share their personal experiences with DTV applications, emphasizing the importance of choosing accredited programs and understanding embassy policies which can vary widely. The conversation highlights the economic motivations behind Thailand's soft power initiative and suggests that longer training programs—typically 6 months—might increase visa approval chances.
Emily *******
I was approved through Fight EVO360 Pattaya, 6 months was required but they have so many packages to choose from.
Derry *********
When we first did them ( I own the first muay thai gym to secure a DTV) we were doing 10 private lessons. But it quickly evolved and embassys started asking for a course that matched the length of stay. So we started doing 6 month courses at 1 class a week for 6 months, to match the 180 day stamp and to avoid the embassy issuing a tourist visa instead of a DTV. There are still embassys that accept shorter courses still but it's a gamble. We've done over 60 now with no rejections ( 2 had to re submit though)
Stephen ********
@Derry ********
Which school?
Brian *********
@Derry ********
thanks Derry. Would you let me know how to reach out to the school to discuss programs?
Alex *******
Ah, that's the Muay Thai Fever owner, he posts often
Brian *********
@Alex ******
yep - already in touch now 😬
Wannikea *********
@Brian ********
honestly you talk about how well researched you are, yet you also ask Derry how to reach out to his school. A simple search would glean the answer for you. Psst August 27th
Brian *********
@Wannikea ********
give it a rest
Andrew *****
Many did
Brian *********
@Andrew ****
for what length of time?
Katy *******
I received a Soft Power DTV from Vientiane. For a four week cooking course.
Wannikea *********
Looking through your previous questions, your biggest impediment is that you aren't researched. So spend a few days reading through the posts and replies in this group and take notes.
Anita ********
@Wannikea ********
I also want to know the answer to this question. Valid post.
Brian *********
@Wannikea ********
I’ve read pretty much every post in the group. This was not anywhere in the previous questions… if it was, please point it out?

My previous question was also very specific to a certain sector of freelancing and also not addressed in previous posts…
Wannikea *********
@Brian ********
I searched soft power and found quite a few threads, mostly medical but many others. The info is there with succesful application members also stating they are open to PM for more information
Brian *********
@Wannikea ********
the question is not a generic one about soft power, it is specific to the length of muy Thai training and the probability to success. As you have seen in the answers, it seems to vary by embassy and there has been good feedback. I’m rather glad I asked.
Wannikea *********
@Brian ********
and I answered as such, stating that many were medical soft power, but plenty of threads on Muai Thai and culinary applications. Yeah and embassy requirements will vary, so read the posts and take notes.
Brian *********
@Wannikea ********
you’re repeating really basic stuff I’ve known long before joining this group, and it’s unclear why, or if you’re confusing me with someone else. I’ve been studying the various visas and requirements for months, and read through posts on this group (and several others) extensively. It seems you don’t understand the question or maybe English isn’t your first language. In any case, you aren’t being helpful or adding value. Just saying “it varies by embassy” is repeating the obvious. Yes, we all know that… now I’m asking specific individuals about their durations and at which embassy they were successful and where they had problems… I live in SEA so can go to multiple embassies and trying to find the best path…
Wannikea *********
Most important is that the soft power course has all the government certification and business registration for DTV application approval. The business should be able to prove to you with previous successful candidates and DTV applications. Apparently Muay Thai is cheaper than cooking. Be and choose wisely.
Alex *******
From what I've seen 6 month applications are getting approved. Depending on pricing, they can be pretty cheap. I saw Muay Thai Fever posting lots of DTV approvals. Maybe hit them up?
Klee **************
I don’t really think it’s odd at all, what Thailand is trying to do in my opinion is Boost their economy, the more activities we get involved with, the better the economy will be, although I think a lot of of us support the economy, just by being there In Thailand, but if we get involved in other activities, it’s only going to benefit the Thai economy
Lady **********
6 months course+ should be I think,
Brian *********
@Lady *********
why do you say this? Based on experience ?
Lady **********
@Brian ********
yes. Many of my customers apply for 6 months on ward and I did ask Embassy by myself as well, I am not sure about another Embassy but I think should be upon the same rules
Brian *********
@Lady *********
thanks, which embassy is yours?
Lady **********
@Brian ********
Vientiane, Lao
Christopher *********
I did soft power Muay Thai from Jakarta embassy.
โธมัส ************
@Christopher ********
may i ask how long and how much your muay thai course was
Brian *********
@Christopher ********
how long were your mug Thai lessons?