If I leave the kingdom every 90 days am I still required to do the 90 day report? I seem to remember hearing once that re-entry qualified as a 90 day report but my memory on the issue is fuzzy.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
No, if you leave Thailand every 90 days, you are not required to file a 90-day report. The 90-day reporting obligation applies to individuals with visas longer than 90 days who stay in the country for more than 90 consecutive days. Each re-entry resets the 90-day count.
I believe the "90 day" report can be made up to 14 days before the 90 and up to 7 days after the 90, so theoretically you could stay in the country up to 97 days without penalty.
only if you actually filed the report before leaving the country. In other words you have to file a report within 97 days, you couldn't stay in Thailand for 95 days and then leave without filing a report. If you filed the report on day 95 you would be fine.
the "wiggle room" or grace period is time in which you can still file the report, it's not additional time past 90 days that you can stay in Thailand and then leave and not file a report.
George *************
staying in Thailand 90 days incurs the obligation to file a 90-Day Report. Leaving the country within 7 days does not discharge that obligation, only filing the report does that.
You can legally satisfy the 90-Day report obligation by filing your 90-Day report every 96 days. On the other hand, filing is free, and filing online is quite easy, so I tend to file 14 days before it's due. Over time I will end up filing an "extra" report because doing it early "costs" me several days.
The only part of that I can disagree with is "filing online is quite easy". I've never been able to get it to work in 3 years, but it's not really a problem for me anyway, I'm 20 minutes from my local Immigration office. :)
LOL, I've given up - a pleasant 20 minute drive to the very friendly, quick & helpful Sri Racha office every 3 months is just fine for me.
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Mark ******
Garrett ***********
No, 90 day reports are for people with visas longer than 90 days AND who remain inside the country longer than 90 days. If you leave the country and come back in, 90 days starts from the time you've reentred.