How Many Times Can I Visit Thailand While Staying for 30 Days Each Time?

May 30, 2024
4 months ago
Manivong ***********
How many times can I visit Thailand? if I stay only 30 days each vacation.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
There is no set limit on how many times you can visit Thailand if you are using the visa exemption for stays of 30 days (now extended to 60 days starting June). However, frequent border crossings can raise suspicion with immigration authorities, potentially leading to entry issues. It's important to leave the country for a reasonable period between visits, rather than doing quick border runs, to avoid scrutiny. It is also advised to have proof of onward travel to support the nature of your stay as a tourist.
Bent *************
Alan ********
Depends on how many years 🙄
John ********
I come to Thailand 6 times a year and generally for about a week each time. I’ve been doing this for about 15 years and the only comment I’ve ever gotten at immigration was a tongue in cheek “ Wow you really love Thailand”.
Jonas **********
And as always we have the normal stupids, that are not able to use written language and instead send that procative laughing face. What are you doing here? Not to help people, but instead laughing at them. Really nice. Simple people.
@Ian *******
@Leo Michaels.
Diego ***********
U can stay up to 6 months each year in thailand on a tourist visa, so if ur only taking 30 day visa, u can enter thailand 6 times a year
Andrew ***********
@Diego **********
you have no idea what your talking about. There is no such rule.
Steve ********
Depends on the type of Visa you have. 6 Times if you are on a Tourist Visa. Thailand limits it to 180 days per year.
Manivong ***********
@Steve *******
J.d. *******
To answer the question of how many times you can visit and stay each time for your 30 day visa on arrival? Probably as many as you want if it is truly vacation. Meaning you are returning to the USA to work for a month or multiple months. It is when you only leave for a day then return for another 30 multiple times in a row that will get you flagged. You do want to book around trip ticket each time, so you can show that you have an exit flight for your entry visa.
Bob **********
1 million
Kim **********
To my knowledge, nothing was published in the Royal Gazette when China, etc were granted 90 day visa exemption. Also, there was no Royal Gazette posting when, for a brief time, the 30-day exemption was bumped to 45 days. This is a internal change from the TAT and BoI.
Leroy ******
I think it's more about the time in between visits. If you're doing border bounces or leaving Thailand for 2 days for example and then coming back in you're going to invite trouble - if you're month on and a couple of months off you'll be right. That's what I did last year - and intend to do next year again. It just depends how you do it, and who you get at immigration on any given day. It's not an exact science.
Andy **********
@Leroy *****
Or based on aggregate time in the Kingdom. More than 180days has tax implications
Tom *******
I visit Thailand about every 7 months since late 2022. Trip #6 coming in July. I usually only stay just under 3 weeks. Last visit the Immigration Officer did ask me why I come to Thailand “so much”.. I told him the truth (girlfriend and possible business development) and did show off some of my Thai language skills.. and he stamped and said “no problem with entry.” I wonder if the way I visit would ever cause an issue. Of course one day (Sak wan) I will semi- retire in The Kingdom.
Christopher ********
… this a math nerd trick question?
Derek ***********
Flip a coin
Bill *********
So is it definite that you can stay in Thailand for 60 days without a visa as of June ?
Manivong ***********
Thank everyone for your wonderful comments and information, I really appreciate it. ☺️😁😁
Greg *********
@Bill ********
Fake News 😄 🤣
Brandon ************
Bill *********
Bill *********
@Brandon ***********
Bill *********
@Brandon ***********
Why not it says so in articles ?
Dave **********
@Bill ********
sure just bring the article with you and the IO will of course follow the articles direction or the IO may just wait until it's a law.
Bill *********
@Dave *********
sounds good 😀
Dave **********
@Bill ********
love to hear how that turns out. Lol

Recently I entered on a new type visa, at a land entry point, and the IO had missed the memo and it was a lot of fun. There was three possible dates they could stamp in my passport as expiration dates , five year review, the visa experation date, or my passport expiration date. The IO was worried he would get it wrong and they had a conference holding up on long line then wanted to chat about where I lived as he knew the area where I live. Most of the people were doing a border bounce so I was not their normal person BTW a young female IO knew what she was doing and picked the right date.
Brandon ************
@Bill ********
because an article isn't a law. The proposed changes have not been passed into law. They have not been published in the royal gazette. Even the ministry of foreign affairs has already said they're not sure when the rules will go into effect. Announcing such sweeping changes 3 days before the supposed effective date is not realistic in any way.

There are DOZENS of times even over just the past couple years where there were big headlines about things that never came to be.
Horea *****
i think the question is, how many times can enter in Thailand with visa exemption! (30 days before,now 60 days)
Galen *******
Which citizenship do you have ?
Manivong ***********
Aaron *****************
@Manivong **********
US has a special agreement with Thailand with regards to business and work permits. Something you may want to look into.
Manivong ***********
@Aaron ****************
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And will look into to that.
Mario *******
I heared today that it change from June from 30 to 60 days ?
Greg *********
@Mario ******
not in stone yet
Fadzi *******
@Mario ******
you’re right.
Andrew ***********
@Fadzi ******
he is right about nothing, just rumours and speculation, nothing official as yet.

No one knows any details yet. Nothing has been officially made law or comprehensive rules published.
Andrew ***********
@Mario ******
exactly you heard
Galen *******
@Mario ******
New rules are valid if they are published in the Royal Gazette.
Nongnuch ********
@Galen ******
it's official. However, this official poster published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 29, is still in the wrong.

Some countries are mentioned for the "60-days visa exempt" elegibility, AND also elegible for "visa-on-arrival".

This is most obviously WRONG. It can only be “either – or”

And since they made mistakes in this poster, I won’t touch and guarantee the “multiple entry” of the 5-year visa validity, either.

Welcome to Thailand, they never stop amazing me
Brandon ************
@Nongnuch *******
it doesn't even give a start date so I wouldn't call it official
Nongnuch ********
@Brandon ***********
it's an official poster, made up by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Couldn't be any more official
Brandon ************
@Nongnuch *******
coming soon could mean forgotten about and never published in the gazette
Nongnuch ********
@Brandon ***********
I can't believe they create a multiple-entry visa with a 5-year visa validity. It means you can enter unlimited times, and always get issued a 180 days stay permit. It would make the ELITE visa obsolete
Brandon ************
@Nongnuch *******
there's a lot of obscure language around it that I'm still not sure about. It seems like it will completely replace ED visas based on what they say. Also it will allow dependants? But I also saw one article that says it requires proof of 500,000 baht for the duration of the visa which eliminates most people from being eligible.

Also the wording they use kind makes it seem like you might only get 1 extension in the 5 year years but that also wouldn't make sense. Without the full details it's all conjecture.
Nongnuch ********
@Brandon ***********
😄😅😂 agreed, a lot of it doesn't make much sense. The plan rather is in most parts laughing stock. A huge face loss if implemented as is.
Nongnuch ********
@Brandon ***********
There is so much wrong with these plans!

except the 60-day visa exemption for 93 countries, which is the only real change that would boost tourism!

All the other stuff could prove to be a huge loss of face due to the many errors contained in it

The LTR visa has already turned out to be a complete mess of impossibilities

Then it's "plans scrapped" again and there's no entry in the Royal Gazette
Nongnuch ********
@Brandon ***********
that's true, this scenario could happen. Mainly, if they notice the many mistakes in their statements. That's a huge face loss
Mario *******
@Galen ******
It sames ok already they told me
Galen *******
@Mario ******
This is a visa platform where we give each other clear, sensible information. Rumors (I heard or they told me) help no one.
Mario *******
@Galen ******
Thats why I ask if someone know if it’s true
Shaun ****
@Mario ******
All countries?

I'm uk
Mario *******
@Shaun ***
60 countries
Alex ***********
Well form 1 off June you can stay for 60 days now visa  exempt , On arrival
Declan **********
@Alex **********
unlikely, all the rules and requirements will probably be announced on the 1st of June but I don't see it being fully implemented and made law before September
Patrick ********
@Alex **********
Not definite just rumour
David **********
@Patrick *******
is it still a rumor or can I stay for 90 days?
David **********
@Patrick *******
Congress is already approved. It goes in effect June 1.
Andrew ***********
@Alex **********
No one knows any details yet. Nothing has been officially made law or comprehensive rules published.
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew **********
it's official. However, this official poster published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 29, is still in the wrong.

Some countries are mentioned for the "60-days visa exempt" elegibility, AND also elegible for "visa-on-arrival".

This is most obviously WRONG. It can only be “either – or”

And since they made mistakes in this poster, I won’t touch and guarantee the “multiple entry” of the 5-year visa validity, either.

Welcome to Thailand, they never stop amazing me
Andrew ***********
@Nongnuch *******
so you are telling me it has been posted in the Royal Gazette as nothing is official until then. Yes welcome to Thailand.
Nongnuch ********
@Andrew **********
what I am saying is: There is so much wrong with these plans!

except the 60-day visa exemption for 93 countries, which is the only real change that would boost tourism!

All the other stuff could prove to be a huge loss of face due to the many errors contained in it

The LTR visa has already turned out to be a complete mess of impossibilities

Then it's "plans scrapped" again and there's no entry in the Royal Gazette
Andrew ***********
@Nongnuch *******
very true sorry I misunderstood you. TIT
Todd *********
There is no limit. But what is your actual plan?
Manivong ***********
@Todd ********
Boom Boom! 😁😁😁
Christopher *************
Brandon ************
You can until you can't.

If you abuse tourist entries eventually the passport control officers will give you a warning or just deny you entry. When that happens is up to each individual officer's discretion.

It's much more about how much time you're spending in Thailand than about how many times you're entering. If you leave and come back a few days later it's pretty obvious that you only left to get a new entry stamp.

It could happen after 3 times, it could happen after 6 times. No one can tell you when it will happen.

The only way to completely sure is to get an appropriate long term visa if you're wanting to stay in Thailand long term.
Tobben ********
@Brandon ***********
Seems like Thailand dont like tourists ?
Brandon ************
@Tobben *******
a tourist is someone that visits then goes home or moves on to another country. People that visit without a visa, apply for an extension, leave and return the same day and repeat, they are not tourists. These people are trying to live in Thailand and they are abusing tourist entries to do so. What other countries in the world can you just decide to go live there without a correct visa?
Tobben ********
@Brandon ***********
I dont think Thailand care as long as you use money in the country.
Brandon ************
@Tobben *******
they clearly do care since they're denying entry to many people that are abusing the system
Tobben ********
@Brandon ***********
They deny people with no money.The system you can buy !
AÅSH *******
@Brandon ***********
happened to me after 8 times (just a gentle warning from the officer)
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