What are the limitations on entering Thailand under a visa exemption?

August 16, 2022
2 years ago
Briton *********
Entering on the visa exemption is max 3 times in 6 mos

regardless of how long you stay? Is that correct?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Entering Thailand on a visa exemption allows for a maximum of 3 entries within a 6-month period, but specific rules apply based on the mode of entry. By land, there is typically a limit of 2 entries per year, while entry by air does not have an official limit, although excessive entries may raise questions from immigration officers. Tourists are generally not expected to stay for extended periods (like 6 months) on this exemption; travelers who repeatedly max out their visa exemption could risk being denied entry.
Jo **********
i enter visa exempt about 10 times a year but stay about 7-10 days at a time
Briton *********
@Jo *********
ah ok do they ever say anything? This is the frequency I will be averaging
Jo **********
@Briton ********
no never. I think because I am not abusing it - meaning I am not staying the full 30 days. I work in Singapore so I am never in Thailand for a long continuous period of time
Briton *********
@Jo *********
ya I live next door to Thailand as well, so popping over is a weekend trip
Jo **********
@Briton ********
totally understand that and you should not be a problem
Jonas *********
If you have already done 2 border/visa runs by land, you're likely to be denied entry back to Thailand in Bkk airport. I was in Vietnam for a week on got denied access on the way back because I had done 2 borders runs before and didn't have tourist visa. That was 3 years ago.
Brandon ************
@Jonas ********
a border run infers you were basically abusing the system and maxing out your entry each time. The op won't be doing that so he shouldn't have any issues.
Jonas *********
@Brandon ***********
Yeah I'm just sharing for others who have already done border runs to be aware even if flying out for a week.
Paul *******
@Jonas ********
what happened then? you had to return to vietnam?
Jonas *********
@Paul ******
Yes I had to go back to Vietnam and get a tourist visa to Thailand in and then come back
Paul *******
@Jonas ********
sounds grim... you had to book a flight there and then at the immigration desk?
Jonas *********
Yeah, had to book flight back to Da Nang where I came from, then new flight to Ho Chi Minc because there's no embassy in Da Nang. Then get tourist visa which takes a few days, then back to Bkk. I also had to get evisa to Vietnam and wait in their airport detention for 2 days before getting back to Da Nang so it was definitely a grim experience
Steve *******
Nope. Incorrect.
Brandon ************
If you're just going for a week at a time, then don't worry. There are oil workers in the region that go to Thailand every month, it's no problem.
Briton *********
Thanks for the above info...there's a LOT of conflicting stuff online. I'm just going for a week at a time so I don't think its a big deal
Todd *********
@Briton ********
yes - loads of clueless people with an opinion
Brandon ************
You can only enter 2 times visa exempt BY LAND per year.

If entering by air, there is no official limit.

But after 2 or 3 entries, the passport control officers may start asking questions if you're maxing out and extending each entry. Visa exempt is for tourists, and tourists do not spend 6 months in a country.

Eventually they will deny you entry and tell you to get the proper visa for your purpose.
Antonino *******
@Brandon ***********
, right; on 2019 the Thai Consulate in Genova, Italy, told me that the Visa exempion is allowed twice in one year, but to get the 60 days Tourist Visa by Consulate is very easy, and not expensive. Maybe it's possible to enter more than twice by Visa exemption, but if the immigration officer doesn't allow it's more costly than the 60 days Tourist Visa.
Brandon ************
@Antonino ******
there's no official limit by air, no matter what the consulate told you.
Antonino *******
@Brandon ***********
, understood, but at time I had to care what the Thai representative in my country told me, to avoid surprises on my arrival; now I don't need, because I'm living in Thailand with a Non O Visa since the end of two years ago.
Steve *******
@Antonino ******
Visa exemption is allowed twice per calender year by land border entry. Flying in no limit.
Antonino *******
@Steve ******
, I've written what Thai Consulate told me three years ago, knowing I was coming by flight, about the Tourist Visa.
Steve *******
@Antonino ******
You wrote about visa exemption, you didnt mention tourist visa, not that it makes any difference to my reply.
Maxim ***********
@Brandon ***********
Bangkok is strict with repetitive entry, but Chiang Mai is not. It depends on the location of the entry.
Jo **********
Wayne *********
@Maxim **********
Bangkok is not strict, i have been coming 2 weeks every month since october last year and for 5 years prior to covid and never been stopped. Maybe just lucky,

I now have the OX visa issued in late May because was easier to get my thai id and renew my bike and car license as they expired while stuck in Australia
Maxim ***********
@Wayne ********
Your anecdotal evidence have nothing to do with what we are talking about. Bangkok is very strict as Brandon described, which is completely unrelated to what you are describing (completely different thing). 95%+ of denied cases are in Bangkok.
Wayne *********
@Maxim **********
you mention repetitive entry, 2 weeks every month is repetitive which is what I commented on.
Maxim ***********
@Wayne ********
Common sense is imply. There things that don't need precision unless if it's your first day in Thailand.
Brandon ************
@Wayne ********
that's fine. It's people that enter, get a 30 day extension, stay the full 60 days, then leave and return immediately and repeat, repeat, repeat. Those are the ones that start getting scrutinized
Jo **********
@Brandon ***********
yes and that makes sense
Wayne *********
@Brandon ***********
yes agree. But you would have thought they would stop me atleast once and ask. Maybe they are smart enough to realise I work away for 2 weeks :)
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