How can I obtain a 60-day Covid extension visa in Thailand without a letter from my embassy?

March 8, 2021
4 years ago
Richard ********

I m in Thailand with visa exemption for 45days and already get 30 days extension to the 23/03 . I like to get a 60 days covid extension visa but my embassy don t want to give me the letter required by Thai immigration.

Maybe somebody have the solution ?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking guidance on obtaining a 60-day Covid extension visa while in Thailand, having already utilized a 45-day visa exemption and a 30-day extension. The issue arises from the user’s embassy not providing the required letter for Thai immigration. Community comments suggest that a letter may not be needed for most immigration offices and recommend contacting the embassy for a denial letter if necessary. Others discuss the process of obtaining both regular and Covid extensions, with varying advice on the current policies and procedures.
Stefan *******
Do you need Covid test & covid incurance to extend for 30 days ?
Harry ****
so is it okay to go on the 45 day visa exemption and get both the regular and covid extensions? So 45+30+60 days? Anyone know if you can do that?
Brendan *****
If they extend you can enter now on 45. Get the 30 extra. Then say Covid I can not go home and get an extra 60? Really? WOW!
Stuart *********
@Harrison ******
the 45 + 30 is fine. The Covid extension option currently runs out on March 30th. Whether this date will be extended is anyone’s guess. Most think it will until borders open again but it’s not guaranteed.
Andrew ******
@Stuart ********
it’s already been extended to 30th may was done a few weeks ago
Stuart *********
@Andrew *****
no it hasn’t. If you apply before/on March 30th you’d get stamped until the end of May.
Andrew ******
@Stuart ********
sorry misunderstanding on the way you had written it, I thought you meant you could only get extended till 30th March, my apologies
Joe ******
What letter are immigration asking for.

Can you make clear.
Martynus ********
Actually, so far I don't need an extension or anything like that, but I was wondering, which embassy is relevant Polish or British for issuing such a letter if I'm a permanent UK resident with a polish passport? :O
Richard ********
@Tomasz *********
zawsze mozesz sprobowac oby dwie bo jak masz Polski paszport to nigdzie nie pisze ze jestes zameldowany w Angli

Chociaz two Hego passportu nie widzialem
Stuart *********
@Tomasz *********
it would be the embassy of your passport. It’s irrelevant where you normally reside.
Martynus ********
@Stuart ********
Thank you!🙏
Bim *******
Phone 1178 and they will confirm what you need. If the immigration office start stating differently out them on the phone to the immigration officer. Worked for me
Oliver ********
In rayong it works
Stuart *********
For MOST immigration offices you don’t need a letter. Some require proof that your embassy won’t issue them. If that’s the case write to your embassy and ask. When they email you a denial print that and use it when applying.
Paul ************
@Stuart ********
Do you know the policy in Bangkok?
Stuart *********
@Paul ***********
as far as I know you do not need a letter in Bangkok.
Richard ********
@Stuart ********
Chumphon or maybe Krabi if I move there
Stuart *********
@Richard *******
Sorry don’t know the policy of either of those. Perhaps pop in and ask them for their requirements.
Richard ********
@Stuart ********
thanks for answering

I already receive embassy denial mail

Are you sure it works ?
Stuart *********
@Richard *******
I’ve not seen a report that it hasn’t. What office are you wanting to use?
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