Has racism been experienced by anyone in Thailand?

Oct 7, 2024
9 days ago
Toni ********
Has anyone ever experienced racism in Thailand?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The discussion primarily revolves around personal experiences of racism and discrimination in Thailand. Comments range from denials of experiencing racism to acknowledging its existence, particularly against specific groups like Laotians, Indians, and certain foreign tourists. Some expats claim that Thais are friendly and not overtly racist, while others describe subtle forms of discrimination influenced by skin color and cultural perceptions. Overall, the conversation illustrates a complex relationship with the notion of racism within Thai society, highlighting both individual experiences and broader societal issues.
Klaus ***********
You know nothing about Thailand that is certain.
Brian ********
@Klaus **********
I've been traveling to Thailand for the past 36 years so please don't tell me I know nothing about Thailand, I was probably going to Thailand before you were born
Klaus ***********
@Brian *******
doesn’t mean anything to know how Pattaya changed over the years. And nope.
Brian ********
Klaus Burmester sad loser
Klaus ***********
Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Henrik *****
David ***********
What is Racism these days?

It is clear that those commenting have no idea what true racism is.
Ste *******
Not really but they don't like Indians.
Us *****
@Ste ******
for once, I finally agree with you. 😤
Kevin *******
Sure, but even if some Thais look down on me for my white skin, and even if those same Thais look down on my partner for her darker skin, I find that *most* Thais I run into treat me with respect and kindness. I've heard it's much worse in Japan, Korea, China... SEA being very mixed, race-wise, probably has a lot to do with it.
Victor *************
Racism is worldwide and you’ll never escape it. Your options are to

1: let it bother you and sink into a corner and cry your life away.

2: brush it off with a smile, choose to be happy and keep moving forward
Glyn **********
Thai society blatantly discriminates against foreigners, it is what it is...
Samuel ********
My attitude of Thai people after two years: Thais are xenophobic and just like money, Thai is all image but absolutely zero substance, absolutely useless at solving anything solution at all.

Unless you’re here for a short term holiday, or career break. Absolutely zero reasons to stay here long term. Can’t wait to bloody well leave to be honest.

I’m white on the outside but brown on the inside. It’s beyond frustrating to be treated like I’m some clueless tourist from the UK or USA, like I’ve just landed in Thailand yesterday. You’re forever going to be treated as an alien and will never integrate.

Like seriously, other than the fact I’m wrapping up my obligations here, the countries quite shit, like what is exactly here that a proper country like Australia can’t beat. Go to Australia mate, better country.
Randy ******
I hear ye, mate… Same in America. Problem is the liberal wokes who ruined America , Canada and the rest of the free world. Once kamala cheats in to WH, I am out of here! Thailand’s sole attraction is good infrastructure at affordable prices…. and the femininas
Michael *******
Stay home they still eat foreigners here
Ruby ***********
My gf is black from south Africa and she has told me she's experienced it.
Whitt *******
Yes. During early covid days, a few hotels refused me and my girlfriend a room because I was a foreigner. Didn't matter if I had already been in the country a while.
Carlos *********
Racism is an American thing. You can shake that crap off when you leave the US
Falcon *******
Of course there is, in a different way...that lovely smile is Not what you think?
Karina *********
I couldn't tell you because I have never experienced any type of discrimination in my life, but things in southeast asia in general are more related to social class. They use skin whiteners and avoid sunbathing or going to the beach at all costs, because being tan means that you work in the fields and therefore are poor. For example, vehicles and motorcycles have the right of way and never the pedestrian, because if you walk you are poor and of course I should not stop and give you the right of way if you are poor. That's the thing
Don ********
Si *******
They say Thais love Lao food and music but love down on isaan people.
Jae *****
Racism is prevalent everywhere: Westerners are racist toward the Chinese, the Chinese toward the Japanese and Koreans, the Japanese and Koreans toward Southeast Asians, and Southeast Asians toward Indians. Most strikingly, Indians tend to be racist toward the entire world.
Mac ****
Racism in Thailand is rampant, but the difference is there’s almost zero awareness. Most Thais wouldn’t even know what truly counts as racist and what doesn’t. For instance, darker-skinned Thais are often seen as inferior or poor—it’s a common mindset. Some establishments even deny entry to foreigners based purely on ethnicity, and it happens so often that it’s seen as totally normal. After living here for years, I can confidently say racism runs far deeper in Thailand than in any Western country I’ve been to. There’s no comparison.

I could go on for days with examples. Just last month, a taxi driver asked where I was from, and when I said the USA, he straight-up asked me what city in America doesn’t have a certain race because that’s where he’d want to move. He had no clue how wildly inappropriate and racist that was, which made it even more surreal. It’s not just casual—it’s ingrained, and most people here don’t even realize it.
Stephen *****************
Everyday .. human nature .. roll with it
Craig ********
What has it got to do with this group
Andy **********
Dude the thais are some of the most racist people on the planet. And I love them for it.
Glenn ********
There are ignorant people everywhere in this wonderful world.
John ******
Women have called me " Mr. Jeu Lek " ????
Egger *********
If we are falang then they are racist , different prices etc .
Kace *******
never. not even one time.
Isaac ********
I’m white, and yes I’ve experienced it, but it’s whatever, let people think what they want and continue on
Nicolas ********
Yes , I have Thai family and friends and they really do not like black people or Indians. They are seen as gross and disgusting.
Eric **********************
Nope never well not to me but I know they are not fond of certain colors of people
Richard ******************
From Thai locals or from farangs
Joseph ********
Tuilixi *********
This is what you see in Pattaya
Tuilixi *********
Yes I’ve experienced racism in Thailand i’ve been in a situation where I was ignored and looked at like crap, but they gave my white friend all the attention and was very polite with him. I also been in a situation where I was treated like shit like a fugitive or terrorist when entering Thailand through the Bangkok airport, even after seeing my US passport, they treated me like I was a piece of crap from somewhere else because of how I look racially. And every time when I went to immigration, I went through hell and was targeted. It doesn’t matter how polite you are how nice you are or much you smile at them if they don’t like you, they just don’t like you I learned to accept that Asians are racist and ignorant, and most of them hate themselves as well.
Paul *******
In my experience they don’t understand what it is,certainly in terms of colour. They can have a form of it to all foreigners but ‘race’ specific not on their radar. Think it’s the Buddhist culture maybe. Anyway love them for it, or the lack of it.
John *********
You must be kidding. If you ask this question…
Keith *********
Yes that's why I love their country you can say what you feel not like the UK
Jim *********
It’s everywhere all over the planet. I’m easy to be pinpointed because I’m non Asian, but who cares?
М. ****
If u feel racism - stay in Africa!!! What is the point to flood Europe and Asia like insects and then complain about locals that dont like you?!?! Nobody must like u just because u r black or brown, stay home and its gonna be all right, what are you doing in the places that doesnt like u? Are u happy and are u going to enjoy it if everyone comes to your home, demonstrate you his believes no matter how ridiculous they are, and u have to accept it all otherwise u r racist?!???
М. ****
Toni Palito u are the only one seeing an attack, just because its all u r looking for :) Try to assimilate it if u can and then talk to me :)
Toni ********
@М. ***
Well like I said go read my first post, read my comment about Thai people and read your first comment then come back and talk to me.
Toni ********
@М. ***
Shut up, do I look like one that flooded Asia or Thailand or Europe? If you don’t know what to say just shut up. I asked a simple question you can respectfully share your opinion. You don’t even know me and you are typing rubbish. Did you read my question to comprehend or to respond? I think you are one of the racist rubbish!!!
М. ****
@Toni *******
as i said in africa have no racism, stay there :) what are u doing in a country where locals doesnt like u?!?
Toni ********
@М. ***
Did I tell you the locals don’t like me? Did you read my comment about Thai people? Please I think you are sleepy go to bed. I only asked a simple question but it’s obvious you read it to attack me.
Joe **********
Why does have to racist why can't people just be rude ?

If you look for racism you'll see racism.
Thomas ********
In Thailand I experienced no negative issues
Bill **********
That's a rhetorical question 🤔
Marcos **********
Yes, but Thais are reserved and don't let it show.
Ian *********
Every day with dual pricing
Joe ******
Thailand is one of the most xenophobic and racist countries in Asia and the more rural it is, the more prevalent it is.
Mac ****
@Joe *****
Couldn’t agree more. Most Thais are completely oblivious when they’re being racist. It’s so ingrained in the culture that it flies under the radar without any attention or societal pushback. It’s so normalized that no one even questions it.
Marky ********
Only by my wife
Gary *********
Alan ******
Who cares
Peter *****************
Said to your neighbor mind your own business-Tim Walts
Michael ******
Absolutely 😐. If you haven't the only explanation is you dont understand thai or arent in bkk. Its a very different type of racism than you might expect but its everywhere. I might add the quality of people vastly out weigh any draw back from this and as many others stated you will find this in every country.
David ***********
Yes, its their country though so their choice. We all have the choice to leave and its not for us to bring our own values here and try and push them on others. Enjoy Thailand or leave if you dont
Gerald ******
Stuart *********
What is your issue? You post this and comment on other posts the same question?

Let’s try another tack. Name a country in the world where racism doesn’t exist in some form. Perhaps Antarctica - but as I’ve never been there that’s just a guess.

You’ll get racism everywhere. Whether it’s black versus white or brown versus darker brown or just one nation versus another with almost identical skin colours.

Racism generally stems from ill-informed people from one race believing that they are in some way superior to another race.

The more travelled you are the less likely you are to be racist as you’ll experience different cultures from your own experiences and come to realise that “your way” isn’t “the only way”.

Sadly for some the opposite is true and confirms their beliefs that “their way” is better.
Toni ********
@Stuart ********
yes I did post it in other groups I just wanted to know if it’s a norm in Thailand but it’s absurd that some people of color will leave their country and still practice racism far away from home it stinks Fr it does!!! All the racism I have encountered has always been people of color is not like I care but this should stop because that someone is born white or black doesn’t mean anything we are all humans but I guess some people of color where trained like animals!!
Stuart *********
@Toni *******
That you are offended by something, whether it be racism, sexism, naturalism or whatever is your issue.

Others may not be such snowflakes. Your perception of how the world should be is pretty irrelevant for others.

Others may see it as a better way for them too. Others may not.
Julian *******
Yes. I have experienced antisemitism from western expats and discrimination from Thais for being a westerner.

Let’s remember Anutin saying “ dirty white westerners were responsible for spreading Covid “
Egger *********
@Julian ******
thought it was the yellow slant eyed buggers. Lol
David *******
@Egger ********
#metoo Cheers 🍻
Derek *******
when you get to Thailand, you will learn that your victim mentality outlook is the problem, not worrying about “racism.”. Just go. Leave your American culture behind and embrace Thailand
Toni ********
@Derek ******
please shut up if you don’t know what to comment did you read my post to attack me? I see that many of you are racist on this platform it’s sad people of color. I am proud of who I am and I have no victim mentality probably you are the one who needs to change your stink racist behavior so the world can be a safe and happy place to live
Ruby ***********
@Derek ******
dumb comment, he's obviously experienced something you haven't. And yes there is racism in Thailand.
Jeremy ********
Idk if it was intentional. I’ve had to explain to a Thai friend whose maybe in her late 40s that saying I’m “getting so black” as her meaning the suns been making my skin get darker since last they saw me” isn’t really the best way to say that 💀among some other things(other people). I think one of the staff at my condo is racist though 😂
James *******
Nah only towards Indians 😂
Sean *******
hospitals are very discriminating on farangs...they even own up to it with signs saying westerners pay 20% more !!

It's called "White man's tax" 😃
Joe ******
@Sean ******
No worries, in Laos, Thais have to pay more as well 😉
Richard ********
@Sean ******
nooo it s white chicken tax !!!!
Sean *******
@Richard *******
just think what they'd be saying if our hospitals in the UK did that though...they'd be running around like headless chickens 😁
Keith ******
Barry *******
I think there is racism all over thailand but I have no problem with it. I think it is correct, because it is their country and they can do what they like with it. That is their culture and absolutely have the right to be racist if they want, there is not for anyone to tell them they shouldn't be. I am a privaliged guest in tL. I never forget it. By the same token in my country whenever I come across a thai person I treat them the same way as they treat me in Thailand. Because I copy them, and same rule goes
Ray **********
Kind of
James *******
No, no one has ever experienced this.
Mick *******
Who the hell cares
ضخةبقهنة ********
Alot more so being a black woman 😭.
Marty *********
No. Never. Been here full time for 7

There are too many people who are overly sensitive and looking to complain about anything. ❄️ ❄️ ❄️

This is Thailand. Sabai. Sabai. 🙏
Boonan **********
@Marty ********
you can always do a David Cop a feeler with lots of your moolah and all racism instantly vanish ! 😂
Joe ******
@Marty ********
So you haven't seen these adverts promoting Thai skin care products?
So ********
@Joe *****
Thai don’t want to have whiter skin because they are racists. Having a whiter skin means that you are not a lower class citizen who works outside like on the side roads doing construction work. It’s a sign of higher class in society who can even afford to not work.
Joe ******
@So *******
No, not racism, that's called 'colorism" but still, generalisation and discrimination.

Just like racism, "colorism" can affect job prospects, particularly in industries like hospitality, entertainment, and media. Lighter-skinned individuals are often favored for higher-paying and more prestigious jobs, while darker-skinned individuals may face discrimination or be relegated to lower-paying positions. In some cases, job advertisements explicitly state a preference for applicants with fair skin. ( Have a look at Thai movies, westerns often play the "baddies" 😉)

On the other hand, the term "farang" which includes anyone who's not Asian it's a sort of racism. Typically referring to (white Westerners), experience both positive and negative racial stereotypes. African and South Asian foreigners, on the other hand, can face more direct discrimination or negative stereotypes.

Thai media often reinforces racial stereotypes, with depictions of ethnic minorities or foreigners in negative or simplistic roles.

Thailand may not have the same history of institutionalized racism seen in Western countries but these societal issues persist.

In the end it doesn't really matter if it's racism, sexism, colourism or nationalism it's still all discrimination.
So ********
@Joe *****
I’ve always heard that the word “farang” originated from the word “farangcet” which was the best way a Thai person could prononce / repeat the nationality “français” when told by a french person.

It became “farang” with time to describe a white skin foreigner.

But this might just be a story…🤔
Joe ******
@So *******
I'm sure there are other explanations too.

Yeah, some suggest "farang" comes from the word "Français," referring to the French. This is due to the French presence in Southeast Asia during the colonial period in the 17th century.

Others believe "Farang" is much, much, much older. Most likely influenced by ancient trade routes in the 13th century (Marco Polo time?)and eventually adapted in Siam.

In medieval times the Greek term "Frangoi," used to describe the Franks. The Arabic and Persian influence, was "faranj" which refers to Europeans or Westerners and in Sanskrit the word "parang," means outsider.
Jason ******
@Joe *****
that's not racism ,it's there yen personal preference to liking white skin,the world(well western world pushed by USA) has got really stupid on the whole racism subject 🙄get a grip 🍻
Marty *********
@Joe *****
First day in Thailand. I guess I view racism as something more substantial that skin care products.
Jason ******
Don't be so pc ,Racism is part of the human species and also many other animals ,it's how we deal with it that matters ,if you travel you will experience some form of racism in every single country of this world and there isn't really that much in Thailand,it's a very accepting society ,I lived 14 yrs in Cambodia and speak khmer and there racist to anyone who ain't Khmer 😂then I lived 3 yrs in Indonesia and Indo Muslim are the most judgemental racist people you can ever meet ,but there's a simple choice ,laugh,smile or tell them to f__k off ,simple as that ,no point asking all dramatic on here 😂🙏🏽
Boonan **********
Rule of the thumb The majority race is always the racist

Everywhere in the world it’s the same
Robert ********
Lester *********
Yes but it was an Indian guy who insulted me.
Us *****
Asians are hella racist. The Thais look down on the Laos, Cambodians, and Myanmar people. They also don't like Indian people from India and those Africans from Africa that try to sell you stuff on the street. They hate the Chinese but respect their money.
Ruby ***********
@Us ****
I'm not surprised
Chan *********
@Us ****
I am chinese/thai but born in thailand. The reason they do not like chinese people from china is because there are chinese who look down on other asian countries but like to visit those countries because they are cheaper. My time in Thailand, I personally witness Chinese people who would walk to the front of the line and just cut in when the line starts moving. They would act like they are just standing there to talk but really they are waiting to cut in line and the thais are too nice to say anything. They bump into you and dont apologize and walk off like nothing happened. These are personal experiences and it is why thais do not like chinese tourists because they dont know if these chinese are going to rude or not. They arent being racist but statistically its the chinese tourist who are more likely to be rude.
Us *****
@Chan ********
I am American Chinese, I know how mainland Chinese behaves. They are rude and obvious.
Lincoln *******
@Chan ********
yes Thai and Chinese cultures are worlds apart as are their understanding of common courtesy
Kent ***********
Not unique to Thailand
Marcels *********
yes especially against other asians who the bad paid work in thailand. laotians for example often face racism in thailand
Antony *******
I have not but my thai friends say their people can be very racist towards all people but especially Laos and Chinese and some farang
Antony *******
@John **********
I don't have an opinion as I tend to make friends easily with all walks of life and cultures/ religions etc. I am only repeating what I have been told from younger locals.
John ***********
@Antony ******
Financially Thais live for the moment while for Chinese save for future. It's basically a difference in lifestyle, except the Chinese are probably wealthier and able to make more of the moment anyway. But I doubt they would fit the Thai's definition of sanuk. The word 'sanuk' probably holds the key to the character of Thais. They like you if you're sanuk and don't care for you so much if you're not.
John ***********
@Antony ******
The Chinese have a totally different attitude toward money so I can understand why Thais are not so keen on them.
John *******
Maybe just straight forward meanest towards others. My Uni students would have no problem pointing out that they were whiter than other girls in the classroom. Pointing out others for their darker skin. Most of them use whiteners.
Christopher *********
Jon *****
Never. Unless you don’t really like taking showers.
Minenhle ******
Well nah. I'm black but I've never experienced it with Thai people.

White people yes obviously. But not with Thai people
Brian ********
@Minenhle *****
not true, I've heard Thai lady's shout words that can be considered racist
Minenhle ******
@Brian *******
yeah to you and not to me. I've never experienced any racism in Asia overall and I've taught in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and currently in Thailand. Maybe its your problem
Brian ********
@Minenhle *****
how can it be my problem when I hear Thai ladies call a black American "Chocolate man" the fact you have never experienced racism doesn't mean it doesn't exist, that's like saying you have never had cancer so it must not exist
Minenhle ******
Sam ********
@Minenhle *****
meanwhile, young black people attacking elderly Asians in the US is an epidemic, but you "obviously" ignore that in order to take cheap shots here
Minenhle ******
@Sam *******
oh another coward hiding behind a fake account. Really have no time for your BS
Alex *********
Sure, pretty sure it exists everywhere.
Toni ********
@Alex ********
it does Fr
David *********
@Alex ********
yes it’s why we have races
Christopher *********
I don't speak Thai so I have no idea what they are saying. Hahah
Lisa *******************
Whitening products are not about race. If anything it’s more about classism. The idea is that if your skin is light, then you’re not out in the sun doing manual labor. It also implies that you can afford beauty products to take care of your skin. Lighter skin is an Asian beauty standard not exclusive to Thais it has nothing yo do with wanting to be racially white. I would liken it to white people tanning- the implication is that someone who is tan can afford to artificially tan or have enough free time to lay around in the sun.
Tracy *********
@Lisa ******************
well written!!!
Christopher *********
@Lisa ******************
I have been in Thailand for 3 years. They don't like people from India, laos, Cambodia and a lot hate Chinese.

Now they are all asian but I'm just saying definitely some discrimination.
Lisa *******************
@Christopher ********
- Are you familiar with the history between Thailand and the other countries you mentioned? I don’t doubt that there is some form of discrimination that goes on, however I think it’s natural, and likely more based off of history, cultural, behavioral, & economic differences, etc… vs just something superficial like skin color. Thai’s are very protective of their country and its people. They truly believe Thailand belongs to the Thai people and will fight to keep it that way. However unlike a lot of other Asian countries they are not completely homogeneous like Japan, Korea, Mongolia, etc… They do accept mixing (I believe 40% are mixed with Chinese.)

I think it’s easy as a foreigner to make judgments based on surface level interactions and observations. But unless it is actually your country/ people/ way of life at stake, or you are able to completely suspend your own biases and judgments, it’s difficult to understand all the nuances and possible reasons for underlying feelings of resentment if any in that regards.
Christopher *********
@Lisa ******************
so what is racism?
Racha *****
@Christopher ********
This is interesting to know this among Asians.

Thai person here who grew up in a White community in the US. So racism for me was obvious in my current climate. But every time I'd meet a fellow Asian we'd welcome each other with open arms.
Christopher *********
@Racha ****
Ask Thai people here what they think about people from India or Myanmar or china or Cambodia.
Racha *****
@Christopher ********
I wasn't questioning you

Perhaps you misunderstood me, I just meant I found this perspective interesting. I believe you. It's weird how different sides of the world have different views on race. Not just in different sides of the world but even in local communities I guess too.
Christopher *********
@Racha ****
ohhh ok yeah I get what you are saying.
Scotty ******
@Lisa ******************
Exactly, well said!!!!
Christopher *********
@Lisa ******************
maybe prejudice is better word
Toni ********
@Christopher ********
Thai people ain’t racist just some other people of color.
Nicholas *********
@Toni *******
How they feel about indians
Morten ********
@Toni *******
You will see what you are looking for, generally People are idiots, don’t pay attention to them and live your best life ✌🏻✌🏿
Toni ********
Par ******
@Toni *******
not all but many Thais are. They generally look down on Laotian and Burmese people. ☹️
Gareth ********
@Par *****
I’m from the UK if I look down on people from neighbouring countries e.g France, Germany, Europe etc doesn’t make me racist.

Hating someone for their skin colour does though.
Christopher *********
@Toni *******
Thai people are racist.

I have had Thai girlfriends who want to be as white as possible because it's better to get jobs.

I had a Thai girlfriend who was brown she said in school they bullied her. My current girlfriend is white Thai and I have to make sure I don't accidentally use her "whitening lotion".
Rob *****
@Christopher ********
Thai people are not racist. Yes, they would like to be white but that is not because of racism...It is a "class" thing. They see a "darker" fellow Thai as being "lower class". Like...they associate it with being darker from working in the fields.
Christopher *********
@Rob ****
it's not just about the color a lot of them don't like people from Cambodia, china, Myanmar.
Alistair **********
@Christopher ********
why do you call everything racist tho? No one calls Europeans racists when they they hate Russians. But when an Asian country dislikes another Asian country it's suddenly racist?

Heightened tension and war between neighbouring countries is extremely common and happens throughout the world. It isn't racist and calling anything and everything racist just degrades the meaning of the word.
Christopher *********
@Alistair *********
hating all Russians is racist.

Hating all Jews is racist.
Wayne *******
Alistair **********
@Christopher ********
so if your brown Thai girlfriend uses whitening lotion and becomes whiter, does she change race?
Christopher *********
@Alistair *********
yeah it's only the human race so you can't be racist. 🤣🤣

Stop being annoying you know what I mean. Discrimination on color or nationality.
Curtis ********
@Christopher ********
more to do with class not race. This goes way back where lighter skin meant you had money and didn’t have to work in the sun.
Steve *******
@Christopher ********
That's not racism, that's just bullying. Thais with darker skin are considered poorer because they're assumed to work outdoors doing manual labour.
Michael ********
Christopher *********
@Steve ******
I have been in Thailand for 3 years. They don't like people from India, laos, Cambodia and a lot hate Chinese.

Now they are all asian but I'm just saying definitely some discrimination.
Steve *******
@Christopher ********
That's a fair point but you were talking about 2 Thai citizens
Bob *******
@Christopher ********
Is that racism or is it a cultural thing to do with, for want of a better word, hierarchy?
Jonathan ********
@Christopher ********
lighter skinned Thais and darker skinned Thais are the same race
Christopher *********
@Jonathan *******
well yes obviously they are both asian.

But I am saying there is discrimination on color of skin.

But also there is discrimination on which type of asian you are.

Like if you are from china, Korea, Japan, Philippines. Asian people definitely have a hierarchy in their heads.
Will ********
@Christopher ********
what a load of bollox and I mean this in a nice way. It’s nothing to do with racism!

Yes they have whitening lotions etc but that is just because all the magazines, adverts, models etc have a lighter skin tone and they see this being more beautiful. You’ll notice the Chinese on vacation use umbrellas to hide from the sun etc. It’s a choice and it’s not racism! What you will find is they don’t like particular countries as a whole for example India because of the way they behave in areas but nothing to do with skin colour.

The English for example like to sit in the sun all day to get a tanned skin tone so would that make that population racist?

They have a culture and traditions that foreigners make comments on and try to change which annoys them.

The hierarchy you talk about with skin tones/countries is the farming working class in the sun all day with dark skin and the lighter skin tone of the sheltered office working class = who has the money.

They see things as they are, in a simple way, without the filters like the west have because of the racism or discrimination card being pulled every 2 minutes. All because a single person is offended.

My point is, yes in the west we can label this as racist or discrimination, but who are we to tell them they are wrong or that it’s wrong when they had no intent on being racist or to discriminate and really it all falls to the individual that feels offended.
Gareth ********
@Jonathan *******
agree. Using a whitening product or a getting a tan isn’t being racist. A few comments going adrift here.
Sean *******
@Gareth *******
discrimination comes in many forms...
Gareth ********
@Sean ******
I agree. Racism is a very specific form.
Sean *******
@Gareth *******
there's discrimination in electrical circuits but I doubt those cables are racist 🤣🤣

depends how you read it I suppose...
Toni ********
@Christopher ********
wow that’s crazy I haven’t experienced racism from Thai people but people from other countries some of them stink with racism.
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Thai Visa Advice and Everything Else