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What are the opinions on dual pricing in Thailand for foreigners versus locals?

Jul 12, 2022
3 years ago
Li ****
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The comments highlight a heated discussion regarding the dual pricing policy in Thailand, where foreigners often pay higher prices than locals for accommodations and services. Many users express frustration over what they perceive as a discriminatory practice, citing feelings of being treated as 'walking ATMs.' Others argue that this pricing strategy is rooted in economic disparities, allowing Thais to access their own country's luxuries which they may not be able to afford otherwise. While some see the policy as a necessary approach to support domestic tourism and help Thais enjoy local amenities, many criticize it as unfair and detrimental to Thailand's overall tourism appeal, particularly in the post-pandemic recovery phase.
Mitsuru **************
Petition your home country's lawmakers for reciprocal treatment in your home country.
Steve **********
Thailand used same ' dual ' pricing scheme at Nat' Parks, many restraunts, hospitals etc.

Tourists feel scammed.

Tie that into Police abuse for motorbike extortion, you're back to no tourists.

Tourists not coming as vacationers, but prey !
Lisa *******************
The income differences between Thai nationals and foreigners is pretty big. I think Duo pricing allows Thais to enjoy some of the luxuries within their own country. To me this is fair. It’s not about race because they are not specifically targeting one.

Most Thais cannot afford to leave the country or go overseas. Even getting a Visa to visit the US is extremely difficult to impossible. US immigration have been directed to look at every applicant as a flight risk/ non-returning/ attempting to illegally immigrate. So it’s not as if they can just go on a vacation to any destination of their choosing.

So as a well traveled American with Thai family members that will never have the opportunity to travel abroad I think this is absolutely fair.

It appears that people need to learn what the definition of racism is. It’s interesting to observe the entitlement and gatekeeping by foreigners in regards to Thai policies though… I think Thailand like every other country can do whatever TF they want when it comes to running their businesses/country. If you don’t like their policy/ rules/ laws/ lack there of… then simply don’t go. If it turns out to be a mistake for Thailand then I’m sure they’ll backpedal.
Steve **********
@Lisa ******************
what does Thsi income have to do with dual pricing.

Govt isn't reducing Thai prices, its obstructing Thais from benefiting from Tourists.

How does a Farang paying 400 baht to a Nat'l Park benefit a Thai.

Govt is doing nothing to reduce costs to citizens, just deprive them of befefit of tourist ( who feel like pray )

How does a Thai enjoy luxuries within their own country ?
Lisa *******************
Right- but the program has an expiration date since it is government funded. “Duo Pricing” I assume wouldn’t be Government funded/ supplemented.
James ***********
It is (was) government funded. Many Thais made use of it.
Lisa *******************
@James **********
- No I hadn’t, but I just now looked it up. So it sounds like the Duo Rate is also an attempt to place something more permanent and not government funded in order to incentivize domestic tourism among Thais.
James ***********
Did you ever hear of "We travel together" program. For Thais only.
Robert ******
@Lisa ******************
open your eyes to their new motorbikes & pick up trucks they always act like their skint but all got new iPhones & can afford to eat out all the time
Lisa *******************
I haven’t failed to see your perspective, and completely understand what the ramifications are. However like I said Thailand (any country really) can run their country however they see fit, even if it involves creating policies that seem stupid or counterintuitive. If people don’t like it, or disagree then don’t support it by not going. Then maybe the tune will change. If this is something Thailand wants to take a gamble on and implement then so be it. Besides I don’t see how it’s qualifies as scam when they’re now being transparent and up front about it. (Yes, I say “now” because duo pricing has always been a thing just not as an official policy.)

Are sliding scale clinics that base payment on income a scam too? Or what about official government rates at hotels in the US (FYI it’s usually higher because the charge the max allowable for reimbursement.)

Not suggesting you should “feel sorry” for anyone over income disparities. Just pointing out a potential reasoning behind the policy… But really why care so much about what locals pay? Everyone has the option to accept or reject the rate by choosing to go or not to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️
John-Paul ******
@Lisa ******************
thank you for the lecture... however you gave failed to see understand the ramifications of implementing a policy that even the hotel association rejects. Racism it isn't... by definition. But bigotry would be a better term. However stupid would be even better

Income differences exist everywhere but what you suggest is that we should feel sorry for being able to afford this or that. As for the US... that has been policy for decades now. Same with the UK and EU with slight differences. Dual pricing is simply a public relationship nightmare. If Thailand wants to recover their tourist industry that equates to some say 25% of their GDP then be fair about it... or scam the tourists out of their money which is what dual pricing is... a scam. Not a good look or enticement for foreigner travelers. Racist? No. Stupid? Yes.
Andy *******
@Lisa ******************
interesting point but a bit high strung at the end. I think that the Thais that can afford to travel and stay in hotels (especially the 5 star variety) earn more than foreigners, the poor masses would never stay at anything more than the most basic of accommodation if they travel (rarely).. so I think maybe the real reason is to increase prices for foreigners . Which is fine to do as long as it meets sound business practices.. I think in this case the government has no idea, and the hotel industry better understands the tourism sector... So the discussion in the end really is about business and perception, not really about the more wealthy Thai citizens travelling. In this case, business knows best 🙂
Robert ******
Try doing that in the Uk lol you’ll be closed down in less than 5 minutes but Thais are allowed to be RACIST
Native ****************
Point well taken and I think everyone can appreciate that this concept does exist, but does it have a place in a competitive market and what are the effects. Lets put things in perspective and try assessing the effects of a potential 2 tiered scenario versus equal standard approach. Lets take 2 Naturally squeezed Orange Juice stands on either side of the street. One where everyone is created equal... Where have I heard those words before? Hmmm?!? ... And another with 2 tiered pricing based on skin color or ethnicity, where they come from, how much they made last year or the color of their clogs for that matter. Which one would the majority choose and why? Case and point, if Thailand truly wishes to attract the masses, better to focus on all the great things to be offered and the amazing adventures to be had as opposed to how many extra nickels and dimes can collected from the ones they are trying to attract.
Oliver ********
Robert King you shouldn't believe everything you read in the Daily Mail - most UK universities charge international students tens of thousands of pounds more per year, for example
Native ****************
@Oliver *******
Agreed, but one has to think that a great portion of moneys to build most universities come from Tax Dollars which foreigner do not participate in which goes to reason for the inflated Admission costs... Same goes for Thai's National Parks double pricing debate... A great portion, if not all moneys come from Tax Funds, so goes to reason why Foreigners who once again do not participate in paying for these amazing parks are asked to pay more, BUT when it comes to Private Enterprise establishments, funded in great majority by Private Investment talking about double pricing, that is an entire new level of discrepancy and should be greatly challenged if not down right shunned by everyone involved. A disgrace to say the least on an industry already in shambles and a big torn on the side for the rebirth of Post-Covid Tourism development here in the land of smiles.
Oliver ********
@Native ***************
for private companies (in a well-functioning free market where consumers aren't being forced to purchase anything) - tiered pricing (or price discrimination) is superior to universal pricing - it allows more people overall to gain utility from the product/service as the equilibrium price for the groups with lower average spending power is lower than it would be if everyone paid the same price, and nobody pays more than they're happy to pay because it's a free market - (every high school economics textbook explains this well)

in most high-income countries, some private businesses charge more to working-age adults than to kids, students and the elderly, etc (because on average they can afford to pay more), and in most low-income countries, some private businesses charge more to foreign tourists (because on average they can afford to pay more)
Nigel *********
Robert King delighted to see you're standing up for equality and fairness. Keep up the good fight.
Robert ******
Foreigners are not wanted here in Thailand all they want is money they are GREEDY RACISTS who tolerate foreigners for financial gain nothing more nothing less DON’T Kid yourself they like you they are great Actors & Actresses ask one of them to buy a round of drinks lol but they will be happy to sit there & ponce off you all night

Thais always think that the world owes them a living.
Steve **********
Robert King You're correct !

Have been here 18 years, and traveled most of the kingdom .

Lived under THE King, his son, 2 or 3 coups, many disasters from floods to Tsunamis , Have seen worst from Immigration, Thai Police to border clashes, and uprising.

Yet... have enjoyed every day, smiles ( real or imagined ) , have never heard a raised voice, seen a robbery or murder, felt threatened, or disrespected ( real or imagined ).

There is a Cultural difference so vast, you'll never understand, nor should you.

They ( our hosts ) accept our arrogance and attitude with a bow and smile.

Extend the same courtesy, eh.
Robert ******
@Steve *********
you must be a very wealthy man & more than happy to pay double & triple for everything including entrances etc your tolerated for money here don’t kid yourself I been coming here for almost 35 years & yes I have met loads of lovely people here but the majority only see you as a walking ATM machine ohh I see you live in Chiang Mai yes the people are much nicer up there than in pattaya
Steve **********
Robert King living permanently since tsunamis ( was in phuket for it) live in Chiangmai, been coming since Nam and have been to 73 of the 77 provinces. Think I have a well rounded knowledge.
Robert ******
@Steve *********
why not write a book about your experience
Steve **********
Robert King retired, my memories are mine and the 58 countries lived in.

And memory clouds some realities

With Grisham, Connolly, Patterson etc still prolific, am content.
Steve **********
Robert King Yet, as you say, as much as you resent your treatment, you return continuously for 35 years.
Alan *******
Robert King Foreigner isn’t a race.

They want to dual price so they can keep discounted rates for Thais and put back normal pre Covid prices for everyone else.

It’s not the best idea but it’s based on some logic.

Thais on average are poorer than most of the tourists that come to Thailand and they need a sizable domestic tourism base to make up for some of the shortfall in international tourism.

Also makes sense to deter low budget tourists who contribute little to nothing while taking up infrastructure resources and adding to pollution.

This fits in line with Thailand’s desire for quality over quantity.
Robert ******
@Alan ******
Good luck if you like them to take the Pi55 out of you laughing when you paid nearly 3 times the amount lol
Brent *******
@Alan ******
this is absolutely true, and why for some time now the Thaias with their Thai ID can use the “we travel together” program and enjoy the same hotels I go to for 40% less…. This enables and encourages domestic travel for the Thais.

As a foreigner, I go monthly to the same local area hotels with my family and look for which hotels will give me the best deal (none of which are as good as the Thais 40% discount!) But this is based on the competitive, standard, hotel controlled prices which are controlled and set by the hotels personal needs to attract business.. I accept that…. And I accept that the Thais get a better deal…. But it should be for the hotel to decide based on their needs and for then government to encourage or support their nationals. This idea, whilst based on some logic, as you say, is seen as an obvious, possibly xenophobic, attempt to simply increase prices aimed solely at foreign tourists and will simply deter many more people than it will encourage!! That in itself is crazy!

Where I can get good value and discounts I go EVERY month to many 5 star hotels with my family…. If they force an increase in those hotels I simply won’t go as much… end result will be I spend the same available spare money but frequent less hotels less frequently.

End result is the same money spent but less hotels benefitting…

The hotels are right to push back on this idea and try to retain discount and special offer control themselves. 🤷‍♂️
Karim ***************
@Alan ******
I never have any issues with duel pricing on public parks, for the reasons you mentioned. But when it comes to hotels, it’s not the right time to increase prices for tourists. Everyone is suffering from inflation and flight prices have shot up. Hotel prices will eventually go back to pre pandemic prices and that’s fine, Just not now.
Alan *******
@Karim **************
I’m not saying it’s a good idea, just pointing out why they’re doing it and that it has nothing to do with “racism”.

The Thai government seems to think the rest of the world will gladly pay pre Covid prices for hotels, probably because airline fares are back to pre Covid and even higher in some cases and people are still traveling in record numbers.

So maybe they’re right, I don’t know.

But yeah, I think it would be better to keep hotel prices set by hotel owners and if they’re discounted then that helps attract more western tourists which Thailand desperate needs as they spend more per head.

Chasing after low revenue tourists and trying to make up for it in large volume has been awful.
Robert ******
@Karim **************
would you be happy to be dual priced if you went to the Uk?
Karim ***************
Robert King firstly, I live between London and Chiang Mai. And yes, I think duel pricing would be fair. I know when I visit friends In the US, I see duel pricing; for example, in Florida, local residents pay less then I do to enter theme parks. Would you go calling Americans racist for that? You might call them racist for other reasons lol but, not for their duel pricing. Do you accept on average, Thais earn significantly less than you have? The answer is obviously yes, whether you admit it or not.
Angel ***********
Settle down, Robert
Robert ******
@Angel **********
I am only speaking true facts don’t kid yourself your liked here
Angel ***********
Robert King Depends on your age. If you're an old cชnt, they don't like you.
Robert ******
@Angel **********
they like anyone who has got money even Quasimodo could pull here with money so there’s still hope for us olduns yet but we like to watch them kissing you youngens after they just give us head
Angel ***********
There's more to Thailand than just prostitutes, Robert.
Robert ******
@Angel **********
not much more to be honest most people come here for them
Keith *******
Paul **********
Almost like the people who are directly dealing with business understand business best
Vic *********
@Paul *********
Astonishing, eh?
Paddy *********
Not new
Wayne *********
Positive way to increase tourism NOT, oh but wait they will drop visa many countries do not need a visa we get 30 days visa exempt so no saving at all.
Paul ********
At least someone is paying attention. Dual pricing for hotel/accommodation is a serious insult to foreigners.
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