Do I need to do a 90-day report while on a Covid exemption in Thailand?

February 23, 2022
3 years ago
Josiah *******
I entered to the country on November with Tourist Visa. After 60 days, I extended the visa for one month. (That's my all 90 days tourist visa days).

I am on Covid exemption now.

My question is;

- for the 90 days report, do I need to do it, as the days the immigration office granted the Covid visa was on the 89th day (from my entry) and when I tried to report, the day after I got Covid vis, via online, it said REJECTED.

1. Do I need to be concerned? Or just assume I don't need to report separately that they already registered my over 90 days stay?

And when they granted, some notifications added:

Holder must leave the Kingdom within the date specified herei, offenders will be prosecuted.

2. Does it mean this is my last chance to stay in the country, and when this validation ends, I MUST leave the country (no option for applying any other visa)?

Thanks in advance.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is inquiring about the necessity of completing a 90-day report under a Covid exemption after entering Thailand on a Tourist Visa and extending it. They mention having entered with a Tourist Visa in November, extended it after 60 days, and now hold a Covid exemption. They are uncertain if the immigration office has already accounted for their extended stay when they were granted the Covid visa and express concern over the implications of a warning stating that offenders will be prosecuted if they do not leave by a specified date.
Markus *****
There shouldn't be any 90 day reporting on a 60 day visa right? Your extension of your previous visa is basically reporting as you went to immigration. I would imagine a 90 day reporting would only matter on visas longer than 90 days... But I don't know anything for certain lol.
Ellie *******
@Markus ****
, if you need to do 90 days report on your Covid extension from Tourist entry totally depends on the local immigration office. You surely need to check with IO when you apply for.
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