My friend got banned from Thailand because overstay so she got banned for 5 years(from 27 June 2017) and then can she come back again after that?? will have any issues to come back ??
Thank you for ur answer 🙏🙏🙏
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquires if their friend, banned from Thailand for five years due to overstaying, can return now that the ban has expired. Several comments discuss the nature of immigration laws, the possibility of complications upon reentry, and the importance of understanding the specifics around visa applications and past immigration records. Many users emphasize the difficulties one can face when returning after a ban, suggesting they get legal advice and be prepared for potential scrutiny at the border.
So I would like to update what happened to my friend xx
She can comes back to Thailand after 29 Jun 2022 (after 5 years banned) but the immigration asked her so many things and she have to show evidence and I also gave her and invitation and guarantee that she will not overstay again and do a bad thing in Thailand . The immigration phone me and asked about relationship between me and her likes so many questions btw I would love to say don't overstay because it's so difficult to come back again 🙂🙂
When you are in your own country, you follow the rules and the law but why you go to somewhere else like Thailand and you say “just pay money and break the law”? Can’t you respect their own law? So why you choose to stay in there if you don’t like that place?
Mykhailo *********
Hey guys, I have a same question here. I am ukrainian and blacklisted for more 4 year as from now. So thinking of where to reffer to ask to forgive me. Hope thai authorities has some sympathy to ukrainian now
Федор ********
Here is the story.
My buddy. Fallen in love with Koh Phangan.
Overstayed for couple of years. Arrested, 2 months in prison, transferred to BKK, expelled from the country. Banned for 5 years.
After 5 years returned back with new passport.
Arrested in Phuket airport on arrival. Sent back to Russia without detailed explanation. All he got is “you not welcomed here” from the immigration officer.
Maybe now I think he will be okay. I don't think they would record all the records of everybody from years ago this is Thailand before covid 19 over forty million people a year.
Oh okay. Weird. I overstayed 60 days, left Chiangmai December 2017. Then came back to Thailand through Bangkok March 2018. The immigration officer just looked through my passport, then said, "what happened here?". I said, "yeah I was stupid, my first time in Thailand and I thought I had 90 days...I'm just here for a few days to see a doctor, then I'm leaving" and showed him my outbound ticket. He let me in no problem.
Anecdotal evidence is important but in way conclusive. So much depends on the io in Thailand.
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Sophie *********
Maarten ****
I know people overstayed in Thailand for years and still able to apply visa inside Thailand… it’s all money games lol if you have money , those officer will serve you as a god
David ***
Over stay means: bad intention to live in any country without valid docts, so better stay away, advisable not to discuss this sensitive issue.
one day is not an issue unless if you really concern about your good record but for own safety why not keep enough days in hand because we everyone knows about the consequence of overstay.
Reply to
David ***
Juls ******
All those good thinkers giving advice, when they difficuly put a mask... Respect Thailand !
Will make me laugh if i was not so deseperated.
John-Paul ******
So a more than 2 to 3 year overstay? Hmmm.... serves her right she could have done more to stay within the law... as silly as it may be it is still the law.
Ronald *****
Overstay is a chargeable offence..even if for one day...those idiots who say just pay the fine, nothing will happen..please remember that your overstay immigration record with Thailand will be forever , they can anytime banned you from entering or obtaining a visa.
I overstayed 60 days in 2017 and they gave me a “bad boy” stamp on my passport. I got a new passport recently though. So now they can’t know, right? They didn’t electronically scan my passport or anything. How do you know the record will “stay forever”….
doesn’t matter about passports or names anymore. They link your identity with your fingerprint. I have two nationalities and they always ask about my other passport
Well of course it was refused, she was still banned.. Apply again now the ban is over.
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Jeffrey ************
John ********
Get a new passport and change your name by depole
Rampi ********
Nationality? Reason for being banned the last time? Important factors. Walk up to the embassy in her country, provide true details and accept the answer. Likely to be overstay + some other problem.
STFU...typical loser sycophant. Thailand is begging for people to come back and spend their money. I’m sure she can sort this out especially now given the state of the economy.
Thailand is my 1st home so I know my friend made a mistake but rn I just trying to sort it out I hope someone who got experience about it can share it with me and will help me and my friend so much 🙏☺️🥰
I'll admit there are some weird foreigners here. Some think they're actually Thai. Some newbies telling others what is really going on. Grumpy old people who were picked on in their own country. Etc. But some people have genuine problems. Sometimes it's out of our control to avoid these problems too.
tbh I just wanna share the thing happened to me and my friend and I think will be helpful for someone I'm sry if u think that my posts like the circus because it's already showed what type of ppl u r ,,
No difference in rules. That’s been the same for years.
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Stuart *********
Alan *******
The best thing to do is find a few lawyers who deal with immigration law, ask them how much it will cost to look into the case and what can be done to resolve it.
The ban is 5 years but it’s still up to the immigration officer she is dealing with when applying for a visa.
They can just say no for any reason really.
But if she can get a court to rule that she is free to enter Thailand again and show that document she should be fine.
I would estimate it would cost around 30k baht for something like that.
I already called the immigration in Thailand but they said have to contact by herself and I said it like how dat possible she can contact by herself at the immigration office in Thailand because she doesn't even know that she got chance to entrance to Thailand 😃😅
Actually they dont have it in their system. If they did, they wouldn't of taken my fingerprints 50 different times now since I've been travelling to Thailand.
A new passport won’t help. All entries are held on a computerised database. All previous passports and entry dates are listed. Even if you have two different nationality passports they’re linked.
They usually flip through my passport looking at the stamps. One questioned me about the "Aruba" stamps. "What is Aruba?" "Where is Aruba?" Had to restrain myself from singing the old Beach Boys song.
That would work at an embassy as they don’t have the immigration database, but the guy at the airport (or elsewhere) has your entire entry history on screen.
After waiting for the 5 year ban to expire. Just saying, it would be better to have a clean passport, versus a stamped one. They usually flipped through my passport looking at the stamps.
flipping through a passport is the “easy” option and because they’re on a time “limit” (they’ve got hundreds of arrivals to process) that’s what they do. However if there is any sort of red flag or question about your entry they’ll take you aside and either they or another officer will scour your entry history intensely.
My point is, you are more likely to be pulled aside if you have an expired "banned" or "overstay" stamp versus a clean passport. Note, I did state obtain a Visa before leaving her home country. Thus, not suggesting she try to sneak in. Just offering a suggestion to avoid extra scrutiny.
yes that’s correct. Many people are under the impression that overstaying by a day or so is of no relevance and they can just pay the fine at the airport on the way out. What they don’t realise is if they are caught by police before they get to the airport (say at a random checkpoint) then there can be huge ramifications. Locked up by immigration police, sent to court, expelled from Thailand and banned for 5 or 10 years. Rarely happens but it can and has.
Entirely possible. I’m not suggesting it’ll be a hassle free entry, but in theory it should be.
Reply to
Stuart *********
Stuart *********
If they were banned for 5 years from that date and now that ban has passed then they’re free to enter Thailand again. That’s the theory. What actually happens on arrival will be interesting to know.
i have a friend that that did not happen to. He was never banned by thais but was jailed be them at the request of uk government. After he was sent back to uk did time in uk jail. When he got out applyied for a visa to thailand
Was told he was banned for 5years and 5years as long passed every time he applies rejected now he and is thai wife to this day live in cambodia as he cant get a visa to thailand
I did read, only on this or other fb groups that any ban is not automatically lifted on the exact expiry date of the ban, and it takes a little time to filter through to border points.
Dan ********
I dont know myself, but you'll know thai beaurocratic systems are anything but efficient. Keep applying for new visa after the date has passed if you need to be sure before you travel.
a friend got banned for 5 years for overstaying 3 days.
Maxim ***********
OP's friend was caught at the airport upon leaving so he should not have been banned. The story is missing some parts. But yeah, 5 years for 3 days is insane. Was your friend working illegally or anything like that?
Yes, I know the law. The left side of the picture is always enforced, but not the right side. To get the 5 years for 2 weeks overstay there must be more to the story. It would be like getting jail time for ecigs.
There is no ban if caught at the airport for less than 90 days overstay. A 5 years ban while leaving Thailand is for a 3-years overstay. Your friend is not telling you everything, but it doesn't matter. The 5 years ban is over, he should be able to come to Thailand.
it’s quite possible to be banned for that length. It depends on either the length of the overstay or whether they were caught on overstay by police for something prior to leaving.