Can I apply for a 60-day COVID extension in Thailand if my current extension expires the next day?

January 13, 2022
3 years ago
Jonny *****
Hi all. Arrived in Thailand in late November on a 30 day visa exemption and did my 30 day extension at the end of last month.

My current 30 day extension runs out on the 26th of January. I would like to do the 60 day covid extension. But I see the deadline to apply for it is the 25th of Jan. would just like some clarification:

Could I go before the 25th of Jan and get a 60 day covid extension even though my current 30 day extension ‘expires’ on the 26th? Is the 25th the last day to apply for the 60 day extension or how does it work?

I know it’s completely possible they might extend the deadline as they have done several times before however this is always announced at the last minute so would be good to know what my options are at the moment.

Thanks for any help!
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking clarification on whether they can apply for a 60-day COVID extension before their current 30-day extension expires the following day. The consensus from comments suggests it is possible to apply before the expiration, but applications are advised to be made a few days in advance (preferably three days) to avoid complications. Additionally, it's noted that the exact deadline for applications might change, so regular checks with the immigration office are recommended.
Lucaca *******
I just came out of the immigration office, and I also want to apply for this visa. The staff told me to apply for a COVID visa three days before the visa expires, but because it will stop on January 25th (the current policy), I suggest you Ask once a week in advance (on January 18, you may know the result), or three days in advance on January 22(not recommended, there may be any problems) to prevent any errors
Stuart *********
Depending on the office you use you’ll probably get a “under consideration” stamp for somewhere between 10-15 days, meaning you go back on the day they say and get the remainder of the 60 days stamped. If so you must use the same office from where you applied.
Stuart *********
You can go before your current extension expires. Usually for your first covid extension they’d date it from the day you apply rather than adding it on to your existing stamp, but some offices may add it.

We probably won’t know if they will extend the date until a few days before. Highly likely in my opinion, but that’s just a guess at this stage.
Jonny *****
@Stuart ********
thanks for the quick reply Stuart! Okay great to know that I can get a 60 day extension. I went to MTT and they added it on for my 30 day extension.

And yes I think with the removal of the test & go scheme seems like it would make more sense to keep the covid extension however you never know, TIT!

Thanks again for the help
Stuart *********
@Jonny **********
For tourist visa extension (or exempt) they will add it on to your existing stamp. For the “Covid” extension you are changing the reason for an extension so most offices will date it from the day you apply. Some offices won’t, but each have their own set of rules so it’s a crap shoot on which way they’ll do it. Go early and lose a couple of days. The 25th will probably be manic unless they announce an extension to the date early.
Jonny *****
@Stuart ********
yeah makes sense. Will probs aim for the 19th. Pretty nuts they wait so close to the deadline to announce any changes.
Stuart *********
@Jonny **********
in the past most times the announcement has been a couple of days before. I think one time it was 10 days prior and everyone was gobsmacked. Just how they flow here. We’ll just have to wait and see.
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