Anonymous ************
This is a summary of
Anonymous ************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 5 comments.



Anonymous *************
Anonymous participant 496 ok. Persze ugy ertettem. Oke koszi
Anonymous *************
Anonymous participant marmint hany honapra visszamenőleg kellet a szamlakivonat?
Anonymous *************
Anonymous participant 496 es hany honapig kellet az 500k thbnak rajta lennie a bankszamlakivonatokon?
Anonymous *************
@Andrei *****
good to know that language was not a problem. My amount is not in USD though nor thb. Might be okay anyway
Anonymous *************
Anonymous participant 496 mi alapon igenyeltel? Esetleg lehet nekem is jobban megerne mas uton. Munkaszerzodesem alacsony berre van nem tudom arra megadjak-e.