monthly transfers

Showing 9 questions

This page displays all the results for the Monthly Transfers tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 9 questions that have been tagged with Monthly Transfers. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jun 25, 2024
7 months ago
Rod **********
Most people posting talk about the requirement to have 800,000 baht sitting in their Thai bank account.

My understanding is that the 800,000 required can be made up from two separate amounts. One being proof of pension amount received in your home country as income there ( say 600,000 total annually), and the second amount only required in the Thai bank account being the difference, say 200,000 baht.

Is this correct ?
Oct 27, 2023
a year ago
Padraig *******
Did I make a mistake applying for 1st time Non O in country based on 12 x foreign monthly transfers 65k+ to my Thai a/c. I was declined today at HH immigration, they advised can only use this method for Non O extensions/renewals? I re - entered in Sept on a 60 day Toutist Visa as I wished to change from my previous Non O-A. I provided all bank statements, bank letter, credit white I think they call it etc.
Sep 21, 2023
a year ago
Russell *******
Switching from 800k / year to 65k per month for retirement visa

I’m 6 months into my first 1 year extension of my retirement visa using the 800k deposit method.

What would be the timing in terms of starting the monthly deposits if I wanted to switch to the 65k per month method.
Dec 19, 2022
2 years ago
Chris ********
I have been searching and evaluating all of the requirements and strategies for obtaining a Non-O Visa based on Retirement and I have one question that I cannot resolve. Some of the info gets me close to understanding but I am missing something.

I am a US citizen who has visited Thailand once and am currently back in the US working and saving money. I met a Thai citizen and we have developed a relationship but we are not ready to marry yet. She has been unable to get a tourist visa to the US so our only option for now is for me to return to Thailand eventually - most likely this coming summer. My goal is to work and save money and outline a strategy so I can stay long term. I have looked into starting with visa exempt entry or a Tourist Visa. I might seriously consider taking Thai language classes and try for an ED visa, but also might start with a Non-O Retirement visa after I arrive. I am working on options and will have questions later but for now I have just one question. I will have 800K when I finally travel to Thailand but have to use it to pay expenses so I cannot put it in a bank account and leave it. The 65K monthly transfer is more attractive but I am not understanding something. Can I use this money after I transfer it? So if I initially deposit at least 65k, can I pay my monthly expenses and therefore draw my account down theoretically to zero or does this have to eventually accumulate to 800K? In short, is there a path to obtaining a Non-O Retirement visa by depositing 65k monthly from my US account and using it for expenses and therefore never having much money in my Thai bank account or is the sum of 800k still required before I can do anything. I can't tell if I can really apply for the initial Non-O or the extension if I don't have 800k but do have the 65k/month transferred in. Thank you for any clarifications that you can provide
Sep 17, 2022
2 years ago
Martin ***********
My wife and I are from the UK. We intend to put THB 800k into her Thai bank and ask for a one-year extension with me as the "Trailing Spouse". I will at the same time open a bank account in my name and send THB 65k each month for a year. For a second year extension can we switch to using the THB 65k per month as justification for the visa extension with my wife as the "trailing spouse"? Will that allow us to move the THB800k back to the UK during year 2?
Sep 4, 2022
2 years ago
Darrell ******
I need some clarification for renewal of my non o extension based on being over 50. I am on my first 12 month extension using the banked 800k which has been in my bank for over 12 months. I transfer 40k each month since July 2021.what I want to know is can I change from 800k banked money to monthly instalments for my next extension, 40k a month comes to 480k so I would need to use 320k of banked money to reach the required 800k. That would mean that 320k would have to remain for 3 months after extension granted and could go down to 160k before having to go back up to 320k for the following year. Tod i would love to hear your take on this.
May 12, 2022
3 years ago
Peter ********
Does American embassy notarize income from abroad for 65,000baht requirement for retiremnt visa?

If yes, doesnit need to go in for 12 months prior, or is that only if your embassy doesnt certify those funds?

On a side note im turning 50 in a year and want to do the easiest route to getring that type of visa…..

Side question: if i do have to deposit for 12 months prior, couldni spend the money after each monthly deposit? Ornwouldnit need to sit in there for specific amount if time?

Jun 4, 2021
4 years ago
Ken ***********
Are the requirements for converting a visa exempt to a Non O based on being 50 and transferring THB 65,000 per month to a Thai account different than a Non O 1 year extension ?

I went to Chiang Wattana today under a visa exemption and applied for a Non O using a bank statement showing 12 months of international transfers, but the officer at the desk said to use this method, I would still need a letter from my Embassy (which is no longer an option).

Am I missing something...I thought I understood what was required.
Jan 22, 2019
6 years ago
Jon ********
Thai immigration has confirmed it will show some leniency to foreigners with regards to proving income when applying for retirement and marriage extensions.
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