
Showing 5 questions

This page displays all the results for the pharmacy tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 5 questions that have been tagged with pharmacy. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jun 16, 2024
4 months ago
Stella ******
Advice on antidepressants and ADHD medication. How do I get prescriptions for them here in Bangkok?

In Europe, I received regular monthly prescriptions which enabled me to get the necessary medication for my already diagnosed depression and ADHD issues. I moved to Thailand with several months worth of supplies. However eventually I will run out and that would be bad for me.

The medication I usually take for my depression is Zoloft, and I take Concerta for my ADHD.

I was thinking of finding a psychiatrist here in Thailand, then presenting them with my documentation from Europe which proves that I suffer from these conditions. Hopefully that would allow me to get the prescriptions I need so that I can buy the monthly medication I need.

Is this an option here in Bangkok? I don't want to have to go through a battery of tests again for a condition I've already been thoroughly diagnosed within Europe.

Also once I have already received the initial prescription here in Thailand, would I still have to visit the psychiatrist each and every month or can I make a phone call and pay a specific amount so that I can update my monthly prescription? This was how we do it in the country I live in Europe. You called once a month and they updated your prescription each month. I would rather avoid paying for costly consultations when all that's needed is my prescription to be updated.
Mar 16, 2024
7 months ago
Brendan ********
Hi everyone, Question about healthcare and prescriptions in Thailand.

I am looking to continue my prescription and treatment with Inflectra (a Remicade like IV administered medication for Crohn's disease), but so far have not had any luck at the private hospital I've checked with.

I'm told I may be able to order it through a pharmacy or some hospitals.

Does anyone in Thailand know if this is available? Or have any recommendations on where to look? (even if it's in a neighbouring country)
Feb 16, 2024
8 months ago
John *********
My wife takes Trulicity 4.5 mg/0.5 ml. We live in the US half the year and Ratchaburi, Thailand the winter 6 months. Does anyone have experience getting this in Thailand?
Jan 31, 2024
9 months ago
Arthur *********
Hey guys. I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with getting asthma prevention inhalers (things like, symbicort or seretide)? I'm not desperate for one, but may need one over the next month. I have asked in one or two pharmacies (I showed them the physical pumps) and they said that they don't have them.

Is this something I need to go to a clinic for? Do they use a different brand inhaler here (which would explain why they don't recognise symbicort or seretide)?

Any help would be appreciated (I'm in BKK btw).
Apr 9, 2021
4 years ago
Jim ******
Can anyone tell me how to find

Bupropion in Thailand? Trying to fill my prescription and not having any luck.
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