Will there be any problems re-entering Thailand after a trip to Myanmar with children on European passports?

August 1, 2017
7 years ago
Soma **********
We (1 adult - american passport, 2 children on european passports) entered thailand on 29-july, all on visa exemption, and were stamped in until 28-aug. Decided to fly to mandalay on 15-aug, because we'd like to see that area, and returning on 19-aug and flying back home to ireland on 21-aug. Possibly i've been reading to many of the "horror" stories but is there any reason we should have any problems? We will be leaving possessions in airbnb while we fly to Myanmar so not being able to enter and fly back home would be awkward for sure, especially on my own with young children.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user inquires about the potential issues of re-entering Thailand after a trip to Myanmar, noting their visa exemption situation with an American adult and two European children. Community comments suggest that as long as they are genuine tourists with onward tickets, they should not face troubles upon returning, and they can expect to receive an additional 30 days upon re-entry.
Terary **********
The horror stories you read about are people here pretending to be tourist (myself). We never go home.. We get in trouble when trying to come back into Thailand after a weekend outside of Thailand.. You are a genuine tourist. Most economies like you. You're always welcome to come and spend money, not drain public resources and go home.
Soma **********
Thanks - maybe I've spent too much time on fb lately :)
David ************
Shouldn't you get another 30 days when returning / on arrival in BKK from Mandalay?
Tod *********
, I'd say they'll think that you just took a trip to Mandalay.

Plus you're traveling with kids too, you'll be fine.
Soma **********
yes i believe so though we won't need it as we are leaving for home 2 days after. i just wondered if they would consider the mandalay trip a 'visa run'
Andrew *******
You'll be fine, especially with children and onward tickets for just a couple days later
Soma **********
thanks andrew
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