What vaccinations and insurance do I need for traveling to Thailand, and do I need a Thai Pass?

May 25, 2022
2 years ago
Olivia **********
Hi everyone!

My partner and I will be landing in Phuket, Thailand in July.

Can anyone advise me on what specific jabs we should take and the right insurance plans to get before land; i’ve heard many different options and just a little overwhelmed.

Also do we still need to get a thai pass? or is this the same as insurance.

We’re looking to stay for a few months. so would we get the tourist visa?

i’m very new to this all! apologies, just want to make sure i do everything right with no complications!

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 😅

Thank you❤️
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on necessary vaccinations and insurance plans before their trip to Phuket in July. They are confused about whether they need a Thai Pass, which is not the same as insurance, and are considering a tourist visa for their stay of a few months. Comments provide clarification on vaccinations required (such as Tetanus, Typhoid, and hepatitis boosters), suggest obtaining the tourist visa or STV, and mention upcoming changes to the Thai Pass.
Brett **********
Tetanus, Typhoid and hepatitis boosters are all sensible if you've not had in a while or not at all
Olivia **********
@Brett *********
Thank you!
Horst ********
If you apply for the TP after June 1st, you will receive it automatically and immediately after applying. If I were you, I would apply for the STV Special Tourist Visa. These are 90 days that can be extended once by 30 days. So you could stay in Thailand for 120 days. The following vaccines are approved




Johnson & Johnson,



Sputnik V
Olivia **********
@Horst *******
Thank you for the help 🙏🏽
Yvonne *********
Are you vaccinated already and asking about other vaccinations that some Countries and doctors recommend.

For the length of time you want to stay you should look and getting the tourist visa.

Thai Pass is different than the insurance.

There is talks about the Thai Pass being stopped in July, but until it is approved no one knows when it will happen.
Olivia **********
@Yvonne ********
im not covid vaccinated and don’t wish to be, just looking to know what other jabs i should take such as tetanus etc. but thank you for your help 🙏🏽
Olivia **********
thank you very much!
Kool *******
@Olivia *********
lots of places, and events, will not allow you to participate if you are not fully covid vaccinated. It is your choice whether you are vaccinated, or not, but it is also their choice to restrict those not vaccinated, and that should be respected, no matter what you personally feel about covid vaccinations. Lots of them will accept a negative ATK covid test given on the spot, at your expense.

As far as travel vaccinations go, an up-to-date tetanus and hepatitis series. Anything else is just outbreak specific, and currently there are no significant outbreaks that would require vaccinations.
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