What should I do if my retirement visa application is delayed due to a past arrest that was dropped?

September 17, 2018
6 years ago
Hi, I am trying to get retirement visa. Have all requirements met, but embassy lady is hung up on a bogus trespassing arrest in 1982 that shows up on my criminal record. The charge was dropped, i didnt go to court or jail, but she still will not approve me. Anybody else have similar issue? Options?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
A user is experiencing issues with obtaining a retirement visa (Non-O) in Thailand due to a trespassing arrest from 1982 that was dropped. Despite fulfilling all requirements, the embassy is reluctant to approve the visa because of this outdated arrest. Other users have shared similar experiences and advised on ways to manage the situation, including obtaining documentation that proves no charges were filed, and considering different visa options such as applying for a retirement extension from within Thailand, which does not require a police check. Suggestions offered included utilizing the elite visa to bypass these issues, and several users reiterated that applying inside Thailand could alleviate the need for a police certificate.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
James ********
Lawrence Enjoy your retirement in Thailand 😊 Happy that you were able to get the court record corrected.
Lawrence ****************
@James *******
Thank you
Eric *********
I hadn't come across the rule someone mentioned about not accessing your deposited money for 3 months after receiving your O-A visa. True?
Lawrence ****************
@Eric ********
I went to FBI website, they have contractors that do this kind of work for them. But it does cost if you want it fast. Probably around $150 for overnight.
Eric *********
Thanks will do, this group has been a great help.
Tod *********
@Eric ********
report back on how it goes for you if you can. That's not a bad consulate to deal with, they just want the documents they want and if you provide them (and the appropriately notarized copies ;) ) they are fine about issuing visas.

Good Luck (y)
Eric *********
Thanks Tod! Im headed to the Thai consulate in LA next week to request an O-A visa and I think I've got my ducks in a row. My only concern is that I might not have left enough time to get the police check. Hoping to get it in 3-4 days.
Tod *********
Jean Gravel you are not getting an O-A visa from the thai consulate in your country :/ Instead you are getting a yearly extension of stay from the immigration office inside the country based on being over 50 (retirement) AND it's not your first yearly extension <- which is why you need to have the money in the account for 3 months before you apply.
Tod *********
@Eric ********
, seeing as you can't get an O-A visa inside the country


you use your money in your bank account in YOUR country to meet the financial requirements to get it,

I believe you're confusing the requirements to get an O-A visa from the thai consulate in your country with the financial requirements for getting a yearly extension of stay from the thai immigration office inside the country when using banked money for an extension based on being over 50 (retirement).

That is when you need to have the money in your thai bank account for 60 days prior to your application for the first yearly extension and for 3 months prior to every yearly extension after that,.

ONCE you have the extension in your passport you can take the money out of the account if you want to
Tod *********
Jean Gravel FALSE
Lawrence ****************
So I ended up going to court records and got a document that showed i was never charged. Faxed and mailed it to embassy last week. Received retirement visa yesterday and I am flying to Thailand tomorrow morning. Nothing like cutting it close. So is the passport with visa in it all I need at airport?
Robert *******
Very easy to do yourself and safe the fee for the agent.
Robert *******
Jean Gravel Again I guess you talk about Extension of Stay which you get from Immigration Office. This is not a Visa, next to that the requirement for ths is 800.000 Thb. Total different than visitng Thailand on a Visa that you bought at a Thai Embassy/Consulate.
Robert *******
Jean Gravel The mans has a visa, is not going to apply for an Extension of Stay at the moment.
Robert *******
Yes, passport is all you need, you will get an Arrival/Departure card called TM6. Fill this in with your VISA number. Check the stamps directly when you get your passport back if the date is correct, it seems like you have the Non Immigrant O-A visa, you will get 1 year of stay.
Robert *******
Jean Gravel Where did you get that from?
George *******
They check criminal records now for retirement visas?
George *******
Tod *********
They require a police back ground check and a medical certificate when you apply for a year-long, multi-entry Non-Immigrant Type O-A visa from the thai consulate in your country BEFORE you come here.

It has nothing to do with any visa or extension inside the country.
Chris ******
Sounds like you are going for the O-A. Just get the O before you come or convert here. But you should get the off your record regardless.
Glen *********
If you know anything about the indenting history summary check from the FBI, it always includes arrests...regardless if they are convicted or not...so he can’t take it off...as he was arrested.
Lawrence ****************
I know, thats what ive been thinking. She has dragged this out a few weeks now. I was going to fly over tomorrow morning but had to reschedule.
Mike ********
As has been suggested, you can apply here in Thailand for the retirement extension. I did it with the guidance from this group.
Paul *********
- if your arriving on visa exempt (and then 30 day extn) you probably have enough time to convert to non-0 - assuming you get to immigration and all the paperwork in order - the application goes under consideration for a few weeks (sorry I forgot how long exactly)
Paul *********
If you move to Thailand on tourist visa then when in-country convert to non-0 (being >50) and then yearly extensions no police check is required.
Greg **********
1982 trespass. That sounds like a misdemeanor. Even if you where convicted so what. They are really going to turn down a Retirment visa for that? That’s messed up!! Please keep us up to date on this because that’s just wrong.
Mark *******
Just buy the elite visa and you don’t have to worry about that
Lawrence ****************
Natnaree **********
8 years and Still questioning Todd’s advice. I am Just state the fact. And I just have a chance to read this topic. Consider the threat is closed 🤷🏽‍♀️
Natnaree **********
Mark Stanley applying a visa to have the valid visa to enter the certain country = apply outside Thailand.

Extension of stay with the valid visa once you enter Thailand to any type of extension that you are eligible to = obtaining extension of visa in the Kingdom of Thailand

#technicality and #terminology
Ron ******************
Mark Stanley which visa are you talking about? Non B, Non O based retirement .....
Ron ******************
All ways complete Thai forms in blue pen not black. That should prevent this problem.
Fight *******
@Lawrence ***************
DC was just a nightmare for me to get a METV. They kept making me send new copies of the app cause they said it looked like I just photocopied them. I ended up send 6 copies the last time in different ink colors blue/black and combination of. Before they gave me the Visa 2 days before I left the states.
Tod *********
@Lawrence ***************
you certainly could
Lawrence ****************
@Tod ********
Can I do that with just passport...visa exempt?
Tod *********
I'd try sending it to New York OR to Los Angeles. There's no requirement in the US that you use a specific consulate.

Or if you don't wanna do that, take
's advice and get a single entry tourist visa, fly in and apply for the 90 day Non-O inside the country at the immigration office (which doesn't require a background check or medical certificate) and then after you get that apply for the yearly extension.
Tod *********
What thai consulate are you using?
Glen *********
Oh, yes ive tead about identity history summary checks with the FBI...interesting, they report anything associated with an arrest. In Australia they are only allowed to report convictions, not contacts or arrests, and after 10 years all minor criminal convictions are not reported any longer - for Name Check Only certificates. Other working with vulnerable people checks report everything 🙂

Anyway, just come to Thailand on a tourist visa and apply for it here...applying within Thailand you don’t need to provide a Police Certificate or Medical, you only need to provide if applying outside Thailand (i.e. in your home country) 🙂

Case closed
Lawrence ****************
I got one from Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which she said was no good, then I got one from FBI. They both had it on there.
Stephen *******
Why would an arrest show up with no conviction. Go back to who supplied the criminal record and get them to remove it.
Glen *********
That doesn’t make sense, the police certificate would not record anything unless you were convicted...so how would she know?!
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