What should I do if I'm having trouble finding a medical facility in Oklahoma to test for diseases required for a Thailand visa?

December 11, 2020
4 years ago
Roger *******
I’m in Oklahoma and I’m having trouble finding a medical facility that can test me for the diseases listed by Thailand for a visa. Namely Leprosy, is anyone else having this problem? Thanks in advance.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is struggling to find a medical facility in Oklahoma to test for diseases required by Thailand for a visa, specifically for leprosy. Community members advise that instead of testing, a simple statement from any physician may suffice, confirming that the applicant does not have the disease. Various points were raised about the medical form's requirements, with comments indicating that many doctors conduct basic evaluations and that a signed certificate is often enough.
Carlo ******************
Where is it listed? On which form?
Roger *******
@Carlo *****************
Medical Certificate, you can download from Embassy visa pages.
Martin *********
If nothing has dropped off you probably don't have it
Jack ***************************
I had to have a syphilis test, when I worked, at government schools, a few years ago...to keep the students safe?
David ********
Just do more life. That's all one needs to know.
Nick ****************
I used to play cards with a guy with Leprosy, until he threw his hand in ,!
Jack ***************************
@Nick ***************
wet or dry, Leprosy? (see Papillon movie, with Steve McQueen).
Kathy ****************
Our Dr liked at us and said "yep you guys look OK to me" he's been our Dr for 25 years and fully knows our history..
Graham ******
My doctor made me have a blood test with leprosy he said I don't have and signed the form when the blood results negative
Ադամ ********
@Graham *****
I seriously doubt that. Probably gave you a syphillis test.
Ադամ ********
The medical form is based on 1970s medicine for Cambodian migrant workers. Any physician can evaluate you with a few questions. Unless you have spent months in African villages lately there is no chance you have filiasis.There is a slight chance you might have TB and yes, syphilis is a STD still spreading in US. Are you bare backing any college girls? By the way nobody says Leprosy any more it is called Hansen’s disease that is a Biblical term considered derogatory. When I got the form in Thailand I was only given the Syph blood test.
Nick *******
@Adam *******
where is this bare backing college girls, of which you speak? lol
Garrett ***********
You don't need to be tested for it, you just need a signature saying you don't have it. The medical certificate in Thailand required for a driver's license requires the same 5 things, it's 100 baht and takes 2 minutes.
Oliver *************
@Garrett **********
Correct How the Person i saw Had the Authority to sign it i was Shocked But For the Driving thing that eyesight thing was the Big Thing if i Remember Correctly
Daniel *******
Sammy *******
@Garrett **********
ive never seen those diseases listed on medicate for the many driver's licenses i have obtained-- is the wording in thai?

nor had anyonecever asked me anything beyond taking my blood pressure and on my way.
Garrett ***********
Lol have you ever looked at the med cert? There are 5 diseases it lists and you can't have any of them.
Jared **********
some of the stuff like yellow fever is only relevant if you’re coming from certain countries
Daniel *******
@Garrett **********
agreed. But in the States doctors may be more 'picky.' Perhaps there is a 'tropical disease' specialist in Oklahoma City who can give the man a clean bill of health.
Garrett ***********
That would be an absurd cost. There is 0 reason to go that far. Just go to a GP or any clinic and have them fill out the fit to fly.
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