What new measures regarding visa exemptions are expected to take effect in Thailand in June or July?

May 31, 2024
4 months ago
Brandon ************
In a post published today by the Prime Minister's public relations department, it's indicated that 5 of the measures announced will take effect later in June or July. We will see what happens with the 60 day visa exempt and if it actually goes into effect at midnight tonight.

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The Prime Minister's public relations department announced upcoming measures that will affect visa exemptions in Thailand, potentially including a 60-day visa exemption that may commence at midnight. There are differing opinions expressed in the comments regarding the implementation and complexity of the new measures, with some users awaiting additional information about the Digital Visa (DTV) and others preparing for potential travel to Laos for visa appointments.
Maurice ********
Brandon ************
@Maurice *******
Good to know that the UK gets to make the rules for entering Thailand.
Judy *******
@Brandon ***********
their website is supposed to be a reliable source! They sent out this via an email update!
John **********
@Judy ******
about as reliable as everything else they say. Never believe anything they say unless you can also substantiate it independently
Rumi ******************
I'm on standby if I have to go Laos or no for tourists visa😂 I have flight to there but I have to wait to make appointment for the embassy. I hope soon to make it clear what's going on
Dale ***********
The authorities are still discussing how to make it more complicated for everyone
Graeme ******
This would suggest nothing will happen on the 1st of June but hey let's see !
Ken ***********
@Graeme *****
looks like you are correct which leads one to wonder why June 1 was ever given as a date. Confusion abounds.
Bastien ********
I wish I had more info on the DTV but the fact it will exist is a very big step !
Brandon ************
@Bastien *******
the ONLY information I've seen so far said you have to show you have 500,000 baht for the duration of your stay in Thailand. Does this mean you show you have it when you apply? You have to keep it in a Thai bank and show when you enter or apply for extension? Can it be in an account outside of Thailand? Who knows. But if it's true just that amount is enough to kill it for most people.
Ben *******
@Brandon ***********
abraod fine it sounds like
Bastien ********
@Brandon ***********
well 500.000 is a big number especially if you have to not touch it, I think it’s at the moment you apply and renew the visa to be sure you can survive and pay the plane back

When I applied for a tourist visa a year ago I sent multiple bank account in France and it was ok

Then in KL I had a letter of recommendation from my Thai bank

So maybe both work?
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