What documentation can freelancers submit for the DTV visa application in Thailand?

Oct 12, 2024
6 days ago
Hey all, I'm a freelance website designer from Australia applying for the DTV via evisa in Vietnam.

Wondering what freelancers are submitting for the question 5 . Employment contract or employment certificate in their country or professional portfolio showcasing digital nomad, remote worker, foreign talent or freelancer status

That's getting approved?

I have a portfolio I can submit but I'm wondering if that will be enough? I have individual client contracts for the upcoming months but would prefer not to share these due to privacy reasons.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster, a freelance website designer from Australia, inquired about the documentation that freelancers can submit in response to a question regarding proof of employment status for the DTV visa application while applying from Vietnam. Responses from community members included suggestions such as submitting a personal letter confirming self-employment, providing client invoices with redacted details, and sharing a professional portfolio to demonstrate freelance work. Overall, it seems a combination of a portfolio and some form of written documentation regarding freelance status is likely acceptable.
George *********
Chatgpt makes a good one
Gerry ********
I provided client invoices, but redacted most details.
Kimberly ********
I’m from the US and I just wrote up a letter stating, “This letter is to confirm that I, NAME, am self employed as a remote ROLE.

I have been self employed since YEAR and as of April 2024 have been operating under the business name of BUSINESS NAME. This business is a sole proprietorship, and I am the sole owner. You can find proof of this on Page 4 of my submitted document labeled “DOCUMENT SHOWING OWNERSHIP OF BUSINESS”

The nature of my business is to EXPLAIN JOB ROLE

This work is done remotely by means of EXPLAIN HOW YOU WORK REMOTELY.”

And of course made it formal with my address and “Thank you for your time” at the end.

Signed and dated.

I only have a couple of small contracts, the rest of my work is fluctuating freelance work, and I did submit those contracts.

I’m sure between your portfolio and some sort of letter, you should be okay. If not, most embassies ask for more info if they feel the need.

Hope everything goes smoothly!
Anonymous *************
@Kimberly *******
thank you! This is so helpful.
Kimberly ********
Anonymous participant No problem! ☺️