What can I do if I've used all my application attempts for a Thai visa and need to contact the embassy in London?

November 16, 2020
4 years ago
Robert ********
Hi I not that good on a laptop and I have now been stopped from applying because I have used my ten attempts. There is a lady at thai embassy london I can contact. Has anyone her email address

Many thanks robert Davies
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TLDR : Answer Summary
Robert is seeking assistance after being unable to apply for a Thai visa due to exceeding the maximum number of attempts. He inquires about contacting a lady at the Thai embassy in London and requests her email address. Community members respond with guidance including the embassy's email (csinfo@thaiembassyuk.org.uk), advice on waiting for system resets, and a suggestion to clear cookies on his laptop to possibly troubleshoot the issue.
Gorgon *****
It may help to "clean your cookies" on your laptop and try again..

know this sounds complicated to somebody not used to computers..but it's simple , basic stuff..(what you would be doing is erasing the memory of your first attempts...possibly)..whatever browser (chrome, microsoft edge,,etc ) will have a simple settings tool to do just that.
Ruth *******
@Robert *******
-if you tell us what browser you are on, folks might be able to give you more specific directions on how to do what is being described.
Steve *************
@Gorgon ****
great to see people helping others on here, particularly showing an understanding that others may not be that good with a computer. Bravo guys...
Gorgon *****
it is actually "temporary files" you would be deleting ...recent stuff is kept in memory for faster recall, but are for convenience ..unless saved , they have no real significance in your pc or phone operation..
Garrett ***********
If your attempts to file have timed out, you may have to wait 24 hours for the system to reset.
Garrett ***********
Robert, this is the only email I know of for them.
Alan *******
Dunno but here's a link, might help:

Robert ********
@Garrett **********
thank you. There is a lady there called something like Wirilaya she deals with it. I have contacted the embassy just on their email no reply.
Garrett ***********
Sorry mate, hopefully someone else here will know her email.
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