What are the rules for proving income on a Thai OA visa renewal, and what can I do if I can't meet them?

September 29, 2021
3 years ago
Craig *******
What a game this visa renewal is. I have 1yr OA. Immig will only consider Bank Book income & won’t include any income transfers from uk to Thai Hotel Co here, as not shown in Bank Book although paid to Thai big Hotel Group & can be proven, with WISE statement. Additional headache is I am told mandatory min 65k/mth & can not deviate at all, eg cannot average across 1yr, which is crazy as obviously income/spend increases as we get settled. 800k dep is a non starter. Agency will “fix” for £500 hassle free no paperwork except Passport. So my choice is £500 (every year, so 3 yrs it will have eaten £1,500 from my drinks budget!) so not palatable! Or … I find somebody who can persuade Immig to accept my WISE Statement for a fee much lower than £500. Answers on a Postcard pls – as this whole process is now getting, silly.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The post discusses the difficulties with renewing a one-year OA visa in Thailand, specifically around proving income. The author notes that immigration will only accept bank book income of 65,000 baht per month and will not average out income across the year. They mention the high cost of using an agency for assistance and seek advice on accepting alternative documentation for income proof, such as WISE statements, amidst frustrations with existing immigration regulations. The comments provide additional insights into income requirements and various strategies to meet visa renewal conditions.
  • Go to the OA Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the OA Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
Cedrik *********
How much will it cost to find someone who can “persuade” immigration? Assume a few hundred pounds. So really you’re complaining about a few hundred pounds? Sorry to hear that.
Jorge ****
So if the IO does not accept the income docs and the OP does not go to an agent, what would be the last resort?
Jorge ****
@Tod ********
mine is 40k+ because of marriage and kids
Tod *********
@Jorge ***
what's that gotta do with the price of whores at Nana? 😮

The O/P is asking about monthly income method on a retirement extension 😉
Jorge ****
@Tod ********
Thanks for the info. 😊
Ken ******
health insurance is expensive with age, and not cover illness when taking out insurance
Ken ******
seems agent fee is cheap, with agent, do you need annual health insurance which is mandatory for OA visa?
Tod *********
@Jorge ***
, apply for a 60 day covid extension (seeing as the program runs until Nov 26) and try to get his shit together by then to apply for a new yearly extension
Jorge ****
@Tod ********
tnx for comment. I found that certain IO will not entertain 12 mo of 40k+ wire tranfers but insist on the seasoned 400k. So it looks like without the 400k, the only solution is the grease...
Tod *********
@Jorge ***
the O/P needs 65K baht a month because they're on an O-A
Jorge ****
@Tod ********
did the first extension with the 400k and was told by IO the same was required for the 2nd. I asked about the 40k+ for 12 months and the IO said "only 400k". What to do now?
Jorge ****
@Tod ********
Thanks for comment but beyond the OP, what to do if the IO only considers 400k seasoned deposit (not easy to get for some) and no 40k+ foreign transfers. Covid extensions will not solve the local IO attitude. What to do? Tnx.
Tod *********
@Jorge ***
the O/P would need a YEAR incoming transfers on any monthly income method he was using SO I'd say that ship has sailed with them not bringing the money in their account FIRST before transferring it out to what ever it is they were doing.

At this time they either bank all the money and get the extension that way, OR find an agent to "grease the wheel" because they didn't follow the rules for monthly income method of financial proof
Bob **********
Don't forget the health insurance
Tod *********
@Craig ******
mostly for you. You have a very tenuous grasp of how the proof of funds works for the year extension on an O-A visa

You do it three ways;

Banked Money Method

you bank 800K baht in a thai bank account in your name only for 2 months before you get your extension, you leave it in the account for 3 months after the extension is granted and then the balance can't go below 400K baht the rest of the year

Monthly Income Method

You transfer IN from abroad into a thai bank account in YOUR NAME only a minimum of 65K baht a month, each month, every month for the preceding 12 months before you apply for your extension (they will take the lowest incoming monthly transfer and multiply that by 12 for the amount, they WILL NOT add each one separately for the total)

NOTE: if you come from a country whose consulate here in thailand still issues the affidavit of income from abroad notary document (which the US, UK and Australia no longer do) you use that document to show monthly income and it is accepted without question at the immigration office.

Combination Method

You bank xxx baht in a thai bank account in your name for 2 months before you apply for the next extension (you leave that amount in the account for 3 month after the extension is granted and after that the balance cannot go below 50% of what ever portion you banked


You transfer IN from abroad into a thai bank account in Your Name only the difference each month Every month so when the 12 transfers are added to the amount you banked it is at least 800K baht. They will take the lowest monthly transfer (they will not count them individually) and then average that as the amount brought in over 12 months.

EXAMPLE, you bank 200K baht, that means you need to bring in a minimum of 50K baht a month, each month every month for the previous 12 months (which totals 600K and when added to the 200K banked equals 800K)
Tod *********
@Craig ******
you can now see where you're coming off the rails in your endeavor to show proof of funds what ever wacky way you're trying to do it.

I outlined the ways you can do it. There is not a lot of leeway on them at all. You either meet the requirements and get the visa extension granted OR you don't and they don't give it to you. Seems like at this point you're in the "or you don't and you don't get it category"

I tried to make the explanations clear so you can see what way you need to go on it
Craig *******
@Tod ********
Super Clear - thanks for all your effort, appreciated.
Tod *********
@Craig ******
good luck with it, I hope there's a way you can salvage it, BUT if I was a betting man I'd say it's gonna be tough and an agency / agent might be your only option at this point
Tod *********
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but those are the ONLY three ways you can show proof of funds to get a year extension on an O-A visa entry stamp AND you still need to show you have another year of the 40K/400K out/in-patient mandatory health coverage by one of the 18 approved thai carriers too


Hate the message not the messenger 😛
Mark ***********
One may have hoped for some humility after the Covid debacle. Too much to ask for?
Oor ********
@Mark **********
i am pretty sure you meant humanity and not humility.
Mark ***********
@Oor *******
both humanity and humility. But humility is needed, if Thailand ever has a chance of recovery.
Stan *******
JB *********
Go to that charming seaside town and see an agent. Not hard to find...

They'll do a retirement extension at a reasonable fee.

Same happened to myself 3 years back, IO would not accept 40K a month income for marriage extension, 400K in bank only.

Not regretted it, take the wife and have a few days hol every extension time, good luck.
Dan *******
Doug I was at prachinburi immigration yesterday
still a okay same as
for retirement visa
Douglas *******
@JB ********
or I will use an income letter next year again.Canada still gives them out.
Douglas *******
@JB ********
Lazy immigration officials I thought 40,000 was allowed too. I will be trying that next month see what happens. I also have the money in the bank.
Ray *****
Agents usually charge £500 for the first year then about £350 each additional year (
Stan *******
@Ray ****
where do I find these agents?
Ray *****
@Stan ******
This firm has been used by many, they have a big office in Bangkok which I have been to in the past, they can help wherever you live in Thailand.
Shayne **********
Why not transfer to your bank account?

Then transfer for free to a big hotel chain in Thailand. It's gotta take about 1 minute per month extra.
Craig *******
@Shayne *********
Yep. for future - could be a good plan. Wish I had known this 1yr go. many thanks!!
Shayne **********
@Craig ******
TIT - This Is Thailand, living and learning, one day at a time.
Kool *******
The averaging ended almost ten years ago. The only deposit, or money coming in every month, is into a Thai bank account in your name only. There are no exceptions.
Andy ********
@Kool ******
yes and it was changed because it was being exploited.

We should be thankful that the 65k has stayed unchanged for so long.
Ray *********
Foreigners love to complain about the corruption in thailand-- until the time comes that they need to bribe someone at immigration to get a visa they don't qualify for.
John *******
You don’t get to ‘bargain’ about regulations in your own country. Why expect to do so in Thailand?
Kevin ***********
Think of it from their perspective. They are seeing money going to a third party and you are claiming it's yours. And you wonder why they won't accept it?
Oliver *************
Which Immigration
Garrett ***********
"won’t include any income transfers from uk to Thai Hotel Co here"

Bro, what are you talking about?
Nathan ******
Mogens Nygaard 😄🤣😂

Better start saving beer receipts for my retirement visa
Craig *******
@Garrett **********
what are you unclear about
Craig *******
Good Point. I am retired so I have no income. You cannot spend unless you have savings, which was income! With no way to prove income (as dont have) I will prove I have spent eg have income from savings! Not ideal I grant you. Thanks for your question & I understand why you asked it.
Garrett ***********
Alright, I understand what you're saying. The requirements for the retirement visa are there so Thailand knows you'll be able to support yourself if you're here for a year. You can either have 800k baht in a Thai bank account as proof of savings, or have an income of 65k baht, or a combination of the to. It's not ideal, but that's how they do things here.

If you have 800k baht equivalent in your UK account, the only other option would be to fly back to the UK an apply for a 1 year Non-OA, the money doesn't need to be brought into Thailand BUT this visa does require specific Thai health insurance.
Garrett ***********
how is money transferred from the UK to a hotel in Thailand income?
Gordon *********
Stop drinking
Michael ********
@Gordon ********
you actually can save quite a bit.
Ken ********
Stephan ***********
The rules for the extension aren't really new. If you can't legally meet the requirements, the only way is through an agency. Well ... good luck with that ... 😒

P.S .: The £ 500 is actually a good price for this service, some charge twice as much.
Craig *******
Greg ********
@Craig ******
The 500 is for 1st time. Should be half upon renewal.
Brian *******
It's a sellers market and you're a buyer so you have 0 Leverage.
Brian *******
Regret do one has much pull with immigration. Agents are really about the only alternative if the funding rqmts don't meet what immigration wants. It sux I know.
Craig *******
@Brian ******
good point!
Will ************
That always has been the rule 65k every month minimum , no averaging.
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