What options do I have for extending my O-A visa in Thailand given the current immigration requirements?

July 8, 2020
4 years ago
Robert ********
O-A Extensión issue. Any advise please?

My last entry stamp expires on 7-8-20 so in readiness to extend I just went to visit Mukdahan immigration to finalise their exact requirements and evidence.

I have health insurance so no problem there.

The problem is their idea of the money requirements. I understood that I had two options a) 65,000 a month for the previous year or b) 800,000 for two months prior then three months post renewal.

My choice was option a) and I have transferred 70,000 every month via TW from the U.K. to my Bangkok Bank for one year.

They are not interested. They just kept on about embassy letters and proof from the U.K. government of my income.

I explained I am not old enough for a pension and I do not work. This is my own money.

They will only accept the 800,000 method but I only have one month of my stamp remaining so I can’t do that.

The IO suggested a border bounce but I believe nobody is allowed back in. The IO didn’t seem to care.

What are my options please?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user is seeking advice on extending their O-A visa at Mukdahan immigration, facing issues with financial documentation. They have health insurance but immigration is insisting on proof of earned income rather than just transferred savings. The user had planned to meet the income requirement through transferring funds monthly, but immigration wants documentation from the UK government or pension letters. Suggestions from the community include exploring bank letters, a potential border bounce, or changing to a different visa type. Ultimately, the user may need to let their current O-A visa expire and follow the visa amnesty guidelines.
Robert ********
Ok , so to finish off my visa debacle here is the final summary.

1. A bank letter was not enough even though it showed 12 months international transfer of 70k. The IO wants to see the source of the money as income in the U.K.

2. Tax returns are no good. It must be an income or a pension in the U.K. nothing would change their minds.

3. I have to transfer 800k now. I must let my O-A visa expire then rely on the visa amnesty to season the money. Then go back for a plain O visa.

4. The IO assured me this will work 😂😂😂
Jayku *******
For your situation, there are solution below

1. Re start again by leave Thailand and apply new oa visa.

2. Continue showing 800k for the latest 3 month. By keep 800k for another 2 month and pay overstay 500/day from the date that visa already expired until aniversary of 800k for latest 3 month period. Then, go to extend oa visa and pay penalty. Please remind to not overstays for 90 day, you will prohibited to enter Thailand in case over 90 days.
Anthony ********
Do you have proof of where the money originated from? I'm no expert about this. But I do know they are very touchy about money and where it's come from. So maybe a letter from your UK bank explaining it's legit?
Robert ********
Mogens Nygaard I receive nothing as I live on savings. Which I am told by Mukdahan immigration is not good enough.
Anthony ********
@Robert *******
have you asked her what does want?
Robert ********
@Anthony *******
yes. Leave Thailand and start again. 😂
Anthony ********
@Robert *******
sounds like you've come across a particular unhelpful io. Or someone stuck up her own arse! Don't know what's happened did you get off on the wrong foot with this IO? Maybe you'll have to ask to see her superior?
Robert ********
@Anthony *******
that’s the plan. Some people are just born that way.
Anthony ********
@Robert *******
can't win over all Thai officers. Sometimes you just got to go above them! Good luck!
Robert ********
@Anthony *******
all transfers are marked as foreign so no issue. The IO doesn’t care. She wants a letter from somebody else like pension or employer. I am too young for a pension and no longer work. This is my own money.
Garrett ***********
My suggestion then, make your own company. Write yourself a letter stating you're company pays you $2,500 Euros a month as part of a Non-competition agreement. Done.
Geoff ********
Question ? You say you have O-A visa and health insurance. Is your health insurance as per the current requirement for one year extension ? You have the required letter from your insurance company ?
Robert ********
@Geoff *******
yes that is all Ok thanks. The issue is if I go into immigration with my bank letter proving my monthly income they say it is not good enough. My money is no good. They want to see proof it is from work or a pension.
Garrett ***********
That shouldn't matter.
Michael ********
here is a brit just got his approved and lists everything required
/ here is a brit just got his approved and lists everything required
Robert ********
@Michael *******
thanks but my issue is the IO not my paperwork. I can only try again with a bank letter.
William ********
There is a visa amnesty that will probably have to be extended. Other option. Swap to a type O visa when amnesty is over.
Steve *******
@William *******
It's the same financial requirements for a yearly extention with a non imm O visa.
William ********
@Steve ******
I thought it was 400.000 thb ?
Steve *******
@William *******
400,000 is for marriage extention
Greg ********
The Embassy stopped issuing proof on income quite a while back now too. No longer available.
Zabel ******************
After you have been using TransferWise you have no proof of overseas founds been transferred bin to Thailand.
Zabel ******************
Well noted FET form
Robert ********
@Zabel *****************
all my transactions are marked FTT so that’s not the issue.
Greg ********
@Zabel *****************
With Bangkok Bank you do have proof. That is where it comes into Thailand and shows up as international transfer. It does not though at other banks
Zabel ******************
@Greg *******
This is a well-known problem- see below from a post I placed at a Thai Visa advice group on FB. GL to all.

Re: Evidence of foreign $$ transfer- Transferwise. This is not a question- just some information that might be helpful to others as I went through a ton of trouble and many sent me questions when I recently posted on this. As many of you know, Transferwise has at least 3 banking partners in Thailand- TMB, Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn. ANY time you transfer money into Thailand, they may FIRST transfer to any one of those 3 banks, then do an inter-bank SMART transfer to your bank. This causes a huge problem- Non-O visas require "Evidence of foreign currency funds transferred to Thailand." Normally that is in the form of a bank letter confirming funds came from an foreign account. Because in my case Transferwise first transferred to TMB, then to my Bangkok Bank branch, Bangkok Bank WOULD NOT issue immigration a proof of overseas transfer letter. Some potential ways to deal with this... First, contact Transferwise and ask them to tag your account so that transfers are settled ONLY with your bank (no intermediaries). They will tag your account but DO NOT guarantee it! You are taking your chances! With my bank- after a lot of groveling and hours- they ended up issuing me the standard letter but stipulated on the letter that it was an inter-bank SMART transfer. I figured (correctly) that immigration would not pay attention to the details. My Non-O went through without a hitch. One theoretical consideration- the language for the foreign transfer requirement used the word "Evidence" it does not specifically stipulate the need for the standard bank letter. Theoretically, if you have evidence (statement screenshot) of $$ coming out of your foreign bank account from Transferwise, then printed a detailed transaction report from Transferwise (.pdf detailed transaction are available for download from Transferwise web site) and had a copy of the $$ landing in your Thai bank account, these things should constitute "evidence" of a foreign $$ transfer. I kept these documents on the ready in case I needed them, but in the end, did NOT use them- immigration was happy with the bank letter. Really, since Transferwise ONLY does international bank transfers, the Transferwise transaction detail SHOULD be sufficient "evidence" on its own but don't count on it. I have not tested if other forms of "evidence" would work. The net of it- you are taking a chance using Transferwise no matter what you do, but I am reasonably confident that you can deal with contingencies, but can provide NO GUARANTEES. Hope this information is helpful- it was hard-earned
Greg ********
@Zabel *****************
I have know people us TW previously. I have seen the question raised as well and answered. Anyway I give no flying fucks. I am alright jack
Zabel ******************
@Greg *******
I'm all good as well but it doesn't change the issue

As the OP is standing with
Bim *******
They stated last year now the income letters are no longer an option you need a full 1 year bank statement
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