Do I need to do anything before leaving Thailand on an education visa?

September 18, 2024
5 days ago
Josh **********
Hi, I have a education visa. Do I need to do anything before I leave?
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TLDR : Answer Summary
If you are planning to leave Thailand while on an education visa, it's important to know the necessary steps to ensure a smooth return. You should obtain a re-entry stamp from any immigration office or international airport in Thailand, which will cost 1,000 THB. This stamp will allow you to re-enter the country under the same education visa. Alternatively, if you leave by air and do not plan to return while your visa is still active, it may automatically cancel, meaning no action is needed before your departure.
Han *****
If you leave by air, you don't need to do anything. If you don't plan to return while your ED Visa is still active, it will automatically be cancelled. I went to another country by air and return after 2 days, and didnt have any issue
Himanshu *****************
Before leaving obtain re-entry stamp from any immigration or any international airport in Thailand, it costs 1000thb will help you to re enter Thailand on same education visa.
Josh **********
@Himanshu ****************
thanks for the information. I’m leaving and planning on not coming back for a little while. Do I need to cancel my visa?
Himanshu *****************
@Josh *********
Leaving without re-entry permit/stamp will automatically cancel your current visa status.
Milan ********
@Josh *********
if you have extension then yes, must cancel it first
Himanshu *****************
@Milan *******
Hello, could you please clarify the grounds for cancellation if have extension?
Graham ******
@Himanshu ****************
Get a letter from your school with the date of your last day of study and take it to Immigration and they will cancel your Extension of Stay and give you a new stamp up to the date in the letter.
Josh **********
@Graham *****
thank you
Milan ********
@Himanshu ****************
you need documents from school with date when you finished with class and visit immigration for cancel extension
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